Scientific Publications
Journal Article (584)
Journal Article
12, C08015 (2017)
Collective Thomson scattering data analysis for Wendelstein 7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 2.
Journal Article
: Electron temperature and heat load measurements in the COMPASS divertor using the new system of probes. Nuclear Fusion 57, 116017 (2017)
Journal Article
: X-mode raw data analysis of the new AUG ICRF antenna edge density profile reflectometer. Fusion Engineering and Design 123, pp. 816 - 819 (2017)
Journal Article
: Assessment of SOLPS5.0 divertor solutions with drifts and currents against L-mode experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59, 035003 (2017)
Journal Article
24, 092106 (2017)
Quantitative study of kinetic ballooning mode theory in simple geometry. Physics of Plasmas 6.
Journal Article
57, 046009 (2017)
Generation of runaway electrons during the thermal quench in tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
149, 03007 (2017)
3D Full-wave modelling and mode conversion in realistic W7-X plasmas. EPJ Web of Conferences 8.
Journal Article
T170, 014074 (2017)
Experimental results of near real-time protection system for plasma facing components in Wendelstein 7-X at GLADIS. Physica Scripta 9.
Journal Article
13, pp. 81 - 89 (2017)
Surface modification and sputtering erosion of iron and copper exposed to low-energy, high-flux deuterium plasmas seeded with metal species. Nuclear Materials and Energy 10.
Journal Article
: Observation of Oscillatory Radial Electric Field Relaxation in a Helical Plasma. Physical Review Letters 118, 185002 (2017)
Journal Article
123, pp. 129 - 132 (2017)
Influence of deviations in the coil geometry on Wendelstein 7-X plasma equilibrium properties. Fusion Engineering and Design 12.
Journal Article
57, 022009 (2017)
Gyrokinetic study of turbulent convection of heavy impurities in tokamak plasmas at comparable ion and electron heat fluxes. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
57, 116053 (2017)
Density gradient driven microinstabilities and turbulence in ASDEX Upgrade pellet fuelled plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 14.
Journal Article
57, 056015 (2017)
A comparison of the impact of central ECRH and central ICRH on the tungsten behaviour in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 15.
Journal Article
124, pp. 40 - 44 (2017)
The DC-link of the inverter system BUSSARD for ASDEX Upgrade invessel saddle coils. Fusion Engineering and Design 16.
Journal Article
57, 116024 (2017)
Kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion and its deterioration at high input power. Nuclear Fusion 17.
Journal Article
: Status of the development of diagnostic pressure gauges for the operation in ITER. Fusion Engineering and Design 123, pp. 1049 - 1053 (2017)
Journal Article
122, pp. 89 - 101 (2017)
LEOPARD: A grid-based dispersion relation solver for arbitrary gyrotropic distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 19.
Journal Article
13, pp. 74 - 80 (2017)
Microstructural stability of spark-plasma-sintered Wf/W composite with zirconia interface coating under high-heat-flux hydrogen beam irradiation. Nuclear Materials and Energy 20.
Journal Article
1869 (1), 030037 (2017)
Beam characterization at BATMAN for variation of the Cs evaporation asymmetry and comparing two driver geometries. AIP Conference Proceedings