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Journal Article (1660)

Journal Article
Tüscher, O.; Muthuraman, M.; Horstmann, J.-P.; Horta, G.; Radyushkin, K.; Baumgart, J.; Sigurdsson, T.; Endle, H.; Ji, H.; Kuhnhäuser, P. et al.; Götz, J.; Kepser, L.-J.; Lotze, M.; Grabe, H. J.; Völzke, H.; Leehr, E. J.; Meinert, S.; Opel, N.; Richers, S.; Stroh, A.; Daun, S.; Tittgemeyer, M.; Uphaus, T.; Steffen, F.; Zipp, F.; Gross, J.; Groppa, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Nitsch, R.; Vogt, J.: Altered cortical synaptic lipid signaling leads to intermediate phenotypes of mental disorders. Molecular Psychiatry (accepted)
Journal Article
Ackermann, J.; Arndt, L.; Froeba, J.; Lindhorst, A.; Glass, M.; Kirstein, M.; Hobusch, C.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Braune, J.; Gericke, M.: IL-6 signaling drives self-renewal and alternative activation of adipose tissue macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology 15, 1201439 (2024)
Journal Article
Asendorf, A. L.; Theis, H.; Tittgemeyer, M.; Timmermann, L.; Fink, G. R.; Drzezga, A.; Eggers, C.; Ruppert-Junck, M. C.; Pedrosa, D. J.; Hoenig, M. C. et al.; van Eimeren, T.: Dynamic properties in functional connectivity changes and striatal dopamine deficiency in Parkinson's disease. Human Brain Mapping 45 (10), e26776 (2024)
Journal Article
Baumgartner, F.; Bamopoulos, S. A.; Faletti, L.; Hsiao, H.-J.; Holz, M.; Gonzelez-Menendez, I.; Boldo, L.; Horne, A.; Gosavi, S.; Özerdem, C. et al.; Singh, N.; Liebig, S.; Ramamoorthy, S.; Lehmann, M.; Demel, U.; Kühl, A. A.; Wartewig, T.; Ruland, J.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Schick, M.; Walther, W.; Rose-John, S.; Haas, S.; Quintanilla-Martinez, L.; Feske, S.; Ehl, S.; Glauben, R.; Keller, U.: Activation of gp130 signaling in T cells drives TH17-mediated multi-organ autoimmunity. Science Signaling 17 (824), eadc9662 (2024)
Journal Article
Berwian, I. M.; Tröndle, M.; de Miquel, C.; Ziogas, A.; Stefanics, G.; Walter, H.; Stephan, K. E.; Huys, Q. J.M.: Emotion-Induced Frontal Alpha Asymmetry as a Candidate Predictor of Relapse After Discontinuation of Antidepressant Medication. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 9 (8), pp. 809 - 818 (2024)
Journal Article
Blaschke, S. J.; Rautenberg, N.; Endepols, H.; Jendro, A.; Konrad, J.; Vlachakis, S.; Wiedermann, D.; Schroeter, M.; Hoffmann, B.; Merkel, R. et al.; Marklund, N.; Fink, G. R.; Rueger, M. A.: Early Blood–Brain Barrier Impairment as a Pathological Hallmark in a Novel Model of Closed-Head Concussive Brain Injury (CBI) in Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (9), 4837 (2024)
Journal Article
Borgmann, D.; Fenselau, H.: Vagal pathways for systemic regulation of glucose metabolism. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 156, pp. 244 - 252 (2024)
Journal Article
Brand, K.; Wise, T.; Hess, A. J.; Russell, B. R.; Stephan, K. E.; Harrison, O. K.: Incorporating uncertainty within dynamic interoceptive learning. Frontiers in Psychology 15, pp. 1 - 16 (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, C.; Altafi, M.; Corbu, M.-A.; Trenk, A.; Van den Munkhof, H. E.; Weineck, K.; Bender, F.; Carus-Cadavieco, M.; Bakhareva, A.; Korotkova, T. et al.; Ponomarenko, A.: The dynamic state of a prefrontal-hypothalamic-midbrain circuit commands behavioral transitions. Nature Neuroscience 27 (5), pp. 952 - 963 (2024)
Journal Article
de Solis, A. J.; Del Rio-Martin, A.; Radermacher, J.; Chen, W.; Steuernagel, L.; Bauder, C.; Eggersmann, F. R.; Morgan, D. A.; Cremer, A. L.; Sué, M. et al.; Germer, M.; Kukat, C.; Vollmar, S.; Backes, H.; Rahmouni, K.; Kloppenburg, P.; Brüning, J. C.: Reciprocal activity of AgRP and POMC neurons governs coordinated control of feeding and metabolism. Nature Metabolism 6 (3), pp. 473 - 493 (2024)
Journal Article
