Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
At the Institute scholars pursue research relating to basic issues and current developments in the areas of public international law, European Union law, and the constitutional and administrative law of individual states, together with numerous visiting scholars from all over the world. Its research examines legal issues from the perspective of legal doctrine and theory, systematizes and compares, and contributes to the development of law and to addressing current problems. The Institute performs advisory functions for domestic, European and international public institutions. The Institute`s library is within its fields of expertise the largest in Europe and one of the most comprehensive in the world.
Im Neuenheimer Feld 53569120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 482-1
Fax: +49 6221 482-288
PhD opportunities
This institute has no International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS).
There is always the possibility to do a PhD. Please contact the directors or research group leaders at the Institute.