Scientific Publications

Journal Article (97)

Journal Article
Alcubierre, M.; Benger, W.; Bruegmann, B.; Lanfermann, G.; Nerger, L.; Seidel, E.; Takahashi, R.: 3D grazing collision of two black holes. Physical Review Letters 87 (27), 271103 (2001)
Journal Article
Huisken, G.; Ilmanen, T.: The inverse mean curvature flow and the Riemannian Penrose Inequality. Journal of Differential Geometry 59 (3), pp. 353 - 437 (2001)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Variations in the LISA mission. Classical and quantum gravity 18 (19), pp. 4145 - 4152 (2001)
Journal Article
Curio, G.; Klemm, A.; Lüst, D.; Theisen, S.: On the Vacuum Structure of Type II String Compactifications on Calabi-Yau Spaces with H-Fluxes. Nuclear Physics B 609 (1-2), pp. 3 - 45 (2001)
Journal Article
Pai, A.; Dhurandhar, S.; Bose, S.: A data-analysis strategy for detecting gravitational-wave signals from inspiraling compact binaries with a network of laser-interferometric detectors. Physical Review D 64 (4), 042004 (2001)
Journal Article
Chrobok, T.; Perlick, V.: Classification of image distortions in terms of Petrov types. Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (15), pp. 3059 - 3079 (2001)
Journal Article
Campanelli, M.; Gomez, R.; Husa, S.; Winicour, J.; Zlochower, Y.: The close limit from a null point of view: The advanced solution. Physical Review D 63 (12), 124013 (2001)
Journal Article
Dhurandhar, S.; Vecchio, A.: Searching for continuous gravitational wave sources in binary systems. Physical Review D 63 (12), 122001 (2001)
Journal Article
Alcubierre, M.; Brandt, S.; Brügmann, B.; Holz, D.; Seidel, E.; Takahashi, R.; Thornburg, J.: Symmetry without symmetry: Numerical simulation of axisymmetric systems using Cartesian grids. International Journal of Modern Physics D 10 (3), pp. 273 - 289 (2001)
Journal Article
Damour, T.; Henneaux, M.; Julia, B.; Nicolai, H.: Hyperbolic Kac Moody Algebras and Chaos in Kaluza Klein Models. Physics Letters B 509 (3-4), pp. 323 - 330 (2001)
Journal Article
Hübner, P.: From Now to Timelike Infinity on a Finite Grid. Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (10), pp. 1871 - 1884 (2001)
Journal Article
Campanelli, M.; Laguna, P.; Pillin, J.; Ryan, M. P.; Khanna, G.: Perturbations of the Kerr spacetime in horizon penetrating coordinates. Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (8), pp. 1543 - 1554 (2001)
Journal Article
Hübner, P.: Numerical Calculation of Conformally Smooth Hyperboloidal Data. Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (8), pp. 1421 - 1440 (2001)
Journal Article
Silva, S.: Brane-World charges. Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (8), pp. 1577 - 1591 (2001)
Journal Article
Chamblin, A.; Reall, H. S.; Shinkai, H.-a.; Shiromizu, T.: Charged Brane-World Black Holes. Physical Review D 63 (6), 064015 (2001)
Journal Article
Nicolai, H.; Samtleben, H.: Maximal gauged supergravity in three dimensions. Physical Review Letters 86 (9), pp. 1686 - 1689 (2001)
Journal Article
Allen, B.; Ottewill, A. C.: Waveforms for gravitational radiation from cosmic string loops. Physical Review D 63 (6), 063507 (2001)
Journal Article
Plefka, J.: Vertex Operators for the Supermembrane and Background Field Matrix Theory. International Journal of Modern Physics A 16 (5), pp. 660 - 668 (2001)
Journal Article
Lousto, C. O.: Perturbative evolution of nonlinear initial data for binary black holes:Zerilli vs. Teukolsky equation. Physical Review D 63 (4), 047504 (2001)
Journal Article
Tagoshi, H.; Ohashi, A.; Owen, B. J.: Gravitational field and equations of motion of spinning compact binaries to 2.5 post-Newtonian order. Physical Review D 63 (4), 044006 (2001)