Zeitschriftenartikel (632)

Christensen, J. F.; Farahi, F.; Vartanian, M.; Yazdi, S.: Choice Hygiene for “Consumer Neuroscientists”? Ethical Considerations and Proposals for Future Endeavours. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 612639 (2022)
Mencke, I.; Seibert, C.; Brattico, E.; Wald-Fuhrmann, M.: Comparing the aesthetic experience of classic–romantic and contemporary classical music: An interview study (Online First). Psychology of Music (2022)
Cappotto, D.; Kang, H.; Li, K.; Melloni, L.; Schnupp, J.; Auksztulewicz, R.: Simultaneous mnemonic and predictive representations in the auditory cortex. Current Biology 32 (11), S. 2548 - 2555.e5 (2022)
Bago, B.; Kovacs, M.; Protzko, J.; Nagy, T.; Kekecs, Z.; Palfi, B.; Adamkovic, M.; Adamus, S.; Albalooshi, S.; Albayrak-Aydemir, N. et al.; Alfian, I. N.; Alper, S.; Alvarez-Solas, S.; Alves, S. G.; Amaya, S.; Andresen, P. K.; Anjum, G.; Ansari, D.; Arriaga, P.; Aruta, J. J. B. R.; Arvanitis, A.; Babincak, P.; Barzykowski, K.; Bashour, B.; Baskin, E.; Batalha, L.; Batres, C.; Bavolar, J.; Bayrak, F.; Becker, B.; Becker, M.; Belaus, A.; Białek, M.; Bilancini, E.; Boller, D.; Boncinelli, L.; Boudesseul, J.; Brown, B. T.; Buchanan, E. M.; Butt, M. M.; Calvillo, D. P.; Carnes, N. C.; Celniker, J. B.; Chartier, C. R.; Chopik, W. J.; Chotikavan, P.; Chuan-Peng, H.; Clancy, R. F.; Çoker, O.; Correia, R. C.; Adoric, V. C.; Cubillas, C. P.; Czoschke, S.; Daryani, Y.; de Grefte, J. A. M.; de Vries, W. C.; Burak, E. G. D.; Dias, C.; Dixson, B. J. W.; Du, X.; Dumančić, F.; Dumbravă, A.; Dutra, N. B.; Enachescu, J.; Esteban-Serna, C.; Eudave, L.; Evans, T. R.; Feldman, G.; Felisberti, F. M.; Fiedler, S.; Findor, A.; Fleischmann, A.; Foroni, F.; Francová, R.; Frank, D.-A.; Fu, C. H. Y.; Gao, S.; Ghasemi, O.; Ghazi-Noori, A.-R.; Ghossainy, M. E.; Giammusso, I.; Gill, T.; Gjoneska, B.; Gollwitzer, M.; Graton, A.; Grinberg, M.; Groyecka-Bernard, A.; Harris, E. A.; Hartanto, A.; Hassan, W. A. N. M.; Hatami, J.; Heimark, K. R.; Hidding, J. J. J.; Hristova, E.; Hruška, M.; Hudson, C. A.; Huskey, R.; Ikeda, A.; Inbar, Y.; Ingram, G. P. D.; Isler, O.; Isloi, C.; Iyer, A.; Jaeger, B.; Janssen, S. M. J.; Jiménez-Leal, W.; Jokić, B.; Kačmár, P.; Kadreva, V.; Kaminski, G.; Karimi-Malekabadi, F.; Kasper, A. T. A.; Kendrick, K. M.; Kennedy, B. J.; Kocalar, H. E.; Kodapanakkal, R. I.; Kowal, M.; Kruse, E.; Kučerová, L.; Kühberger, A.; Kuzminska, A. O.; Lalot, F.; Lamm, C.; Lammers, J.; Lange, E. B.; Lantian, A.; Lau, I. Y.-M.; Lazarevic, L. B.; Leliveld, M. C.; Lenz, J. N.; Levitan, C. A.; Lewis, S. C.; Li, M.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Lima, T. J. S.; Lins, S.; Liuzza, M. T.; Lopes, P.; Lu, J. G.; Lynds, T.; Máčel, M.; Mackinnon, S. P.; Maganti, M.; Magraw-Mickelson, Z.; Magson, L. F.; Manley, H.; Marcu, G. M.; Seršić, D. M.; Matibag, C.