Scientific Publications

Journal Article (79)

Journal Article
Abdulrazzak, N.; Pollet, B.; Ehlting, J.; Larsen, K.; Asnaghi, C.; Ronseau, S.; Proux, C.; Erhardt, M.; Seltzer, V.; Renou, J. P. et al.: A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth. Plant Physiology 140 (1), pp. 30 - 48 (2006)
Journal Article
Ahlert, D.; Piepenburg, K.; Kudla, J.; Bock, R.: Evolutionary origin of a plant mitochondrial group II intron from a reverse transcriptase/maturase-encoding ancestor. Journal of Plant Research 119 (4), pp. 363 - 371 (2006)
Journal Article
Arrivault, S.; Senger, T.; Kraemer, U.: The Arabidopsis metal tolerance protein AtMTP3 maintains metal homeostasis by mediating Zn exclusion from the shoot under Fe deficiency and Zn oversupply. Plant Journal 46 (5), pp. 861 - 879 (2006)
Journal Article
Bari, R.; Pant, B. D.; Stitt, M.; Scheible, W.-R.: PHO2, microRNA399, and PHR1 define a phosphate-signaling pathway in plants. Plant Physiology 141 (3), pp. 988 - 999 (2006)
Journal Article
Bosca, S.; Barton, C. J.; Taylor, N. G.; Ryden, P.; Neumetzler, L.; Pauly, M.; Roberts, K.; Seifert, G. J.: Interactions between MUR10/CesA7-dependent secondary cellulose biosynthesis and primary cell wall structure. Plant Physiology 142 (4), pp. 1353 - 1363 (2006)
Journal Article
Buessis, D.; von Groll, U.; Fisahn, J.; Altmann, T.: Stomatal aperture can compensate altered stomatal density in Arabidopsis thaliana at growth light conditions. Functional Plant Biology 33 (11), pp. 1037 - 1043 (2006)
Journal Article
Cacela, C.; Hincha, D. K.: Low amounts of sucrose are sufficient to depress the phase transition temperature of dry phosphatidylcholine, but not for lyoprotection of liposomes. Biophysical Journal 90 (8), pp. 2831 - 2842 (2006)
Journal Article
Cacela, C.; Hincha, D. K.: Monosaccharide composition, chain length and linkage type influence the interactions of oligosaccharides with dry phosphatidylcholine membranes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1758 (5), pp. 680 - 691 (2006)
Journal Article
Clement, B.; Pollmann, S.; Weiler, E.; Urbanczyk-Wochniak, E.; Otten, L.: The Agrobacterium vitis T-6b oncoprotein induces auxin-independent cell expansion in tobacco. Plant Journal 45 (6), pp. 1017 - 1027 (2006)
Journal Article
Cross, J. M.; von Korff, M.; Altmann, T.; Bartzetko, L.; Sulpice, R.; Gibon, Y.; Palacios, N.; Stitt, M.: Variation of enzyme activities and metabolite levels in 24 arabidopsis accessions growing in carbon-limited conditions. Plant Physiology 142 (4), pp. 1574 - 1588 (2006)
Journal Article
D'Angelo, C.; Weinl, S.; Batistic, O.; Pandey, G. K.; Cheong, Y. H.; Schultke, S.; Albrecht, V.; Ehlert, B.; Schulz, B.; Harter, K. et al.: Alternative complex formation of the Ca2+-regulated protein kinase CIPK1 controls abscisic acid-dependent and independent stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 48 (6), pp. 857 - 872 (2006)
Journal Article
Duehring, U.; Irrgang, K. D.; Luenser, K.; Kehr, J.; Wilde, A.: Analysis of photosynthetic complexes from a cyanobacterial ycf37 mutant. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1757 (1), pp. 3 - 11 (2006)
Journal Article
Engelsberger, W. R.; Erban, A.; Kopka, J.; Schulze, W. X.: Metabolic labeling of plant cell cultures with K(15)NO3 as a tool for quantitative analysis of proteins and metabolites. Plant Methods 2, p. 14 (2006)
Journal Article
Fait, A.; Angelovici, R.; Less, H.; Ohad, I.; Urbanczyk-Wochniak, E.; Fernie, A. R.; Galili, G.: Arabidopsis seed development and germination is associated with temporally distinct metabolic switches. Plant Physiology 142 (3), pp. 839 - 854 (2006)
Journal Article
Farre, E. M.; Tech, S.; Trethewey, R. N.; Fernie, A. R.; Willmitzer, L.: Subcellular pyrophosphate metabolism in developing tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Plant Molecular Biology 62 (1-2), pp. 165 - 179 (2006)
Journal Article
Feng, X. L.; Ni, W. M.; Elge, S.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Xu, Z. H.; Xue, H.-W.: Auxin flow in anther filaments is critical for pollen grain development through regulating pollen mitosis. Plant Molecular Biology 61 (1-2), pp. 215 - 226 (2006)
Journal Article
Fritz, C.; Palacios-Rojas, N.; Feil, R.; Stitt, M.: Regulation of secondary metabolism by the carbon-nitrogen status in tobacco: nitrate inhibits large sectors of phenylpropanoid metabolism. Plant Journal 46 (4), pp. 533 - 548 (2006)
Journal Article
Giavalisco, P.; Kapitza, K.; Kolasa, A.; Buhtz, A.; Kehr, J.: Towards the proteome of Brassica napus phloem sap. Proteomics 6 (3), pp. 896 - 909 (2006)
Journal Article
Gibon, Y.; Usadel, B.; Blaesing, O. E.; Kamlage, B.; Hoehne, M.; Trethewey, R.; Stitt, M.: Integration of metabolite with transcript and enzyme activity profiling during diurnal cycles in Arabidopsis rosettes. Genome Biology 7 (8), p. R76 (2006)
Journal Article
Hackel, A.; Schauer, N.; Carrari, F.; Fernie, A. R.; Grimm, B.; Kuhn, C.: Sucrose transporter LeSUT1 and LeSUT2 inhibition affects tomato fruit development in different ways. Plant Journal 45 (2), pp. 180 - 192 (2006)