Review Article (322)

Review Article
Poorter, H.; Fiorani, F.; Stitt, M.; Schurr, U.; Finck, A.; Gibon, Y.; Usadel, B.; Munns, R.; Atkin, O. K.; Tardieu, F. et al.; Pons, T. L.: The art of growing plants for experimental purposes: a practical guide for the plant biologist Review. Functional Plant Biology 39 (10-11), pp. 821 - 838 (2012)
Review Article
Ruan, Y. L.; Patrick, J. W.; Bouzayen, M.; Osorio, S.; Fernie, A. R.: Molecular regulation of seed and fruit set. Trends in Plant Science 17 (11), pp. 656 - 665 (2012)
Review Article
Ruprecht, C.; Persson, S.: Co-expression of cell-wall related genes: new tools and insights. Frontiers in Plant Science 3, p. 83 (2012)
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Schippers, J. H. M.; Nguyen, H. M.; Lu, D.; Schmidt, R.; Mueller-Roeber, B.: ROS homeostasis during development: an evolutionary conserved strategy. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 69 (19), pp. 3245 - 3257 (2012)
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Veneklaas, E. J.; Lambers, H.; Bragg, J.; Finnegan, P. M.; Lovelock, C. E.; Plaxton, W. C.; Price, C. A.; Scheible, W. R.; Shane, M. W.; White, P. J. et al.; Raven, J. A.: Opportunities for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in crop plants. New Phytologist 195 (2), pp. 306 - 320 (2012)
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Larhlimi, A.; Blachon, S.; Selbig, J.; Nikoloski, Z.: Robustness of metabolic networks: A review of existing definitions. Biosystems 106 (1), pp. 1 - 8 (2011)
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Araujo, W. L.; Fernie, A. R.; Nunes-Nesi, A.: Control of stomatal aperture: A renaissance of the old guard. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6 (9), pp. 1305 - 1311 (2011)
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Araujo, W. L.; Tohge, T.; Ishizaki, K.; Leaver, C. J.; Fernie, A. R.: Protein degradation - an alternative respiratory substrate for stressed plants. Trends in Plant Science 16 (9), pp. 489 - 498 (2011)
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Arnold, A.; Nikoloski, Z.: A quantitative comparison of CalvinBenson cycle models. Trends in Plant Science 16 (12), pp. 676 - 683 (2011)
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Endler, A.; Persson, S.: Cellulose Synthases and Synthesis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 4 (2), pp. 199 - 211 (2011)
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Fernie, A. R.; Klee, H. J.: The use of natural genetic diversity in the understanding of metabolic organization and regulation. Frontiers in Plant Science 2, p. 59 (2011)
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Gupta, K. J.; Fernie, A. R.; Kaiser, W. M.; van Dongen, J. T.: On the origins of nitric oxide. Trends in Plant Science 16 (3), pp. 160 - 168 (2011)
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Haferkamp, I.; Fernie, A. R.; Neuhaus, H. E.: Adenine nucleotide transport in plants: much more than a mitochondrial issue. Trends in Plant Science 16 (9), pp. 507 - 515 (2011)
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Kryvych, S.; Kleessen, S.; Ebert, B.; Kersten, B.; Fisahn, J.: Proteomics - The key to understanding systems biology of Arabidopsis trichomes. Phytochemistry 72 (10), pp. 1061 - 1070 (2011)
Review Article
Licausi, F.: Regulation of the molecular response to oxygen limitations in plants. New Phytologist 190 (3), pp. 550 - 555 (2011)
Review Article
McDowell, N. G.; Beerling, D. J.; Breshears, D. D.; Fisher, R. A.; Raffa, K. F.; Stitt, M.: The interdependence of mechanisms underlying climate-driven vegetation mortality. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26 (10), pp. 523 - 532 (2011)
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Mueller, B.; Pantin, F.; Genard, M.; Turc, O.; Freixes, S.; Piques, M.; Gibon, Y.: Water deficits uncouple growth from photosynthesis, increase C content, and modify the relationships between C and growth in sink organs. Journal of Experimental Botany 62 (6), pp. 1715 - 1729 (2011)
Review Article
Palmieri, F.; Pierri, C. L.; De Grassi, A.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Fernie, A. R.: Evolution, structure and function of mitochondrial carriers: a review with new insights. The Plant Journal 66 (1), pp. 161 - 181 (2011)
Review Article
Schöttler, M. A.; Albus, C. A.; Bock, R.: Photosystem I: Its biogenesis and function in higher plants. Journal of Plant Physiology 168 (12), pp. 1452 - 1461 (2011)
Review Article
Schudoma, C.: It's a loop world – single strands in RNA as structural and functional elements. BioMolecular Concepts 2 (3), pp. 171 - 181 (2011)
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