Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Ein Blick zurück auf die Varietätengrammatik. In: Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik, pp. 22 - 38 (Eds. Ammon, U.; Mattheier, K.J.; Nelde, P.H.). Niemeyer, Tübingen (1998)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Vater, H.: The perfect in English and German. In: Typology of verbal categories: Papers presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the occasion of his 70th birthday, pp. 215 - 235 (Eds. Kulikov, L.; Vater, H.). Niemeyer, Tübingen (1998)
Book Chapter
Kuijpers, C. T.L.; Coolen, R.; Houston, D.; Cutler, A.: Using the head-turning technique to explore cross-linguistic performance differences. In: Advances in infancy research: Vol. 12, pp. 205 - 220 (Eds. Rovee-Collier, C.; Lipsitt, L.; Hayne, H.). Ablex, Stamford (1998)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Minimization and conversational inference. In: Pragmatics: Vol. 4 Presupposition, implicature and indirect speech acts, pp. 545 - 612 (Ed. Kasher, A.). Routledge, London (1998)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Deixis. In: Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics, pp. 200 - 204 (Ed. Mey, J. L.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1998)
Book Chapter
McDonough, L.; Choi, S.; Bowerman, M.; Mandler, J. M.: The use of preferential looking as a measure of semantic development. In: Advances in Infancy Research. Volume 12., pp. 336 - 354 (Eds. Rovee-Collier, C.; Lipsitt , L. P.; Hayne, H.). Ablex Publishing, Stamford, CT (1998)
Book Chapter
McQueen, J. M.; Cutler, A.: Morphology in word recognition. In: The handbook of morphology, pp. 406 - 427 (Eds. Zwicky, A. M.; Spencer, A.). Blackwell, Oxford (1998)
Book Chapter
Noordman, L. G.M.; Vonk, W.: Discourse comprehension. In: Language comprehension: a biological perspective, pp. 229 - 262 (Ed. Friederici, A. D.). Springer, Berlin (1998)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: Zeichenkonzeptionen in Ozeanien. In: Semiotics: A handbook on the sign-theoretic foundations of nature and culture (Vol. 2), Vol. 2, pp. 1971 - 1976 (Eds. Posner, R.; Robering, T.; Sebeok, T. ..). de Gruyter, Berlin (1998)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: 'Noble Savages' and the 'Islands of Love': Trobriand Islanders in 'Popular Publications'. In: Pacific answers to Western hegemony: Cultural practices of identity construction, pp. 119 - 140 (Ed. Wassmann, J.). Berg Publishers, Oxford (1998)
Book Chapter
Suppes, P.; Böttner, M.; Liang, L.: Machine Learning of Physics Word Problems: A Preliminary Report. In: Computing Natural Language, pp. 141 - 154 (Eds. Aliseda, A.; van Glabbeek, R.; Westerståhl, D.). CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, USA (1998)
Book Chapter
Van Geenhoven, V.: On the Argument Structure of some Noun Incorporating Verbs in West Greenlandic. In: The Projection of Arguments - Lexical and Compositional Factors, pp. 225 - 263 (Eds. Butt, M.; Geuder, W.). CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, USA (1998)
Book Chapter
Böttner, M.: Natural Language. In: Relational Methods in computer science, pp. 229 - 249 (Eds. Brink, C.; Kahl, W.; Schmidt, G.). Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria (1997)
Book Chapter
Brown, P.: Isolating the CVC root in Tzeltal Mayan: A study of children's first verbs. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Child Language Research Forum, pp. 41 - 52 (Ed. Clark, E. V.). CSLI/University of Chicago Press, Stanford, CA (1997)
Book Chapter
Chen, H.-C.; Cutler, A.: Auditory priming in spoken and printed word recognition. In: Cognitive processing of Chinese and related Asian languages, pp. 77 - 81 (Ed. Chen, H.-C.). Chinese University Press, Hong Kong (1997)
Book Chapter
Crago, M. B.; Allen, S. E. M.; Hough-Eyamie, W. P.: Exploring innateness through cultural and linguistic variation. In: The inheritance and innateness of grammars, pp. 70 - 90 (Ed. Gopnik, M.). Oxford University Press, Inc., New York City, NY, USA (1997)
Book Chapter
Cutler, A.: Prosody and the structure of the message. In: Computing prosody: Computational models for processing spontaneous speech, pp. 63 - 66 (Eds. Sagisaka, Y.; Campbell, N.; Higuchi, N.). Springer, Heidelberg (1997)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.: Zonder fosfor geen gedachten: Gagarin, geest en brein. In: Brain & Mind, pp. 6 - 14. Reünistenvereniging Veritas, Utrecht (1997)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.; Indefrey, P.: De neurale architectuur van het menselijk taalvermogen. In: Handboek stem-, spraak-, en taalpathologie, pp. 1 - 36 (Ed. Peters, H.F.M.). Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, Houten (1997)
Book Chapter
Hagoort, P.; Van Turennout, M.: The electrophysiology of speaking: Possibilities of event-related potential research for speech production. In: Speech motor production and fluency disorders: Brain research in speech production, pp. 351 - 361 (Eds. Hulstijn, W.; Peters, H.; Van Lieshout, P.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1997)
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