Book Chapter (213)
Book Chapter
44 (1986)
Mean-curvature contraction of convex hypersurfaces. In: Proceedings of Symposia in pure Mathematics, Vol. 5342.
Book Chapter
Synergism Between Numerical and Analytic Relativity. In: Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity, pp. 446 - 465 (Ed. Centrella, J.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1986)
Book Chapter
On Generalised Equations of Geodesic Deviation. In: Galaxies, axisymmetric systems and relativity: essays presentd to W. B. Bonnor on his 65th birthday, pp. 237 - 246 (Ed. MacCallum, M. A. H.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1985)
Book Chapter
Relations between the Galilei-invariant and the Lorentz-invariant theories of collisions. In: Space, Time and Mechanics, pp. 21 - 37 (Eds. Mayr, D.; Samann, G.). Reidel, Dordrecht (1983)
Book Chapter
Problems of relativistic celestial mechanics. In: Aspetti Matematici della teoria della Relativit, pp. 85 - 99. Atti Dei Convegni Lincei 57, Rome, Italy (1983)
Book Chapter
Some advances and problems in classical general relativity. In: Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, pp. 411 - 416 (Eds. Schrader, R.; Seiler, R.; Uhlenbrock, D. A.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1982)
Book Chapter
Albert Einstein und die Gravitationsthorie. In: Meyers Grosses Universallexikon. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim (1982)
Book Chapter
Christoffel’s Work on the Equivalence Problem for Riemannian Spaces and its importance for modern Field Theories of Physics. In: E. B. Christoffel: The influence of his work on Mathematics and the Physical Sciences, pp. 526 - 542 (Eds. Butzer, P. L.; Feher, F.). Birkhäuser, Basel (1981)
Book Chapter
Über den Newtonschen Grenzwert der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie. In: Grundlagenprobleme der modernen Physik, pp. 65 - 84 (Eds. Nitsch, J.; Pfarr, J.; Stachow, E. W.). Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim (1981)
Book Chapter
Einstein’s theory of gravitation. In: Einstein Symposium Berlin: aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages 25. bis 30. März 1979, pp. 10 - 35. Springer, Berlin (1979)
Book Chapter
Introduction. Survey of Problems. In: Isolated Gravitating Systems in General Relativity (Ed. Ehlers, J.). North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam (1979)
Book Chapter
Progress in Relativistic Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Continuum Mechanics. In: General Relativity and Gravitation, pp. 213 - 232 (Eds. Shaviv, G.; Rosen, J.). Wiley, New York (1975)
Book Chapter
Kinetic theory of gases in general relativity theory. In: Lectures in Statistical Physics, pp. 78 - 105. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1974)
Book Chapter
Gravitation, Raumzeitstruktur und Astrophysik. In: Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 1974, pp. 47 - 60. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München (1974)
Book Chapter
The nature and structure of spacetime. In: The Physicist’s conception of nature, pp. 293 - 313 (Ed. Mehra, J.). Reidel, Dordrecht (1973)
Book Chapter
Survey of General Relativity Theory. In: Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, pp. 1 - 125 (Ed. Israel, W.). Reidel, Dordrecht (1973)
Book Chapter
The Geometry of Light Propagation and Free Fall. In: General Relativity, pp. 63 - 84 (Ed. O’Reifeartaigh, L.). Clarendon Press, Oxford (1972)
Book Chapter
General Relativity and Kinetic Theory. In: General Relativity and Cosmology, pp. 1 - 70 (Ed. Sachs, R. K.). Academic Press, New York und London (1971)
Book Chapter
General-relativistic kinetic theory of gases. In: Relativistic Fluid Dynamics, pp. 301 - 388 (Ed. Cattaneo, C.). Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo, Rome, Italy (1971)
Book Chapter
Kinetic Theory of Gases in General Relativity. In: Relativity and Gravitation, pp. 145 - 154 (Eds. Kuper, C. J.; Peres, A.). Gordon and Breach, New York (1971)