Conference Paper (938)

Conference Paper
Wieder, A.; Brandenburg, B.: On Spin Locks in AUTOSAR: Blocking Analysis of FIFO, Unordered, and Priority-Ordered Spin Locks. In: Proceedings IEEE 34th Real-Time Systems Symposium, pp. 45 - 56. 34th Real-Time Systems Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, December 03, 2013 - December 06, 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2013)
Conference Paper
Zamani, M.; Esfahani, P. M.; Majumdar, R.; Abate, A.; Lygeros, J.: Bisimilar Finite Abstractions of Stochastic Control Systems. In: 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3926 - 3931. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, December 10, 2013 - December 13, 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2013)
Conference Paper
Zengin, M.; Vafeiadis, V.: A Programming Language Approach to Fault Tolerance for Fork-join Parallelism. In: TASE 2013, pp. 105 - 112. International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering , Birmingham; UK, July 01, 2013 - July 03, 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2013)
Conference Paper
Zhao, M.; Aditya, P.; Chen, A.; Lin, Y.; Haeberlen, A.; Druschel, P.; Maggs, B.; Wishon, B.; Ponec, M.: Peer-assisted Content Distribution in Akamai Netsession. In: IMC'13, pp. 31 - 42. 13th ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 23, 2013 - October 25, 2013. ACM, New York, NY (2013)
Conference Paper
Ziliani, B.; Dreyer, D.; Krishnaswami, N.; Nanevski, A.; Vafeiadis, V.: Mtac: A Monad for Typed Tactic Programming in Coq. In: ICFP'13, pp. 377 - 390. ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, Boston, MA, USA, September 25, 2013 - September 27, 2013. ACM, New York, NY (2013)
Conference Paper
Acar, U. A.; Ahmed, A.; Cheney, J.; Perera, R.: A Core Calculus for Provenance. In: Principles of Security and Trust: First International Conference, POST 2012, pp. 410 - 429 (Eds. Degano, P.; Guttman, J. D.). POST 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, March 24, 2012 - April 01, 2012. Springer, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Aditya, P.; Zhao, M.; Lin, Y.; Haeberlen, A.; Druschel, P.; Maggs, B.; Wishon, B.: Reliable Client Accounting for P2P-Infrastructure Hybrids. In: Proceedings of NSDI ’12: 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, pp. 1 - 14. NSDI'12, San Jose, CA, April 25, 2012 - April 27, 2012. USENIX, Berkeley, CA (2012)
Conference Paper
Akkus, I. E.; Chen, R.; Hardt, M.; Francis, P.; Gehrke, J.: Non-tracking web analytics. In: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, pp. 687 - 698. CCS'12, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Bhatotia, P.; Rodrigues, R.; Verma, A.: Shredder: GPU-Accelerated Incremental Storage and Computation. In: Proceedings of FAST ’12: 10th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, pp. 1 - 15. FAST'12, San Jose, CA, February 15, 2012 - February 17, 2012. USENIX, Berkeley, CA (2012)
Conference Paper
Brandenburg, B. B.; Bastoni, A.: The Case for Migratory Priority Inheritance in Linux: Bounded Priority Inversions on Multiprocessors. In: Proceedings of the 14th Real-Time Linux Workshop (RTLWS 2012), pp. 67 - 86. 14th Real-Time Linux Workshop, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 16, 2012 - October 20, 2012. Real-Time Linux Foundation, s.l. (2012)
Conference Paper
Carreira, J.; Rodrigues, R.; Candea, G.; Majumdar, R.: Scalable Testing of File System Checkers. In: EuroSys’12: Proceedings of the EuroSys 2012 Conference, pp. 239 - 252. EuroSys'12, Bern, Switzerland, April 10, 2012 - April 13, 2012. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Chatterjee, K.; Chmelik, M.; Majumdar, R.: Equivalence of Games with Probabilistic Uncertainty and Partial-Observation Games. In: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 10th International Symposium, ATVA 2012, pp. 385 - 399 (Eds. Chakraborty, S.; Mukund, M.). AVTA 2012, Thiruvananthapuram, India, October 03, 2012 - October 06, 2010. Springer, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Chen, R.; Reznichenko, A.; Francis, P.; Gehrke, J.: Towards Statistical Queries over Distributed Private User Data. In: Proceedings of NSDI ’12: 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, pp. 1 - 14. NSDI'12, San Jose, CA, April 25, 2012 - April 27, 2012. USENIX, Berkeley, CA (2012)
Conference Paper
Chen, Y.; Dunfield, J.; Acar, U. A.: Type-Directed Automatic Incrementalization. In: PLDI’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp. 299 - 310. PLDI'12, Beijing, China, June 11, 2012 - June 16, 2012. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Clement, A.; Junqueira, F.; Kate, A.; Rodigues, R.: On the (limited) power of non-equivocation. In: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pp. 301 - 308. PODC 2012, Madeira, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Dunfield, J.: Elaborating Intersection and Union Types. In: ICFP’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, pp. 17 - 28. ICFP'12, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 09, 2012 - September 15, 2012. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Esparza, J.; Ganty, P.; Majumdar, R.: A Perfect Model for Bounded Verification. In: LICS 2012: Proceedings of the 2012 27th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium, pp. 285 - 294. LICS 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatio, June 25, 2012 - June 28, 2012. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA (2012)
Conference Paper
Fischer, J.; Majumdar, R.; Esmaeilsabzali, S.: Engage: A Deployment Management System. In: PLDI’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp. 263 - 274. PLDI'12, Beijing, China, June 11, 2012 - June 16, 2012. ACM, New York, NY (2012)
Conference Paper
Garg, D.; Genovese, V.; Negri, S.: Countermodels from Sequent Calculi in Multi-Modal Logics. In: 27th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp. 315 - 324. LICS 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25, 2012 - June 28, 2012. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California (2012)
Conference Paper
Genovese, V.; Garg, D.: New Modalities for Access Control Logics: Permission, Control and Ratification. In: Security and Trust Management: 7th International Workshop, pp. 56 - 71 (Eds. Meadows, C.; Fernandez-Gago, C.). STM'11, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 27, 2011 - June 28, 2011. Springer, New York, NY (2012)
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