Proceedings (2)

Singularity formation in geometric evolution equations (Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, 26). Workshop on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Geometric Variational Problems, Canberra, Australien, September 24, 1990 - September 28, 1990. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CMA), Canberra (1991)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Allen, B.; Caldwell, R. R.: Kinky strings: Evolution of kinks as small scale structure on a cosmic string network. In: Gravitation: a Banff Summer Institute ; Banff Center, Banff, Canada, August 12 - 25, 1990, pp. 65 - 77 (Eds. Mann, R.; Wesson, P.). Banff Summer Institute, Banff, Canada, August 12, 1990 - August 25, 1990. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (1991)