Thesis - PhD (392)

Thesis - PhD
Ross, O.: Simulation of atmospheric krypton-85 transport to assess the detectability of clandestine nuclear reprocessing. Dissertation, Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Sicardi, V.: Using atmospheric potential oxygen to gain insight into climate drivers of ocean biogeochemistry. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Teichmann, C.: Climate and air pollution modelling in South America with focus on megacities. Dissertation, 168 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Voigt, A.: Snowball Earth – Initiation and Hadley Cell Dynamics. Dissertation, 128 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Wohlfahrt, J.: Validation of climate system models with mid-Holocene palaeobotanic data for the Northern Extratropics. Dissertation, 159 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2010)
Thesis - PhD
Osmani, D.: Stability and burden sharing emissions in international environmental agreements: a game-theoretic approach. Dissertation, 175 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Andersson, A.: The HOAPS climatology: Evaluations and applications. Dissertation, 177 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Andersson, A.: The HOAPS Climatology - Evaluation and Applications. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Anthoff, D.: Equity and climate change: Applications of FUND. Dissertation, 169 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Bhend, J.: Detection of an anthropogenic influence on the observed changes in near-surface temperature and precipitation in Northern Europe. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Blechschmidt, A.-M.: Studying polar lows over the Nordic Seas with satellite data. Dissertation, 59 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Goettel, H.: Einfluss der nichthydrostatischen Modellierung und der Niederschlagsverdriftung auf die Ergebnisse regionaler Klimamodellierung. Dissertation, 125 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Gupta, S.: A modeling analysis of changing global land use as affected by changing demands for wood products. Dissertation, Universität Kassel, Kassel (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Heinemann, M.: Warm and sensitive Paleocene-Eocene climate. Dissertation, 113 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Lessmann, K.: Endogenous technological change in strategies for mitigating climate change. Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Pongratz, J.: A model estimate on the effect of anthropogenic land cover change on the climate of the last millennium. Dissertation, 136 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Rechid, D.: On biogeophysical interactions between vegetation phenology and climate simulated over Europe. Dissertation, 130 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Santos, G. S.: The Effect of Halogens on global tropospheric Ozone. Dissertation, 143 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Schleupner, C.: GIS as integrating tool in sustainability and global change. Dissertation, 184, XLVII pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Seiffert, R.: Impact of small-scale fluctuations on climate sensitivity and its stochastic analysis. Dissertation, 95 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2009)
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