Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Bowerman, M.: What shapes children's grammars? In: The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition, pp. 1257 - 1319 (Ed. Slobin, D.I.). Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, N.J. (1985)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Ellipse, Fokusgliederung und thematischer Stand. In: Ellipsen und fragmentarische Ausdrücke, pp. 1 - 24 (Eds. Meyer-Hermann, R.; Rieser, H.). Niemeyer, Tübingen (1985)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Argumentationsanalyse: Ein Begriffsrahmen und ein Beispiel. In: Argumente - Argumentationen, pp. 208 - 260 (Eds. Kopperschmidt, W.; Schanze, H.). Fink, München (1985)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Sechs Grundgrößen des Spracherwerbs. In: Lernersprache: Thesen zum Erwerb einer Fremdsprache, pp. 67 - 106 (Ed. Eppeneder, R.). Goethe Institut, München (1985)
Book Chapter
Becker, A.; Klein, W.: Notes on the internal organization of a learner variety. In: Interpretive sociolinguistics, pp. 215 - 231 (Eds. Auer, P.; Di Luzio, A.). Narr, Tübingen (1984)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Bühler Ellipse. In: Karl Bühlers Axiomatik: Fünfzig Jahre Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften, pp. 117 - 141 (Eds. Graumann, C. F.; Herrmann, T.). Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main (1984)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Some perceptual limitations on talking about space. In: Limits in perception, pp. 323 - 358 (Eds. Van Doorn, A. J.; Van de Grind, W. A.; Koenderink, J. J.). VNU Science Press, Utrecht (1984)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Geesteswetenschappelijke theorie als kompas voor de gangbare mening. In: Wetenschap ten goede en ten kwade, pp. 42 - 52 (Eds. Dresden, S.; Van de Kaa, D.J.). North Holland, Amsterdam (1984)
Book Chapter
Weissenborn, J.: La genèse de la référence spatiale en langue maternelle et en langue seconde: similarités et différences. In: Studies in second language acquisition by adult immigrants, pp. 262 - 286 (Eds. Extra , G.; Mittner, M.). Tilburg University, Tilburg (1984)
Book Chapter
Weissenborn, J.; Stralka, R.: Das Verstehen von Mißverständnissen. Eine ontogenetische Studie. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Vol. 55, pp. 113 - 134. Metzler, Stuttgart (1984)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Der Ausdruck der Temporalität im ungesteuerten Spracherwerb. In: Essays on Deixis, pp. 149 - 168 (Ed. Rauh, G.). Narr, Tübingen (1983)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Deixis and spatial orientation in route directions. In: Spatial orientation theory: Research, and application, pp. 283 - 311 (Eds. Pick, H.; Acredolo, L.). Plenum, New York (1983)
Book Chapter
Bowerman, M.: Reorganizational processes in lexical and syntactic development. In: Language acquisition: The state of the art, pp. 319 - 346 (Eds. Wanner, E.; Gleitman, L.R.). Academic Press, New York (1982)
Book Chapter
Bowerman, M.: Starting to talk worse: Clues to language acquisition from children's late speech errors. In: U shaped behavioral growth, pp. 101 - 145 (Ed. Strauss, S.). Academic Press, New York (1982)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Local deixis in route directions. In: Speech, place, and action: Studies in deixis and related topics, pp. 161 - 182 (Eds. Jarvella, R.J.; Klein, W.). Wiley, New York (1982)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Extra, G.: Second language acquisition by adult immigrants: A European Science Foundation project. In: Handelingen van het zevenendertigste Nederlandse Filologencongres, pp. 127 - 136 (Eds. Stuip, R. E. V.; Zwanenburg, W.). APA-Holland Universiteitspers, Amsterdam (1982)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Cognitive styles in the use of spatial direction terms. In: Speech, place, and action: Studies in deixis and related topics, pp. 251 - 268 (Eds. Jarvella, R.J.; Klein, W.). Wiley, Chichester (1982)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Linearization in describing spatial networks. In: Processes, beliefs, and questions, pp. 199 - 220 (Eds. Peters, S.; Saarinen, E.). D. Reidel, Dordrecht - Holland (1982)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Eine kommentierte Bibliographie zur Computerlinguistik. In: Computer in der Übersetzungswissenschaft, pp. 95 - 142 (Ed. Herzog, R.). Lang, Frankfurt am Main (1981)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Some rules of regular ellipsis in German. In: Crossing the boundaries in linguistics: Studies presented to Manfred Bierwisch, pp. 51 - 78 (Eds. Klein, W.; Levelt, W. J. M.). Reidel, Dordrecht (1981)
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