Book Chapter (948)

Book Chapter
Huber, F.: Aus der Welt der Grillen: Verhalten und Nervenzellen. In: Brückenschlag vom Verhalten zur Nervenzelle, pp. 7 - 31 (Eds. Huber, F.; Lindauer, M.; Penzlin, H.). G. Fischer, Stuttgart (1991)
Book Chapter
Mittelstaedt, H.: Interactions of form and orientation. In: Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments, pp. 377 - 389 (Ed. Ellis, S. R.). Taylor & Francis, London, New York, Philadelphia (1991)
Book Chapter
Nowak, E.; Berthold, P.: Satellite-tracking: A new method in orientation research. In: Orientation in birds, pp. 307 - 321 (Ed. Berthold, P.). Birkhäuser, Basel (1991)
Book Chapter
Schleidt, M.: Humanethologische Aspekte der Trauer. In: Trauerontologische Konfrontation, pp. 11 - 18 (Eds. Ochsmann, R.; Howe, J.). Enke, Stuttgart (1991)
Book Chapter
Schleidt, M.: An ethological perspective on infant development. In: Infant development: Perspectives from German-speaking countries, pp. 15 - 34 (Eds. Lamb, M. E.; Keller, H.). LEA, Hillsdale (1991)
Book Chapter
Schlenker, R.: Jacob Mouat (1861-1933) - Sammler und Bewahrer ornithologischer Buchschätze. In: Jahrbuch für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz 'Ornithologenkalender 1992', pp. 141 - 147 (Ed. Bezzel, E.). Aula, Wiesbaden (1991)
Book Chapter
Terrill, S. B.: Evolutionary aspects of orientation and migration in birds. In: Orientation in birds, pp. 180 - 201 (Ed. Berthold, P.). Birkhäuser, Basel (1991)
Book Chapter
Wallraff, H. G.: Conceptual approaches to avian navigation systems. In: Orientation in birds, pp. 128 - 165 (Ed. Berthold, P.). Birkhäuser, Basel (1991)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Jane L. Goodall: Die Feldstudien an Schimpansen - Verhaltensbeobachtungen von Tieren in freier Wildbahn. In: Handbuch Qualitative Sozialforschung. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen, pp. 142 - 146 (Eds. Flick, U.; von Kardorff, E.; Keupp, H.; von Rosenstiel, L.; Wolff, S.). Psychologie Verlags Union, München (1991)
Book Chapter
Aschoff, J.: Circadian temporal orientation. In: Behaviour analysis in theory and practice: Contributions and controversies, pp. 3 - 31 (Eds. Blackman, D. E.; Lejeune, H.). Erlbaum, Hove (1990)
Book Chapter
Berthold, P.: Evolutionsbiologische Aspekte des heutigen Vogelzuges. In: Evolutionsprozesse im Tierreich, pp. 143 - 158 (Ed. Streit, B.). Birkhäuser, Basel (1990)
Book Chapter
Berthold, P.: Genetics of migration. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 269 - 280 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Biebach, H.: Strategies of trans-Sahara migrants. In: Bird migration. Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 352 - 367 (Eds. Gwinner, E.; Farner, D. S.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Endocrine correlates of seasonal reproduction and territorial behavior in some tropical passerines. In: Endocrinology of birds: Molecular to behavioral, pp. 225 - 233 (Eds. Wada, M.; Ishii, S.; Scanes, C. G.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Fricke, H.: Coelacanths - Exploring the future of an ancient fish by submersible. In: Spirit of enterprise. The 1990 Rolex Awards (Ed. Reed, D. W.) (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Circannual rhythms in bird migration: Control of temporal patterns and interactions with photoperiod. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 257 - 268 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Endogenous-exogenous interactions in circannual rhythms. In: Progress in comparative endocrinology, Vol. 32, pp. 632 - 638 (Eds. Epple, A.; Scanes, C. G.; Stetson, M. H.). Wiley-Liss. Inc., New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Introduction. In: Bird migration. Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 1 - 4 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Huber, F.: Cricket neuroethology: A comparative approach to the nervous system. In: From neuron to action. An appraisal of fundamental and clinical research, pp. 375 - 384 (Eds. Deecke, L.; Eccles, J. C.; Mountcastle, V. B.). Springer, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Huber, F.: Akustische Verständigung im Tierreich. In: Sprache, Vorträge des Studium Generale der Universität Heidelberg, pp. 45 - 62 (Ed. Universität Heidelberg). Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg (1990)
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