Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)

The GWDG is a common institution of the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Society. It is the IT computing centre for the University of Göttingen and a computing and IT competence centre for the Max Planck Society and provides a lot of services for scientific data processing.

Especially the operation of high-performance computers (parallel computers), the provision of resources for the storage and archiving of data, and the care of the transmission network GÖNET, which connects the Göttingen institutes with each other and with the Internet, are part of the tasks of the GWDG. As an IT competence centre the GWDG advises and supports the associated institutes with regard to all questions concerning scientific data processing.

The scientific research tasks of the GWDG focus on the field of applied computer science. It also promotes the training of specialists in information technology.


Burckhardtweg 4
37077 Göttingen
Phone: +49 551 39-30001
Fax: +49 551 39-130-30001

ABA – Agile Bio-inspired Architectures, subproject personalized medicine & medical technology 

2023 Friedrich, Lukas; Alves, Frauke; Wieder, Philipp

Computer Science Medicine

The interdisciplinary and medical sub-project of ABA, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, brings together experts from various fields for colon cancer research in order to stratify patients for an optimal choice of therapy. Samples of intestinal tumors are examined in 3D using imaging methods at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) and the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Natural Sciences (MPI-NAT) and stored in a data lake at the GWDG. The data is compressed and analysed using AI on the high-performance computer Emmy operated by the GWDG. 


Researching Services for Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences 

2022 Nolte, Hendrik; Mühlhausen, Stefanie; Sommer, Dorothea; Kunkel, Julian

Computer Science

Computing power and storage capacity are of increasing importance in a growing number of scientific disciplines, including and especially in the life sciences. Due to advances in biotechnology and the successively increasing amount of data generated in this field, a highly efficient computing infrastructure for implementing these very methods is becoming increasingly important, in addition to methods of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.


Leveraging data lakes for managing and processing of large data volumes 

2021 Nolte, Hendrik; Kasprzak, Piotr; Kunkel, Julian; Wieder, Philipp 

Computer Science

Data lakes have experienced increasing popularity for years and are being used in more and more institutions as central storage for all accumulating data, especially unstructured data. An unique selling point of a data lake is that data is stored in the respective raw format. This is intended to prevent information loss and thus increase the reusability of the data. Furthermore, a data lake at the GWDG provides means for data management and, thus, can also support researchers in complying with good scientific practice. 


The EU-funded project ”Open Forecast” is developing a generic platform for processing open, freely available data implementing automated data analysis pipelines and integrating high-performance computing ressources. Two use cases based on this platform are realised: smart cities and smart farming. In the first case, a complex meteorological 3D model is used to calculate forecasts of particulate matter pollution for the greater Stuttgart area. In the second case, forecasts for agriculture are generated based on satellite data from the Copernicus earth observation program.


The GMPG research programme is dedicated to investigating the History of the Max Planck Society. An integral part of the program is the mass digitization of files and the long-term preservation and provision of resulting research data. The project “Archival Cultural Heritage Online” was established to provide the necessary infrastructure to integrate the digitization workflow, a long-term archiving service and a virtual working environment. This article describes the underlying concept and the implemented service.

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