Journal Article (637)

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Gordon, R. L.; Martschenko, D. O.; Nayak, S.; Niarchou, M.; Morrison, M. D.; Bell, E.; Jacoby, N.; Davis, L. K.: Confronting ethical and social issues related to the genetics of musicality (Early View). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2023)
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Kentner, G.; Franz, I.; Knoop, C. A.; Menninghaus, W.: The final lengthening of pre-boundary syllables turns into final shortening as boundary strength levels increase. Journal of Phonetics 97, 101225 (2023)
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Melloni, L.; Mudrik, L.; Pitts, M.; Bendtz, K.; Ferrante, O.; Gorska, U.; Hirschhorn, R.; Khalaf, A.; Kozma, C.; Lepauvre, A. et al.; Liu, L.; Mazumder, D.; Richter, D.; Zhou, H.; Blumenfeld, H.; Boly, M.; Chalmers, D. J.; Devore, S.; Fallon, F.; de Lange, F. P.; Jensen, O.; Kreiman, G.; Luo, H.; Panagiotaropoulos, T. I.; Dehaene, S.; Koch, C.; Tononi, G.: An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory. PLoS One 18 (2), e0268577 (2023)
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