Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Logik der Argumentation. In: Dialogforschung: Jahrbuch 1980 des Instituts für deutsche Sprache, pp. 226 - 264 (Ed. Institut für deutsche Sprache). Schwann, Düsseldorf (1981)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Knowing a language and knowing to communicate: A case study in foreign workers' communication. In: Language problems of minority groups, pp. 75 - 95 (Ed. Vermeer, A.). Tilburg University, Tilburg (1981)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Rath, R.: Automatische Lemmatisierung deutscher Flexionsformen. In: Computer in der Übersetzungswissenschaft, pp. 94 - 142 (Ed. Herzog, R.). Verlag Peter Lang, Framkfurt am Main, Bern (1981)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.; Maassen, B.: Lexical search and order of mention in sentence production. In: Crossing the boundaries in linguistics, pp. 221 - 252 (Eds. Klein, W.; Levelt, W. J. M.). Reidel, Dordrecht (1981)
Book Chapter
Weissenborn, J.: L'acquisition des prepositions spatiales: problemes cognitifs et linguistiques. In: Analyse des prépositions: IIIme colloque franco-allemand de linguistique théorique du 2 au 4 février 1981 à Constance, pp. 251 - 285 (Ed. Schwarze, C.). Niemeyer, Tübingen (1981)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Verbal planning in route directions. In: Temporal variables in speech, pp. 159 - 168 (Eds. Dechert, H.W.; Raupach, M.). Mouton, Den Haag (1980)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: On-line processing constraints on the properties of signed and spoken language. In: Signed and spoken language: Biological constraints on linguistic form, pp. 141 - 160 (Eds. Bellugi, U.; Studdert-Kennedy, M.). Verlag Chemie, Weinheim (1980)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: Toegepaste aspecten van het taal-psychologisch onderzoek: Enkele inleidende overwegingen. In: Toegepaste aspekten van de taalpsychologie, pp. 3 - 11 (Ed. Matter, J.F.). VU Boekhandel, Amsterdam (1980)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Die Geschichte eines Tores. In: Sprache in Unterricht und Forschung: Schwerpunkt Romanistik, pp. 175 - 194 (Eds. Baum, R.; Hausmann, F. J.; Monreal-Wickert, I.). Narr, Tübingen (1979)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: The origins of language and language awareness. In: Human ethology, pp. 739 - 745 (Eds. Von Cranach, M.; Foppa, K.; Lepenies, W.; Ploog, D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1979)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.; Kempen, G.: Language. In: Handbook of psychonomics (Vol. 2), pp. 347 - 407 (Eds. Michon, J. A.; Eijkman, E. G. J.; De Klerk, L. F. W.). North Holland, Amsterdam (1979)
Book Chapter
Stassen, H.G.; Levelt, W. J. M.: Systems, automata, and grammars. In: Handbook of psychonomics: Vol. 1, pp. 187 - 243 (Eds. Michon, J.A.; Eijkman, E.G.J.; De Klerk, L.F.W.). North Holland, Amsterdam (1979)
Book Chapter
Bowerman, M.: Words and sentences: Uniformity, variation, and shifts over time in patterns of acquisition. In: Communicative and cognitive abilities: Early behavioral assessment, pp. 349 - 396 (Eds. Minifie , F. D.; Lloyd, L. L.). University Park Press, Baltimore (1978)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Soziolinguistik. In: Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Vol. 7. Piaget und die Folgen, pp. 1130 - 1147 (Ed. Balmer, H.). Kindler, Zürich (1978)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: The aquisition of German syntax by foreign migrant workers. In: Linguistic variation: models and methods, pp. 1 - 22 (Ed. Sankoff, D.). Academic Press, New York (1978)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.; Heidelberger Forschungsprojekt "Pidgin - Deutsch": Aspekte der ungesteuerten Erlernung des Deutschen durch ausländische Arbeiter. In: German in contact with other languages / Deutsch im Kontakt mit anderen Sprachen, pp. 147 - 183 (Eds. Molony, C.; Zobl, H.; Stölting, W.). Scriptor, Wiesbaden (1978)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.: A survey of studies in sentence perception: 1970-1976. In: Studies in the perception of language, pp. 1 - 74 (Eds. Levelt, W. J. M.; Flores d'Arcais, G.B.). Wiley, New York (1978)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.; Sinclair, A.; Jarvella, R. J.: Causes and functions of linguistic awareness in language acquisition: Some introductory remarks. In: The child's conception of language, pp. 1 - 14 (Eds. Sinclair, A.; Jarvella, R.J.; Levelt, W. J. M.). Springer, Heidelberg (1978)
Book Chapter
Klein, W.: Die Wissenschaft der Interpretation. In: Methoden der Textanalyse, pp. 1 - 23 (Ed. Klein, W.). Quelle und Meyer, Heidelberg (1977)
Book Chapter
Levelt, W. J. M.; Van Gent, J.; Haans, A.; Meijers, A.: Grammaticality, paraphrase, and imagery. In: Acceptability in language, pp. 87 - 101 (Ed. Greenbaum, S.). Mouton, The Hague (1977)
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