Conference Paper (663)

Conference Paper
Taylor, I.; Schutz, B. F.: Grid OCL: A Graphical Object Connecting Language. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII: proceedings from a meeting (Ed. Albrecht, R.). Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems; 7, Sonthofen, Germany, September 14, 1997 - September 17, 1997. (1998)
Conference Paper
Taylor, I.; Schutz, B. F.: Triana - A Quicklook Data Analysis System for Gravitational Wave Detectors. In: Proceedings of Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop. Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Orsay, France, 1997-11. Editions Frontieres, Paris (1998)
Conference Paper
Vecchio, A.; Cutler, C.: LISA: Parameter estimation for massive black hole binaries. Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Proceedings of the Second International LISA Symposium on gravitational waves, Pasadena, 1998, pp. 101 - 109 (1998)
Conference Paper
Wheary, J.; Wild, L.; Weyher, C.; Schutz, B. F.: Thinking in electronic terms. In: Proceedings / Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing Workshop / sponsored by the National Science Foundation, pp. 83 - 87 (Eds. Nielsen, C. S.; Herkert, J. R.). Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing Workshop: Meeting the Needs of the Engineering and Scientific Communities, In Cooperation with IEEE's Advances in Digital Libraries '98, Santa Barbara, Calif., April 23, 1998 - April 25, 1998. IEEE Technical Activities, Piscataway, NJ (1998)
Conference Paper
Dautcourt, G.: Self-consistent solutions for low-frequency gravitational background radiation. In: Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Ed. Piran, T.). 8th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Jerusalem, Israel, June 22, 1997 - June 27, 1997. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (1997)
Conference Paper
Danzmann, K.; LISA Science Team: The LISA Mission: A Laser-Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector in Space. In: Fundamental Physics in Space, Proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School, pp. 247 - 252 (Ed. Wilson, A.). Fundamental Physics in Space, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria, July 22, 1997 - July 31, 1997. European Space Agency, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria (1997)
Conference Paper
Allen, B.: The stochastic gravity-wave background: sources and detection. In: Relativistic gravitation and gravitational radiation: proceedings of the Les Houches School of Physics, pp. 373 - 418 (Eds. Marck, J.-A.; Lasota, J.-P.). Les Houches School of Physics, Les Houches, Haute Savoie, September 26, 1995 - October 06, 1995. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997)
Conference Paper
Alles, B.; Buonanno, A.; Cella, G.: The two-phase issue in the O(n) non-linear sigma-model: A Monte Carlo study. Lattice 96, Washington University, St. Louis, USA, June 04, 1996 - June 08, 1996. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 53, pp. 677 - 679 (1997)
Conference Paper
Buonanno, A.; Maggiore, M.; Ungarelli, C.: Stochastic background of relic gravitational waves in string cosmology. In: Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics. Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, 12th , Rome, Italy, September 23, 1996 - September 27, 1996. World Scientific (1997)
Conference Paper
Compton, K. A.; Schutz, B. F.: Bar-interferometer observing. In: Sources and detectors: proceedings of the International Conference on Gravitational Waves (Eds. Ciufolini, I.; Fidecaro, F.). International Conference on Gravitational Waves, Cascina (Pisa), Italy, March 19, 1996 - March 23, 1996. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1997)
Conference Paper
Danzmann, K.; LISA Study Team: LISA - a gravitational wave observatory in heliocentric orbit. TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, National Women's Education Centre, Saitama, Japan, November 12, 1996 - November 14, 1996. Frontiers Science Series, pp. 111 - 116 (1997)
Conference Paper
Heinzel, G.; Mizuno, J.; Schilling, R.; Winkler, W.; Rüdiger, A.; Danzmann, K.: Resonant sideband extraction for detectors with Fabry-Perot arms. TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, National Women's Education Centre, Saitama, Japan, November 12, 1996 - November 14, 1996. Frontiers Science Series, pp. 271 - 279 (1997)
Conference Paper
Hough, J.; Newton, G. P.; Robertson, N. A.; Ward, H.; Plissi, M.; Robertson, D.; Rowan, S.; Skeldon, K. D.; Strain, K. A.; Casey, M. et al.; McNamara, P.; Torrie, C.; Twyford, S.; Danzmann, K.; Lück, H.; Schrempel, M.; Willke, B.; Aufmuth, P.; Brozek, S.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R.; Winkler, W.; Heinzel, G.; Mizuno, J.; Schnier, D.; Schutz, B. F.: GEO 600: Current Status and Some Aspects of the Design. In: Gravitational Wave Detection: Proceedings of the TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection (Eds. Tsubono, K.; Fujimoto, M.-K.; Kuroda, K.). 2nd TAMA Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, Tokyo, Japan, November 12, 1996 - November 14, 1996. (1997)
Conference Paper
Krolak, A.: Estimation of Parameters of Gravitational Waves from Pulsars. In: Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe; Morion Workshop. Editions Frontieres, Vol. 329 (Ed. Giraud-Heraud and J. Tran Thanh Van, Y.). Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe; Morion Workshop. (1997)
Conference Paper
Roberts, P.; Dolesi, R.; Maraner, A.; Kaltenegger, L.; Lechner, C.; Nieke, J.; Wilhelm, R.; Peterseim, M.; Sintes, A. M.: FINEST Finder and Observer of Neutron Star Binary Coalescence: A new Concept for Space-Based, Interferometric Detection of Medium-Frequency Gravitational Waves. Fundamental Physics on Space, Alpbach, Austria, July 22, 1997 - July 31, 1997. Proc. &Quot;Fundamental Physics on Space&Quot SP-420, pp. 48 - 54 (1997)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational radiation from accreting neutron stars. In: Mathematics of gravitation: proceedings of the Workshop Mathematical Aspects of Theories of Gravitation (Ed. Królak, A.). Workshop Mathematical Aspects of Theories of Gravitation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, February 29, 1996 - March 30, 1996. Inst. Matematyczny PAN, Warszawa (1997)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational waves: The wager. In: Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, pp. 53 - 73 (Eds. Bassan, M.; Ferrari, V.; Francaviglia, M.; Fucito, F.; Modena, I.). 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Rome, Italy, September 23, 1996 - September 27, 1996. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1997)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Introduction to the Analysis of Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Data. In: Fundamental physics in space: proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School (Ed. Österreich / Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr ). Alpbach Summer School 1997, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria, July 22, 1997 - July 31, 1997. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (1997)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Low-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Waves: A Tutorial. In: Fundamental physics in space: proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School 1997 (Ed. Österreich / Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr / ). Alpbach Summer School, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria, July 22, 1997 - July 31, 1997. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (1997)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: The detection of gravitational waves. In: Relativistic Gravitation and Gravitational Radiation; Proceedings of the Les Houches School of Physic (Eds. Marck, J.-A.; Lasota, J.-P.). Les Houches School of Physics, Les Houches, Haute Savoie, September 26, 1995 - October 06, 1995. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997)
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