Scientific Publications

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Hohnerlein, E. M.: La gestion de la situation sociale liée à la pandémie de la Covid-19 en Italie: la jungle des amortisseurs sociaux et des systèmes fragmentés. Droit social, Dalloz, France (10), pp. 827 - 835 (2021)
Journal Article
Gruber, .; Atzendorf, J.: Depression and loneliness of older adults in Europe and Israel after the first wave of covid-19. European Journal of Ageing 2021 (2021)
Journal Article
Schäferling, S.; Tonti, L.: Corona-Impfstoff: Wunderwaffe oder neuer verfassungsrechtlicher Zankapfel? COVID-19 und Recht (COVuR) (2021)
Journal Article
Bergmann, M.; Wagner, .: The Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe During the First Phase of the Pandemic. Frontiers Public Health (2021)
Journal Article
Hruschka, C.; Progin-Theuerkauf, S.: Rechtsschutz in Transitzonen – Ungarn im Fokus der Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR) (1), pp. 3 - 9 (2021)

Book (3)

Hekimler, . (Ed.): Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı. Legal, Istanbul (2021), XLIII, 1022 Seiten pp.
Becker, .; Kingreen, .: Sozialgesetzbuch mit Sozialgerichtsgesetz, 50. Auflage. dtv, München (2021), LX, 2225 pp.
Becker, U.; Chesalina, O. (Eds.): Social Law 4.0: new approaches for ensuring and financing social security in the digital age ; [The contributions to this book are based on presentations at a two-dayconference held at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Poli-cy in Munich on 12 and 13 December 2019]. Nomos, Baden-Baden (2021)

Book Chapter (18)

Book Chapter
Hennion , S.: Social Services of General Interest in a post-Covid-19 Europe. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 531 - 546 (2021)
Book Chapter
Kessler, F.: Social security in the Platform Economy: The French Example – New actors, new regulations, old problems? In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 649 - 674 (2021)
Book Chapter
Mpedi , L. G.: Guidelines on the Portability of Social Security Benefits in the Sadc Region: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 871 - 888 (2021)
Book Chapter
Darimont, B.: New Developments in Unemployment Insurance in the PRC. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 849 - 870 (2021)
Book Chapter
Graser, A.: Transfer of Law: Concepts, Contexts, and Interpretations - A Cartographic Essay. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 897 - 925 (2021)
Book Chapter
Hekimler, A.: Home Office Regulations in Turkish and German Labour Law: A General Assessment in the Perspective of Comparative Law during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 215 - 260 (2021)
Book Chapter
Herrmann , P.: The Limits of Social Law in the face of Social Justice. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 511 - 530 (2021)
Book Chapter
Hohnerlein , E. M.: Family Benefits in the Event of Migration in the EU: Access Restrictions between Cost Containment, Combating Abuse and Promises of Equal Treatment. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 775 - 802 (2021)
Book Chapter
Körtek, Y.: Basic Support for Job Seekers: The Exclusion of Benefits of Foreigners in the Jurisdiction of the ECJ. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 825 - 848 (2021)
Book Chapter
Kötter, U.: The Case Law of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Fundamental Right to be Guaranteed a Minimum Subsistence Level in Human Dignity - First Contours of a Fundamental Social Right. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 751 - 774 (2021)
Book Chapter
Reinhard , H.-J.: Mindestrente in Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 629 - 674 (2021)
Book Chapter
Štefko , M.: Personal Protective Equipment as the new Term of Czech Labour Law. In: Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı, pp. 387 - 402 (2021)