Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)

The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF), formerly known as RZG (“Rechenzentrum Garching”), is a competence centre of the Max Planck Society located in Garching near Munich. It originated in 1961 as the computing centre of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics which was founded by Werner Heisenberg and the Max Planck Society. Key tasks for Max Planck Institutes all over Germany include application development and optimization, data management for big data projects, operation of a central supercomputer and compute clusters for institutes, and operation of a modern data infrastructure including long-term archival.


Gießenbachstr. 2
85748 Garching
Phone: +49 89 3299-2176
Fax: +49 89 3299-1301
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High-performance computing and support of data-intensive sciences

2016 Dohmen, Renate; Lederer, Hermann; Rampp, Markus; Ritz, Raphael

Computer Science

The MPCDF supports optimization of complex applications from material sciences, life sciences, astrophysics, plasma physics, and other disciplines for high-performance computers and offers data management services and infrastructure for all phases of the data life cycle. Moreover, the MPCDF provides data visualization services for the exploration and quantitative analysis of simulation results. The MPCDF plays a leading role in projects within the MPG and at national and European level.


High-performance computing and support of data-intensive sciences

2015 Dohmen, Renate; Lederer, Hermann; Rampp, Markus; Ritz, Raphael

Computer Science

The MPCDF supports optimization of complex applications from material sciences, life sciences, astrophysics, plasma physics, and other disciplines for massively parallel high-performance computers and offers data management services and infrastructure for all phases of the data life cycle. Moreover, the MPCDF provides data visualization services for the exploration and quantitative analysis of simulation results. The MPCDF plays a leading role in projects within the MPG and at national and European level.


High-performance computing and support of data-intensive sciences

2014 Dohmen, Renate; Lederer, Hermann; Rampp, Markus; Ritz, Raphael

Computer Science

The MPCDF (previously RZG) supports optimization of complex applications from material sciences, life sciences, astrophysics, plasma physics, and other disciplines for massively parallel high-performance computers and offers data management services and infrastructure for all phases of the data life cycle. Moreover, the MPCDF provides data visualization services for the exploration and quantitative analysis of simulation results. The MPCDF plays a leading role in projects within the MPG and at national and European level.


High-performance computing and support of data-intensive sciences

2013 Dohmen, Renate; Lederer, Hermann; Rampp, Markus; Ritz, Raphael

Computer Science

The RZG supports optimization of complex applications from plasma physics, astrophysics, materials science, and other disciplines for massively parallel high-performance computers and offers data management services and infrastructure for all phases of the data life cycle. Moreover, the RZG provides data visualization services for the exploration and quantitative analysis of simulation results. The RZG plays a leading role in projects within the MPG and at national and European level.


High-performance computing, data services and visualization

2012 Dohmen, Renate; Lederer, Hermann; Rampp, Markus; Reetz, Johannes; Reuter, Klaus; Schott, Andreas

Computer Science

The RZG supports optimization of complex applications from plasma physics, astrophysics, materials science, and other disciplines for massively parallel high-performance computers and offers data management services and infrastructure. Moreover, the RZG provides data visualization services for the exploration and quantitative analysis of simulation results. The RZG plays a leading role in projects within the MPG and at national and European level.  

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