Journal Article (637)

Journal Article
Aryani, A.; Kraxenberger, M.; Ullrich, S.; Jacobs, A. M.; Conrad, M.: Measuring the basic affective tone of poems via phonological saliency and iconicity. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 10 (2), pp. 191 - 204 (2016)
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Wagner, V.; Klein, J.; Hanich, J.; Shah, M.; Menninghaus, W.; Jacobsen, T.: Anger Framed: A Field Study on Emotion, Pleasure, and Art. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 10 (2), pp. 134 - 146 (2016)
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Obermeier, C.; Kotz, S. A.; Jessen, S.; Raettig, T.; von Koppenfels, M.; Menninghaus, W.: Aesthetic appreciation of poetry correlates with ease of processing in event-related potentials. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 16 (2), pp. 362 - 373 (2016)
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Tian, X.; Zarate, J. M.; Poeppel, D.: Mental imagery of speech implicates two mechanisms of perceptual reactivation. Cortex 77, pp. 1 - 12 (2016)
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Auracher, J.; Bosch, H.: Showing with words. Scientific Study of Literature 6 (2), pp. 208 - 242 (2016)
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Scharinger, M.; Monahan, P. J.; Idsardi, W. J.: Linguistic category structure influences early auditory processing: Converging evidence from mismatch responses and cortical oscillations. NeuroImage 128, pp. 293 - 301 (2016)
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Seehausen, M.; Kazzer, P.; Bajbouj, M.; Heekeren, H. R.; Jacobs, A. M.; Klann-Delius, G.; Menninghaus, W.; Prehn, K.: Effects of empathic social responses on the emotions of the recipient. Brain and Cognition 103, pp. 50 - 61 (2016)
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Steinberg Lowe, M.; Lewis, G. A.; Poeppel, D.: Effects of part- and whole-object primes on early MEG responses to Mooney faces and houses. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 147 (2016)
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Scharinger, M.; Bendixen, A.; Herrmann, B.; Henry, M. J.; Mildner, T.; Obleser, J.: Predictions interact with missing sensory evidence in semantic processing areas. Human Brain Mapping 37 (2), pp. 704 - 716 (2016)
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Elvers, P.: Songs for the ego: Theorizing musical self-enhancement. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2 (2016)
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Almeida , D.; Poeppel, D.; Corina, D.: The processing of biologically plausible and implausible forms in American Sign Language: Evidence for perceptual tuning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31 (3), pp. 361 - 374 (2016)
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Bálint, K.; Hakemulder, F.; Kuijpers, M. M.; Doicaru, M.; Tan, E. S.: Reconceptualizing foregrounding: Identifying response strategies to deviation in absorbing narratives. Scientific Study of Literature 6 (2), pp. 176 - 207 (2016)
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Ding, N.; Melloni, L.; Zhang, H.; Tian, X.; Poeppel, D.: Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speech. Nature Neuroscience 19 (1), pp. 158 - 164 (2016)
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Kraxenberger, M.; Menninghaus, W.: Emotional effects of poetic phonology, word positioning and dominant stress peaks in poetry reading. Scientific Study of Literature 6 (2), pp. 298 - 313 (2016)
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Lanwermeyer, M.; Henrich, K.; Rocholl, M. J.; Schnell, H. T.; Werth, A.; Herrgen, J.; Schmidt, J. E.: Dialect Variation Influences the Phonological and Lexical-Semantic Word Processing in Sentences. Electrophysiological Evidence from a Cross-Dialectal Comprehension Study. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 739 (2016)
Journal Article
Sakamoto, Y.: Shinkeikei Jinbungaku Josetu [= Einführung in die neuronalen Geisteswissenschaften]. Iwanami Shi-Sou, 1104, Shinkeikei Jinbungaku [= Neural Humanities], pp. 6 - 18 (2016)
Journal Article
Sakamoto, Y.: Shikoukeitai to Bunkahyoushou toshite no Imēji (= Japanese Translation of "Denken heißt Formen, Formen heißt Denken. Interview mit Horst Bredekamp"). Iwanami Shi-Sou, 1104, Shinkeikei Jinbungaku [= Neural Humanities], pp. 19 - 33 (2016)
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Sakamoto, Y.: Hifu, Soshite Bisyouhyoushou he no Tabi [= Grenzgänge der Wahrnehmung. Zur Neurologie der petites perceptions.]. Iwanami Shi-Sou, 1104, Shinkeikei Jinbungaku [= Neural Humanities], pp. 51 - 75 (2016)
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Skovgaard Lyby, M.; Wallot, S.; Wallot, A.; Mehlsen, M. Y.: Perspektiver inden for teknologisk-assisteret indsamling af data i psykologisk forandring - rammesat af den synergetiske psykologi [Möglichkeiten der technologiegestützten Datenerfassung psychischer Veränderungsprozesse – Methoden der synergetischen Psychologie]. Psyke & Logos 37 (1), pp. 144 - 170 (2016)
Journal Article
Toelle, J.: Todas las naciones han de oyrla: Bells in the Jesuit reducciones of Early Modern Paracuaria. Journal of Jesuit Studies 3 (3), pp. 437 - 450 (2016)
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