Book Chapter (106)

Book Chapter
Georgi, B.; Schultz, J.; Schliep, A.: Context-Specific Independence Mixture Modelling for Protein Families. In: Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007, pp. 79 - 90 (Eds. Kok, J.N.; Koronacki, J.; Lopez de Mantaras, R.; Matwin, S.; Mladenic, D. et al.). Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2007)
Book Chapter
Adjaye, J.: Generation of amplified RNAs and cDNA libraries from single mammalian cells. In: Single cell diagnostics: methods and protocols, pp. 117 - 124 (Ed. Thornhill, A.). Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey (2007)
Book Chapter
Klau, G. W.; Rahmann, S.; Schliep, A.; Vingron, M.; Reinert, K.: Integer linear programming approaches for non-unique probe selection. In: Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining II - DM & DM II, pp. 840 - 856 (Eds. Anthony, M.H.G.; Boros, E.; Hammer, P.L.; Kogan, A.). Elsevier, Amsterdam et al (2007)
Book Chapter
Georgi, B.; Spence, M. A.; Flodman, P.; Schliep, A.: Mixture model based group inference in fused genotype and phenotype data. In: Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pp. 1 - 8 (Eds. Bock; .H., H.; Gaul; W.; Vichi et al.). Springer, Heidelberg [et al] (2007)
Book Chapter
Janitz, M.: Assigning functions to genes - the main challenge of the post-genomics era. In: Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, pp. 115 - 129 (Eds. Fleischmann; B.K.; Hebert; S.C.; Gudermann et al.). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg [et al] (2007)
Book Chapter
Konthur, Z.: Automation of selection and engineering. In: Handbook of therapeutic antibodies, pp. 413 - 431 (Ed. Dübel, S.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2007)
Book Chapter
Nordhoff, E.; Lehrach, H.: Identification and characterization of DNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry. In: Analytics of protein-DNA interactions, pp. 111 - 195 (Ed. Seitz, H.). Springer, Berlin [et al] (2007)
Book Chapter
Opitz, L.; Schliep, A.; Posch, A.: Analysis of fused in-situ hybridization and gene expression data. In: Advances in Data Analysis, pp. 577 - 584. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2007)
Book Chapter
Schliep, A.; Krause, R.: Efficient Computational Design of Tiling Arrays Using a Shortest Path Approach. In: Algorithms in Bioinformatics, pp. 383 - 394 (Ed. Raffaele Giancarlo, S. H.). Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg (2007)
Book Chapter
Hammer, S.; Sperling, S.: Microarrays for the transcriptional regulation process. In: Biochips nanotechnology, p. 00 - 00 (Eds. He, N.; Nalwa, H. S.). American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles (2006)
Book Chapter
Behzadi, B.; Vingron, M.: Reconstructing Domain Compositions of Ancestral Multi-Domain Proteins. In: Comparative Genomics, pp. 1 - 10. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Schulz, W. A.; Steinhoff, C.; Florl, A. R.: Methylation of Endogenous Human Retroelements in Health and Disease. In: Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, pp. 211 - 250. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Schuster, S.; Klipp, E.; Mahrl, M.: The predictive power of molecular network modelling - case studies of predictions with subsequent experimental verification. In: Discovering Biomolecular Mechanisms with Computational Biology, pp. 115 - 127 (Ed. Eisenhaber, F.). Springer-Verlag; Landes Bioscience, New York; Georgetown (2006)
Book Chapter
Sperling, S.: Array analysis applied to malformed hearts: Molecular Dissection of Tetralogy of Fallot. In: Congenital heart disease; molecular diagnostics, pp. 233 - 246 (Ed. Kearns-Jonker, M.). Humana Press Inc., Totowa, New Jersey (2006)
Book Chapter
Janitz, M.; Vanhecke, D.; Lehrach, H.: High-throughput RNA interference in functional genomics. In: RNA Towards Medicine, pp. 97 - 104 (Eds. Erdmann, V.; Brosius, J.; Barciszewski, J.). Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Behzadi, B.; Vingron, M.: An Improved Algorithm for the Macro-evolutionary Phylogeny Problem. In: Combinatorial Pattern Matching, pp. 177 - 187. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Hausmann, M.; Perner, B.; Rapp, A.; Wollweber, L.; Scherthan, H.; Greulich, K.-O.: Near-Field scanning optical microscopy in cell biology and cytogenetics. In: Cell Imaging Techniques: methods and protocols, pp. 275 - 294 (Eds. Taatjes, D. J.; Mossman, B. T.). Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey (2006)
Book Chapter
Klipp, E.; Schaber, J.: Modelling of signal transduction in yeast – sensitivity and model analysis. In: Understanding and exploiting systemy biology in bioprocesses and biomedicine, pp. 15 - 30 (Eds. Cánovas, M.; Iborra, J. L.; Manjón, A.). Fundación Cajamurcia, Murcia (2006)
Book Chapter
Konthur, Z.; Glökler, J.; Skriner, K.: Protein interaction analysis: phage display. In: Encyclopedic reference of genomics and proteomics in molecular medicine, pp. 1509 - 1514 (Eds. Ganten, D.; Ruckpaul, K.). Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg; New York (2006)
Book Chapter
Manjasetty, B.; Turnbull, A.; Büssow, K.; Chance, M.: Recent advances in protein structure analysis. In: Recent Research Developments in Biochemistry, pp. 47 - 71 (Ed. Pandalai, S. G.). Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum (2006)
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