Scientific Publications

Journal Article (204)

Journal Article
Hirsch, M.; Amadeo, P.; Anton, M.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brakel, R.; Bleuel, J.; Fiedler, S.; Geist, T.; Grigull, P.; Hartfuß, H. J. et al.: Operational range and transport barrier of the H-mode in the stellarator W7-AS. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 40 (5), pp. 631 - 634 (1998)
Journal Article
Annen, A.; Saß, M.; Beckmann, R.; von Keudell, A.; Jacob, W.: Structure of Plasma-Deposited Amorphous Hydrogenated Boron-Carbon Thin Films. Thin Solid Films 312, pp. 147 - 155 (1998)
Journal Article
Anton, M.; Klinger, T.; Haese, M.; Zoletnik, S.; Geiger, J.; Goerner, C.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Jaenicke, R.; Weller, A.; W7-AS-Team: Recent Observations of MHD Instabilities on W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 1, pp. 259 - 262 (1998)
Journal Article
Anton, M.; Klinger, T.; Häse, M.; Zoletnik, S.; Geiger, J.; Görner, C.; Hartfuß, H.-J.; Jaenicke, R.; Weller, A.; W7-AS Team: Recent Observations of MHD Instabilities on W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 1, pp. 259 - 262 (1998)
Journal Article
Arndt, S.; Dappen, W.; Nayfonov, A.: On density-dependent and temperature-dependent ground-state and continuum effects in the equation of state for stellar interiors. The Astrophysical Journal 498 (1), pp. 349 - 359 (1998)
Journal Article
Asmussen, K.; Fournier, K. B.; Laming, J. M.; Neu, R.; Seely, J. F.; Dux, R.; Engelhardt, W.; Fuchs, J. C.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Spectroscopic Investigations of Tungsten in the EUV Region and the Determination of its Concentration in Tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 38, pp. 967 - 986 (1998)
Journal Article
Asmussen, K.; Fournier, K. B.; Laming, J. M.; Neu, R.; Seely, J. F.; Dux, R.; Engelhardt, W.; Fuchs, J. C.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Spectroscopic investigations of tungsten in the EUV region and the determination of its concentration in tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 38 (7), pp. 967 - 986 (1998)
Journal Article
Bachmann, P.; Sünder, D.: Multi-Fluid Description of Reaction-Diffusion Processes. Contributions to Plasma Physics 38, pp. 290 - 295 (1998)
Journal Article
Bachmann, P.; Sünder, D.; Wobig, H.: On Bifurcations of Temperature Profiles. Contributions to Plasma Physics 38, pp. 379 - 384 (1998)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Roth, J.; Wu, C. H.: Thermal Stability and Chemical Erosion of the Silicon Doped CFC Material NS31. Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263, pp. 740 - 744 (1998)
Journal Article
Baldzuhn, J.; Kick, M.; Maassberg, H.; W7-AS Team: Measurement and calculation of the radial electric field in the stellarator W7-AS. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 40 (6), pp. 967 - 986 (1998)
Journal Article
Baldzuhn, J.; Kick, M.; Maaßberg, H.; Ohlendorf, W.; W7-AS Team: Overview on the Radial Electric Field, Plasma Rotation and Transport in the Stellarator W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 1, pp. 226 - 229 (1998)
Journal Article
Baldzuhn, J.; Kick, M.; Maassberg, H.; Ohlendorf, W.; W7-AS-Team: Overview on the Radial Electric Field, Plasma Rotation and Transport in the Stellarator W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 1, pp. 226 - 229 (1998)
Journal Article
Barnes, C. W.; Bosch, H.-S.; Hendel, H. W.; Huibers, A. G. A.; Jassby, D. L.; Motley, R. W.; Nieschmidt, E. B.; Saito, T.; Strachan, J.; Bitter, M. et al.: Triton Burnup Measurements and Calculations on TFTR. Nuclear Fusion 38, pp. 597 - 618 (1998)
Journal Article
Becker, G.: Transport simulations of ITER with empirical heat diffusivity scaling. Nuclear Fusion 38 (2), pp. 293 - 312 (1998)
Journal Article
Behrisch, R.; Grigull, S.; Kreissig, U.; Grötzschel, R.: Influence of surface roughness on measuring depth profiles and the total amount of implanted ions by RBS and ERDA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 136-138, pp. 628 - 632 (1998)
Journal Article
Behrisch, R.; Khripunov, V.; Santoro, R. T.; Yesil, J. M.: Transmutation of plasma facing materials by the neutron flux in a DT fusion reactor. Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263, pp. 686 - 693 (1998)
Journal Article
Beidler, C. D.; Grieger, G.; Harmeyer, E.; Hernegger, F.; Kißlinger, J.; Strumberger, E.; Wobig, H.; Zolotukhin, A. V.; Karulin, N.: Physics and Engineering Studies of a Helias Reactor. Journal of Plasmas and Fusion Research SERIES 1, pp. 176 - 179 (1998)
Journal Article
Beidler, C. D.; Grieger, G.; Harmeyer, E.; Herrnegger, F.; Kisslinger, J.; Strumberger, E.; Wobig, H.; Zolotukhin, A. V.; Karulin, N.: Physics and Engineering Studies of a Helias Reactor. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 1, pp. 176 - 179 (1998)
Journal Article
Bergmann, A.: Parallelized PIC Code for Kinetic Modelling of a "Classical" Scrape-off Layer. Contributions to Plasma Physics 38, pp. 231 - 235 (1998)