Scientific Publications

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Allen, B.: Using gravitational lenses to detect gravitational waves. General Relativity and Gravitation 22 (12), pp. 1447 - 1455 (1990)
Journal Article
Allen, B.; Shellard, E. P. S.: Cosmic-string evolution: A numerical simulation. Physical Review Letters 64 (2), pp. 119 - 122 (1990)
Journal Article
Allen, B.: Reversing centrifugal forces. Nature 347 (6294), pp. 615 - 616 (1990)
Journal Article
Ferrara, S.; Lüst, D.; Theisen, S.: World-sheet versus spectrum symmetries in heterotic and type II superstrings. Nuclear Physics B 325 (2), pp. 501 - 525 (1990)
Journal Article
Ferrara, S.; Lüst, D.; Theisen, S.: Duality transformations for blown-up orbifolds. Physics Letters B 242 (1), pp. 39 - 44 (1990)
Journal Article
Allen, B.; Caldwell, R. R.: Generation of structure on a cosmic-string network. Physical Review Letters 65 (14), pp. 1705 - 1708 (1990)
Journal Article
Guinn, J. W.; Will, C. M.; Kojima, Y.; Schutz, B. F.: High-overtone normal modes of Schwarzschild black holes. Classical and quantum gravity 7 (2), pp. L47 - L53 (1990)
Journal Article
Nicolai, H.: Non-compact symmetries, extended supergravities and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Physics Letters B 235 (3-4), pp. 295 - 301 (1990)
Journal Article
Allen, B.; Ottewill, A. C.: Effects of curvature couplings for quantum fields on cosmic-string space-times. Physical Review D 42 (8), pp. 2669 - 2677 (1990)
Journal Article
Dierkes, U.; Huisken, G.: The $n$-dimensional analogue of the catenary: existence and nonexistence. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 141 (1), pp. 47 - 54 (1990)
Journal Article
Ecker, K.; Huisken, G.: A Bernstein result for minimal graphs of controlled growth. Journal of Differential Geometry 31 (2), pp. 397 - 400 (1990)
Journal Article
Ehlers, J.; Schäfer, G.: 75 Jahre allgemeine Relativitätstheorie. Physikalische Blätter 46, pp. 481 - 484 (1990)
Journal Article
Huisken, G.: Asymptotic-behavior for singularities of the mean-curvature flow. Journal of Differential Geometry 31 (1), pp. 285 - 299 (1990)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Waves: Astronomy's Newest Frontier. University of Wales Review: Science and Technology, pp. 17 - 28 (1990)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Allen, B.; Shellard, E. P. S.: On the evolution of cosmic strings. In: The formation and evolution of cosmic strings: proceedings of a workshop supported by the SERC and held in Cambridge, 3-7 July, 1989, pp. 421 - 448 (Eds. Gibbons, G. W.; Hawking, S. W.; Vachaspati, T.). Symposium on the Formation and Evolution of Cosmic Strings, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 03, 1989 - July 07, 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)
Conference Paper
Ehlers, J.: Conference summery. In: General Relativity and Gravitation, pp. 491 - 502 (Eds. Ashby, N.; Bartlett Wyss Walter, D. B.). 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Colorado, Boulder, July 02, 1989 - July 08, 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Waves. In: Proceedings of the `Relativity Meeting - 89'. Recent Developments in Gravitation, pp. 193 - 222 (Eds. Verdaguer, E.; Garriga, J.; Cespedes, J.). Proceedings of the `Relativity Meeting - 89'. Recent Developments in Gravitation, Barcelona, Spain, September 05, 1989 - September 08, 1989. (1990)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Timing Accuracy of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors. In: General relativity and gravitation, 1989: proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Colorado at Boulder, July 2 - 8, 1989, p. 583 (Eds. Ashby, N.; Bartlett, D. F.; Wyss, W.). 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 02, 1989 - July 08, 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)