Journal Article (5140)

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Petrova, D.; Garcia-Retamero, R.; Catena, A.; Cokely, E.; Heredia Carrasco, A.; Arrebola Moreno, A.; Ramírez Hernández, J. A.: Numeracy predicts risk of pre-hospital decision delay: A retrospective study of acute coronary syndrome survival. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 51 (2), pp. 292 - 306 (2017)
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Pietraszewski, D.; Wertz, A. E.; Bryant, G. A.; Wynn, K.: Three-month-old-human infants use vocal cues of body size. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B, Biological Sciences 284, 20170656 (2017)
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Rajamani, I.: Feeling anger, compassion and community in popular Telugu cinema. Indian Economic and Social History Review 54 (1), pp. 103 - 122 (2017)
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Raz, N.; Daugherty, A. M.; Sethi, S. K.; Arshad, M.; Haacke, E. M.: Age differences in arterial and venous extra-cerebral blood flow in healthy adults: Contributions of vascular risk factors and genetic variants. Brain Structure and Function 222, pp. 2641 - 2653 (2017)
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Rohrer, J. M.; Brümmer, M.; Schmukle, S.; Goebel, J.; Wagner, G. G.: "What else are you worried about?" Integrating textual responses into quantitative social science research. PLoS ONE 12 (7), e0182156 (2017)
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Rolison, J. J.; Pachur, T.: How well do we know our inner daredevil? Probing the relationship between self-report and behavioral measures of risk taking. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (2), pp. 647 - 657 (2017)
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Rozenblatt, D.: Scientific expertise and the politics of emotions in the 1902 trial of Giuseppe Musolino. History of the Human Sciences 30 (3), pp. 25 - 49 (2017)
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Rozenblatt, D.: Legal insanity: Towards an understanding of free will through feeling in modern Europe. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 25, pp. 263 - 275 (2017)
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Rozenblatt, D.: Introduction: Criminal law and emotions in modern Europe. With an introductory note on images of legal feeling. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 25, pp. 242 - 250 (2017)
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Rozenblatt, D.; Cummins, S.; Vasilyev, P.; Vidor, G. M.: Focus: Criminal law and emotions [Special section]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 25, pp. 242 - 295 (2017)
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Schnädelbach, S.: Humor and the politics of emotion in the courts of the Weimar Republic. History of Emotions - Insights into Research 2017 (October) (2017)
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Schnädelbach, S.: Komik als Medium der Gefühlspolitik: Richterlicher Humor und richterliches Emotionsmanagement in der Justiz der Weimarer Republik. Geschichte der Gefühle - Einblicke in die Forschung 2017 (October) (2017)
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