Book Chapter (948)

Book Chapter
Kaissling, K.-E.: Antennae and noses - Their sensitivities as molecule detectors. In: Sensory transduction, Vol. 194, pp. 81 - 97 (Eds. Borsellino, A.; Cervetto, L.; Torre, V.). Plenum Press, New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Kits, K. S.; Brussaard, A. B.; Lodder, J. C.; Ter Maat, A.; Devlieger, T. A.: Electrophysiological analysis of the regulation of endocrine and neuroendocrine cells by hormones and transmitters. In: Progress in comparative endocrinology, Vol. 342, pp. 146 - 156 (Eds. Epple, A.; Scanes, C. G.; Stetson, M. H.). Wiley-Liss, New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Leisler, B.: Selection and use of habitat of wintering migrants. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 156 - 174 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Mittelstaedt, H.: Basic solutions to the problem of head-centric visual localization. In: Perception and control of self-motion, pp. 267 - 287 (Eds. Warren, R.; Wertheim, A. H.). Erlbaum, Hillsdale, N. J. (1990)
Book Chapter
Mittelstaedt, H.: The role of saccule-type receptors in gravity orientation. In: Disorders of posture and gait, pp. 148 - 152 (Eds. Brandt, T.; Paulus, W.; Bles, W.; Dieterich, M.; Krafczyk, S. et al.). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart (1990)
Book Chapter
Schlenker, R.: Johann Matthäus Bechstein (1757-1822) - sein Leben und sein Werk. In: Jahrbuch für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz 'Ornithologenkalender 1991', pp. 148 - 154 (Ed. Bezzel, E.). Aula, Wiesbaden (1990)
Book Chapter
Schwabl, H.; Silverin, B.: Control of partial migration and autumnal behavior. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 144 - 155 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Von der Ethologie zur Soziobiologie. In: Die zweite Schöpfung, pp. 173 - 186 (Eds. Herbig, J.; Hohlfeld, R.). Carl Hanser Verlag, München (1990)
Book Chapter
Wingfield, J. C.; Schwabl, H.; Mattocks Jr., P. W.: Endocrine mechanisms of migration. In: Bird migration: Physiology and ecophysiology, pp. 232 - 256 (Ed. Gwinner, E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1990)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.: Melatonin in the circadian system of birds: Model of internal resonance. In: Circadian clocks and ecology, pp. 127 - 153 (Eds. Hiroshige, T.; Honma, K.). Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (1989)
Book Chapter
Huber, F.: Perspectives for future research. In: Cricket behavior and neurobiology, pp. 459 - 476 (Eds. Huber, F.; Moore, T. E.; Loher, W.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca (N. Y.), London (1989)
Book Chapter
Kutsch, W.; Huber, F.: Neural basis of song production. In: Cricket behavior and neurobiology, pp. 262 - 309 (Eds. Huber, F.; Moore, T. E.; Loher, W.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca (N. Y.), London (1989)
Book Chapter
Mittelstaedt, H.: Interactions of form and orientation. In: Spatial displays and spatial instruments. NASA Conference Publication 10032, pp. 42,1 - 42,14 (Eds. Ellis, S. R.; Kaiser, M. K.). NASA Moffett Field, Calif. (1989)
Book Chapter
Mittelstaedt, H.; Eggert, T.: How to transform topographically ordered spatial information into motor commands. In: Visuomotor coordination: Amphibians, comparisons, models, and robots, pp. 569 - 585 (Eds. Arbib, M. A.; Ewert, J.-P.). Plenum Press, New York (1989)
Book Chapter
Schildberger, K.; Huber, F.; Wohlers, D. W.: Central auditory pathway: Neuronal correlates and phonotactic behavior. In: Cricket behavior and neurobiology, pp. 423 - 458 (Eds. Huber, F.; Moore, T. E.; Loher, W.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca (N. Y.), London (1989)
Book Chapter
Schleidt, M.: Die humanethologische Perspektive: Die menschliche Frühentwicklung aus ethologischer Sicht. In: Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung, pp. 15 - 29 (Ed. Keller, H.). Springer, Berlin (1989)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Interdisziplinares Gespräch zum Generalthema "Geschichte und Gesetz". In: Europäisches Forum Alpbach, pp. 204 - 209 (Ed. Molden, O.). Österreichisches College 1989 (1989)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Die Natur: "Vorbild" für unser Verhalten? In: Was lehrt uns die Natur?, pp. 377 - 399 (Eds. Schubert, V.; Bremer, D.). EOS Verlag, Erzabtei St. Ottilien (1989)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Ist Aggression ein spontan anwachsendes Bedürfnis? In: Lust am Forschen. Ein Lesebuch zu den Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 1050, pp. 394 - 401 (Ed. Stadler, K.). Piper Verlag, München, Zürich (1989)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: InterdisziplinäresGespräch zum Generalthema. In: Geschichte und Gesetz. Europäisches Forum Alpbach, pp. 204 - 209 (Ed. Molden, O.). College, Wien (1989)
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