Microbiology (Biology and Medicine)


Synthetic Carbon Assimilation Surpasses Nature

New-to-Nature Pathway Outperforms Natural Pathway in Living Bacteria more

Artistic representation of the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase complex enclosed in an air bubble, submerged underwater. Text reads "the molecular choreography of efficient microbial carbon capture. Max Planck Institute of Biophysics".

A new structural study reveals the mechanism used by anaerobic microbes to grow on a mixture of carbon dioxide and other gases more

Step by step towards hydrogen

New method could aid in the development of more effective catalysts for hydrogen production more

Globally distributed symbiosis between microorganisms

Researchers in Bremen have discovered symbionts reminiscent of mitochondria and elucidated their metabolic pathways more

Metabolism of ethane-consuming archaea unraveled

Enzyme complexes enable archaea to break down ethane more

New method for measuring luminescence lifetime

Scientists achieve breakthrough in scientific imaging more

What turns bacteria into spirals?

A protein determines the shape of bacteria more

How mental states impact gut health

A circuit between the brain and gut influences the gut flora and thus regulates the immune system more

Parasite in the nucleus

A bacterium infects deep-sea mussels and multiplies in their cells more

Methane degradation without oxygen in lakes

Aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria are also permanently active in oxygen-free water more

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Synthetic Carbon Assimilation Surpasses Nature

New-to-Nature Pathway Outperforms Natural Pathway in Living Bacteria more

How mental states impact gut health

A circuit between the brain and gut influences the gut flora and thus regulates the immune system more

Parasite in the nucleus

A bacterium infects deep-sea mussels and multiplies in their cells more

Methane degradation without oxygen in lakes

Aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria are also permanently active in oxygen-free water more

Zombie cells in the sea

Viruses keep the most common marine bacteria in check more

Termite symbiosis in transition

Genetic analyses show how the metabolic capacities of symbiotic bacteria in the gut of termites have changed over the course of evolution more

Rhizobial bacterium helps diatom to bind nitrogen

Newly discovered symbiosis probably plays a major role in marine nitrogen fixation more

Exploding kamikaze bacteria

"Soldier" bacteria filled with toxins sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their conspecifics, giving them pathogenic properties more

Cryo-em images of a flagellum filament by Michael Bell (second author)

New insight into how harmless gut bacteria avoid triggering inflammation more

Gut microbes and humans on a joint evolutionary journey

Researchers discover simultaneous evolutionary history of gut microbes with their human hosts over hundreds of thousands of years more

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Every grain of sand is a met­ro­polis for bac­teria

A single sand grain harbours up to 100,000 microorganisms from thousands of species. more

Microbial resident enables beetles to feed on a leafy diet

Thistle tortoise beetles outsource the job of breaking down plant cell walls to a symbiotic bacterium more

Algae with light switch

The adhesion of Chlamydomonas, a unicellular alga, to surfaces is light-dependent more

<p>Ancient partnership between ciliates and bacteria</p>

Symbiotic ciliates and bacteria have a common ancestor more

Oil as energy source for deep-sea creatures

Scientists discover mussels and sponges in the deep sea which can thrive on oil with the help of symbiont bacteria more

Symbiotic bacteria: from hitchhiker to beetle bodyguard

Bacterial symbionts transition between plant pathogenicity and insect defensive mutualism more

Gut bacteria affect ageing

The life expectancy of older fish is extended if their gut is colonized with the microorganisms of younger fish. more

Sunken logs serve as habitats in the deep sea

Organisms from the nutrient-deficient deep sea depend on wood as source of energy more

Bodyguards in the gut have a chemical weapon

Symbiotic bacteria produce antibiotics to clear harmful pathogens from the gut of caterpillars more

A virus as a symbiosis partner

The mavirus provides single-celled organisms with immunity against a giant virus more

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On a research voyage with the 'Meteor'

Scientists discover newe hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic more

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