Scientific Publications

Journal Article (82)

Journal Article
Ahmadabadi, M.; Ruf, S.; Bock, R.: A leaf-based regeneration and transformation system for maize (Zea mays L.). Transgenic Research 16 (4), pp. 437 - 448 (2007)
Journal Article
Ainsworth, E. A.; Rogers, A.; Leakey, A. D. B.; Heady, L. E.; Gibon, Y.; Stitt, M.; Schurr, U.: Does elevated atmospheric [CO2] alter diurnal C uptake and the balance of C and N metabolites in growing and fully expanded soybean leaves? Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (3), pp. 579 - 591 (2007)
Journal Article
Alhagdow, M.; Mounet, F.; Gilbert, L.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Garcia, V.; Just, D.; Petit, J.; Beauvoit, B.; Fernie, A. R.; Rothan, C. et al.: Silencing of the mitochondrial ascorbate synthesizing enzyme L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase affects plant and fruit development in tomato(1[w][OA]). Plant Physiology 145 (4), pp. 1408 - 1422 (2007)
Journal Article
Bannigan, A.; Scheible, W.-R.; Lukowitz, W.; Fagerstrom, C.; Wadsworth, P.; Somerville, C.; Baskin, T. I.: A conserved role for kinesin-5 in plant mitosis. Journal of Cell Science 120 (16), pp. 2819 - 2827 (2007)
Journal Article
Baxter, C. J.; Liu, J. L.; Fernie, A. R.; Sweetlove, L. J.: Determination of metabolic fluxes in a non-steady-state system. Phytochemistry 68 (16-18), pp. 2313 - 2319 (2007)
Journal Article
Baxter, C. J.; Redestig, H.; Schauer, N.; Repsilber, D.; Patil, K. R.; Nielsen, J.; Selbig, J.; Liu, J. L.; Fernie, A. R.; Sweetlove, L. J.: The metabolic response of heterotrophic Arabidopsis cells to oxidative stress. Plant Physiology 143 (1), pp. 312 - 325 (2007)
Journal Article
Bieniawska, Z.; Barratt, D. H. P.; Garlick, A. P.; Thole, V.; Kruger, N. J.; Martin, C.; Zrenner, R.; Smith, A. M.: Analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 49 (5), pp. 810 - 828 (2007)
Journal Article
Bock, R.: Towards plastid transformation in maize. ISB News Report 12, pp. 4 - 7 (2007)
Journal Article
Bohne, A. V.; Ruf, S.; Boerner, T.; Bock, R.: Faithful transcription initiation from a mitochondrial promoter in transgenic plastids. Nucleic Acids Research 35 (21), pp. 7256 - 7266 (2007)
Journal Article
Busch, F.; Huner, N. P. A.; Ensminger, I.: Increased air temperature during simulated autumn conditions does not increase photosynthetic carbon gain but affects the dissipation of excess energy in seedlings of the evergreen Conifer Jack Pine. Plant Physiology 143 (3), pp. 1242 - 1251 (2007)
Journal Article
Caldana, C.; Scheible, W.-R.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Ruzicic, S.: A quantitative RT-PCR platform for high-throughput expression profiling of 2500 rice transcription factors. Plant Methods 3, p. 7 (2007)
Journal Article
Christian, N.; Handorf, T.; Ebenhoeh, O.: Metabolic Synergy: Increasing Biosynthetic Capabilities by Network Cooperation. Genome Informatics 18 (1), pp. 320 - 329 (2007)
Journal Article
Dauwe, R.; Morreel, K.; Goeminne, G.; Gielen, B.; Rohde, A.; van Beeumen, J.; Ralph, J.; Boudet, A. M.; Kopka, J.; Rochange, S. F. et al.: Molecular phenotyping of lignin-modified tobacco reveals associated changes in cell-wall metabolism, primary metabolism, stress metabolism and photorespiration. Plant Journal 52 (2), pp. 263 - 285 (2007)
Journal Article
Ding, L.; Hofius, D.; Hajirezaei, M.-R.; Fernie, A. R.; Bornke, F.; Sonnewald, U.: Functional analysis of the essential bifunctional tobacco enzyme 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase/shikimate dehydrogenase in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (8), pp. 2053 - 2067 (2007)
Journal Article
Engel, N.; van den Daele, K.; Kolukisaoglu, U.; Morgenthal, K.; Weckwerth, W.; Parnik, T.; Keerberg, O.; Bauwe, H.: Deletion of glycine decarboxylase in arabidopsis is lethal under nonphotorespiratory conditions. Plant Physiology 144 (3), pp. 1328 - 1335 (2007)
Journal Article
Fahnenstich, H.; Saigo, M.; Niessen, M.; Zanor, M. I.; Andreo, C. S.; Fernie, A. R.; Drincovich, M. F.; Flugge, U. I.; Maurino, V. G.: Alteration of organic acid metabolism in Arabidopsis overexpressing the maize C(4)NADP-malic enzyme causes accelerated senescence during extended darkness. Plant Physiology 145 (3), pp. 640 - 652 (2007)
Journal Article
Fieulaine, S.; Lunn, J. E.; Ferrer, J. L.: Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial sucrose-phosphatase in complex with glucose-containing disaccharides. Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics 68 (3), pp. 796 - 801 (2007)
Journal Article
Footitt, S.; Dietrich, D.; Fait, A.; Fernie, A. R.; Holdsworth, M. J.; Baker, A.; Theodoulou, F. L.: The COMATOSE ATP-binding cassette transporter is required for full fertility in arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 144 (3), pp. 1467 - 1480 (2007)
Journal Article
Frankel, N.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Balbo, I.; Mazuch, J.; Centeno, D.; Iusem, N. D.; Fernie, A. R.; Carrari, F.: ci21A/Asr1 expression influences glucose accumulation in potato tubers. Plant Molecular Biology 63 (5), pp. 719 - 730 (2007)
Journal Article
Gaude, N.; Brehelin, C.; Tischendorf, G.; Kessler, F.; Doermann, P.: Nitrogen deficiency in Arabidopsis affects galactolipid composition and gene expression and results in accumulation of fatty acid phytyl esters. Plant Journal 49 (4), pp. 729 - 739 (2007)