Postdoctoral Position (m/f/d) | Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS)

Scientist Heidelberg
Astronomy & Astrophysics

Job Code: 385

Job Offer from October 09, 2024

The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on topics related to ISM physics, star formation and stellar feedback on small (<100pc) spatial scales in nearby galaxies in the “Extragalactic Star Formation” group led by Dr. Eva Schinnerer. The offered position is funded by a grant from the German Space Agency (DLR) in the context of JWST and HST observations awarded to the PHANGS collaboration.

The successful candidate will work on all aspects necessary to characterize stellar feedback in nearby galaxies using new narrowband imaging data for HII regions in nearby galaxies from JWST/NIRCam and HST/WFC3 treasury programs. Further there will be opportunities to carry out research within the PHANGS collaboration exploiting all available datasets from ALMA, HST, JWST, VLT/MUSE and more instruments. Candidates with prior experience in handling HST and JWST imaging data, spectral energy distribution fitting, HII regions, photometry, and/or region morphology are in particular encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or a closely related field. The position should be ideally be started in January 2025. The appointment will be for a period of two years with a potential for a third year.

Our offer

MPIA researchers have privileged access to the twin 8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, the 2.2m MPG telescope on La Silla, the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope, and the IRAM millimeter facilities, including the NOEMA interferometer. MPIA astronomers make frequent use of all ESO facilities, including the VLT and ALMA, and all are encouraged to lead proposals as Principal Investigators. MPIA also offers access to a range of local computing clusters and external super-computing resources (e.g., at the MPCDF). The institute leads or is involved in many large science collaborations and surveys, including SDSS-V, Euclid, 4MOST, VRO/LSST, JWST, and MeerKAT + JVLA programs. MPIA also plays a leading role in the data analysis for Gaia and instrumentation for the ELT.

MPIA aims to provide a stimulating and supportive work environment, and the successful candidate can draw on funds for publications, computing, travel, training, etc. Remuneration will be on the German public sector scale, and depends in detail on qualification and experience. Extensive social benefits are granted according to the regulations for public service.

Your application

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, brief statement of research interests and achievements (max. 3 pages), curriculum vitae, and publication list in a single pdf file to . Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of reference separately sent to the above email address. Applications submitted by October 25, 2024 will receive full consideration. The position will remain open until filled. For further information please contact Dr. Eva Schinnerer ().

The Max-Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women, and all other historically under-represented groups, to apply. The MPIA supports its employees in the search for suitable child care. For questions concerning promoting equal opportunity for all employees and prospective employees at MPIA, please contact our equal opportunity officers (). Regarding disability guidelines and regulations, please contact Ralf Launhardt ().

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