Decoster, L.; Trova, S.; Zucca, S.; Bulk, J.; Gouveia, A.; Ternier, G.; Lhomme, T.; Legrand, A.; Gallet, S.; Boehm, U. et al.; Wyatt, A.; Wahl, V.; Wartenberg, P.; Hrabovszky, E.; Racz, G.; Luzzati, F.; Nato, G.; Fogli, M.; Peretto, P.; Schriever, S. C.; Bernecker, M.; Pfluger, P. T.; Steculorum, S. M.; Bovetti, S.; Rasika, S.; Prevot, V.; Silva, M. S.B.; Giacobini, P.: A GnRH neuronal population in the olfactory bulb translates socially relevant odors into reproductive behavior in male mice. Nature Neuroscience (accepted)
Journal Article
Ding, C.; Yang, D.; Feldmeyer, D.: Adenosinergic Modulation of Layer 6 Microcircuitry in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Is Specific to Presynaptic Cell Type. Journal of Neuroscience 44 (15), e1606232023 (2024)
Journal Article
Dodt, S.; Widdershooven, N. V.; Dreisow, M.-L.; Weiher, L.; Steuernagel, L.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Brüning, J. C.; Fenselau, H.: NPY-mediated synaptic plasticity in the extended amygdala prioritizes feeding during starvation. Nature Communications 15 (1), 5439 (2024)
Journal Article
Engström Ruud, L.; Font-Gironès, F.; Zajdel, J.; Kern, L.; Teixidor-Deulofeu, J.; Manneras-Holm, L.; Carreras, A.; Becattini, B.; Björefeldt, A.; Hanse, E. et al.; Fenselau, H.; Solinas, G.; Brüning, J. C.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Bäckhed, F.; Ruud, J.: Activation of GFRAL+ neurons induces hypothermia and glucoregulatory responses associated with nausea and torpor. Cell Reports 43 (4), 113960 (2024)
Journal Article
Hanßen, R.; Bouzouina, A.; Reif, A.; Edwin Thanarajah, S.: Connecting the dots: Insulin resistance and mental health. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 158, 105549 (2024)
Journal Article
Henschke, S.; Nolte, H.; Magoley, J.; Kleele, T.; Brandt, C.; Hausen, A. C.; Wunderlich, C. M.; Bauder, C.; Aschauer, P.; Manley, S. et al.; Langer, T.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Brüning, J. C.: Food perception promotes phosphorylation of MFFS131 and mitochondrial fragmentation in liver. Science 384 (6694), pp. 438 - 446 (2024)
Journal Article
Humpert, S.; Schneider, D.; Bier, D.; Schulze, A.; Neumaier, F.; Neumaier, B.; Holschbach, M.: 8-Bicycloalkyl-CPFPX derivatives as potent and selective tools for in vivo imaging of the A1 adenosine receptor. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 271, 116380 (2024)
Journal Article
Khani, S.; Topel, H.; Kardinal, R.; Tavanez, A. R.; Josephrajan, A.; Larsen, B. D. M.; Gaudry, M. J.; Leyendecker, P.; Egedal, N. M.; Güller, A. S. et al.; Stanic, N.; Ruppert, P. M.M.; Gaziano, I.; Hansmeier, N. R.; Schmidt, E.; Klemm, P.; Vagliano, L.-M.; Stahl, R.; Duthie, F.; Krause, J.-H.; Bici, A.; Engelhard, C. A.; Gohlke, S.; Frommolt, P.; Gnad, T.; Rada-Iglesias, A.; Pradas-Juni, M.; Schulz, T. J.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Pfeifer, A.; Bartelt, A.; Jastroch, M.; Wachten, D.; Kornfeld, J.-W.: Cold-induced expression of a truncated adenylyl cyclase 3 acts as rheostat to brown fat function. Nature Metabolism 6 (6), pp. 1053 - 1075 (2024)
Journal Article
Knopp, T.; Jung, R.; Wild, J.; Bochenek, M.; Efentakis, P.; Lehmann, A.; Bieler, T.; Garlapati, V.; Richter, C.; Molitor, M. et al.; Perius, K.; Finger, S.; Lagrange, J.; Ghasemi, I.; Zifkos, K.; Kommoss, K. S.; Masri, J.; Reißig, S.; Randriamboavonjy, V.; Wunderlich, F. T.; Hövelmeyer, N.; Weber, A. N.R.; Mufazolov, I. A.; Bosmann, M.; Bechmann, I.; Fleming, I.; Oelze, M.; Daiber, A.; Münzel, T.; Schäfer, K.; Wenzel, P.; Waisman, A.; Karbach, S.: Myeloid cell-derived interleukin-6 induces vascular dysfunction and vascular and systemic inflammation. European Heart Journal Open 4 (4), oeae046 (2024)
Journal Article
Kretschmer, A. C.; Arjune, S.; Hanßen, R.: Conservative obesity therapy. Diabetologie 20 (3), pp. 333 - 339 (2024)
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