Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Hypotheses concerning basic locative constructions and the verbal elements within them. In: Manual for the 1999 Field Season, pp. 55 - 56 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1999)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Deixis. In: Concise encyclopedia of grammatical categories, pp. 132 - 136 (Eds. Brown, K.; Miller, J.). Elsevier, Oxford (1999)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Language and culture. In: MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences, pp. 438 - 440 (Eds. Wilson, R.; Keil, F.). MIT press, Cambridge (1999)
Book Chapter
Schiller, N. O.; Van Lieshout, P. H. H. M.; Meyer, A. S.; Levelt, W. J. M.: Does the syllable affiliation of intervocalic consonants have an articulatory basis? Evidence from electromagnetic midsagittal artculography. In: Pathologies of speech and language. Advances in clinical phonetics and linguistics, pp. 342 - 350 (Eds. Maassen, B.; Groenen , P.). Whurr Publishers, London (1999)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski. In: Handbook of pragmatics: 1997 installment, 3 (Eds. Verschueren, J.; Östman, J.-O.; Blommaert, J.; Bulcaen, C.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1999)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.: The 1999 demonstrative questionnaire: “This” and “that” in comparative perspective. In: Manual for the 1999 Field Season, pp. 1 - 24 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1999)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.: Eliciting contrastive use of demonstratives for objects within close personal space (all objects well within arm’s reach). In: Manual for the 1999 Field Season, pp. 25 - 28 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1999)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.: A questionnaire on motion lexicalisation and motion description. In: Manual for the 1999 Field Season, pp. 96 - 115 (Ed. Wilkins, D.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1999)
Book Chapter
Wittek , A.: Zustandsveränderungsverben im Deutschen - wie lernt das Kind die komplexe Semantik? In: Das Lexikon im Spracherwerb, pp. 278 - 296 (Eds. Meibauer , J.; Rothweiler , M.). Francke, Tübingen (1999)
Book Chapter
Zavala, R. M.: External possessor in Oluta Popoluca (Mixean): Applicatives and incorporation of relational terms. In: External possession, pp. 339 - 372 (Eds. Payne, D. L.; Barshi, I.). Benjamins, Amsterdam (1999)
Book Chapter
Crago, M. B.; Allen, S. E. M.: Acquiring Inuktitut. In: Language Acquisition Across North America: Cross-Cultural And Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, pp. 245 - 279 (Eds. Taylor, O. L.; Leonard, L.). Singular Publishing Group, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA (1998)
Book Chapter
Bohnemeyer, J.: Temporale Relatoren im Hispano-Yukatekischen Sprachkontakt. In: Convergencia e Individualidad - Las lenguas Mayas entre hispanización e indigenismo, pp. 195 - 241 (Eds. Koechert, A.; Stolz, T.). Verlag für Ethnologie, Hannover, Germany (1998)
Book Chapter
Brown, P.: How and why are women more polite: Some evidence from a Mayan community. In: Language and gender, pp. 81 - 99 (Ed. Coates, J.). Blackwell, Oxford (1998)
Book Chapter
Brown, P.: Early Tzeltal verbs: Argument structure and argument representation. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Stanford Child Language Research Forum, pp. 129 - 140 (Ed. Clark, E.V.). CSLI Publications, Stanford (1998)
Book Chapter
Brown, P.; Levinson, S. C.: Politeness, introduction to the reissue: A review of recent work. In: Pragmatics: Vol. 6 Grammar, psychology and sociology, pp. 488 - 554 (Ed. Kasher, A.). Routledge, London (1998)
Book Chapter
Cutler, A.: Prosodic structure and word recognition. In: Language comprehension: A biological perspective, pp. 41 - 70 (Ed. Friederici, A. D.). Springer, Heidelberg (1998)
Book Chapter
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I.; Senft, B.; Senft, G.: Trobriander (Ost-Neuguinea, Trobriand Inseln, Kaile'una) Fadenspiele 'ninikula'. In: Ethnologie - Humanethologische Begleitpublikationen von I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt und Mitarbeitern. Sammelband I, 1985-1987. Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Göttingen (1998)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.: The shadows of lexical meaning in patients with semantic impairments. In: Handbook of neurolinguistics, pp. 235 - 248 (Eds. Stemmer, B.; Whitaker, H.A.). Academic Press, New York (1998)
Book Chapter
Jordens, P.: Defaultformen des Präteritums. Zum Erwerb der Vergangenheitsmorphologie im Niederlänidischen. In: Eine zweite Sprache lernen, pp. 61 - 88 (Ed. Wegener, H.). Verlag Gunter Narr, Tübingen, Germany (1998)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Assertion and finiteness. In: Issues in the theory of language acquisition: Essays in honor of Jürgen Weissenborn, pp. 225 - 245 (Eds. Dittmar, N.; Penner, Z.). Peter Lang, Bern (1998)
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