-J.; Mattiassi, A. D. A.; Mazidi, M.; McFall, J. P.; McLatchie, N.; Mensink, M. C.; Miketta, L.; Milfont, T. L.; Mirisola, A.; Misiak, M.; Mitkidis, P.; Moeini-Jazani, M.; Monajem, A.; Moreau, D.; Musser, E. D.; Narhetali, E.; Ochoa, D. P.; Olsen, J.; Owsley, N. C.; Özdoğru, A. A.; Panning, M.; Papadatou-Pastou, M.; Parashar, N.; Pärnamets, P.; Paruzel-Czachura, M.; Parzuchowski, M.; Paterlini, J. V.; Pavlacic, J. M.; Peker, M.; Peters, K.; Piatnitckaia, L.; Pinto, I.; Policarpio, M. R.; Pop-Jordanova, N.; Pratama, A. J.; Primbs, M. A.; Pronizius, E.; Purić, D.; Puvia, E.; Qamari, V.; Qian, K.; Quiamzade, A.; Ráczová, B.; Reinero, D. A.; Reips, U.-D.; Reyna, C.; Reynolds, K.; Ribeiro, M. F. F.; Röer, J. P.; Ross, R. M.; Roussos, P.; Ruiz-Dodobara, F.; Ruiz-Fernandez, S.; Rutjens, B. T.; Rybus, K.; Samekin, A.; Santos, A. C.; Say, N.; Schild, C.; Schmidt, K.; Ścigała, K. A.; Sharifian, M.; Shi, J.; Shi, Y.; Sievers, E.; Sirota, M.; Slipenkyj, M.; Solak, Ç.; Sorokowska, A.; Sorokowski, P.; Söylemez, S.; Steffens, N. K.; Stephen, I. D.; Sternisko, A.; Stevens-Wilson, L.; Stewart, S. L. K.; Stieger, S.; Storage, D.; Strube, J.; Susa, K. J.; Szekely-Copîndean, R. D.; Szostak, N. M.; Takwin, B.; Tatachari, S.; Thomas, A. G.; Tiede, K. E.; Tiong, L. E.; Tonković, M.; Trémolière, B.; Tunstead, L. V.; Türkan, B. N.; Twardawski, M.; Vadillo, M. A.; Vally, Z.; Vaughn, L. A.; Verschuere, B.; Vlašiček, D.; Voracek, M.; Vranka, M. A.; Wang, S.; West, S.-L.; Whyte, S.; Wilton, L. S.; Wlodarczyk, A.; Wu, X.; Xin, F.; Yadanar, S.; Yama, H.; Yamada, Y.; Yilmaz, O.; Yoon, S.; Young, D. M.; Zakharov, I.; Zein, R. A.; Zettler, I.; Žeželj, I. L.; Zhang, D. C.; Zhang, J.; Zheng, X.; Hoekstra, R.; Aczel, B.: Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample. Nature Human Behaviour 6, S. 880 - 895 (2022)
Bairnsfather, J. E.; Ullén, F.; Osborne, M. S.; Wilson, S. J.; Mosing, M. A.: Investigating the relationship between childhood music practice and pitch-naming ability in professional musicians and a population-based twin sample. Twin Research and Human Genetics 25 (3), S. 140 - 148 (2022)
Degé, F.; Frischen , U.: The impact of music training on executive functions in childhood - a systematic review. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, S. 579 - 602 (2022)
García‐Rosales, F.; López‐Jury, L.; González‐Palomares, E.; Cabral‐Calderín, Y.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C.: Phase‐amplitude coupling profiles differ in frontal and auditory cortices of bats. European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (11-12), S. 3483 - 3501 (2022)
Sun, Y.; Michalareas, G.; Poeppel, D.: The impact of phase entrainment on auditory detection is highly variable: Revisiting a key finding. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 55 (11-12), S. 3373 - 3390 (2022)
Tavano, A.; Maess, B.; Poeppel, D.; Schröger, E.: Neural entrainment via perceptual inferences. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 55 (11-12), S. 3277 - 3287 (2022)
Thissen, B. A. K.; Schlotz, W.; Abel, C.; Scharinger, M.; Frieler, K.; Merrill, J.; Haider, T.; Menninghaus, W.: At the heart of optimal reading experiences: Cardiovascular activity and flow experiences in fiction reading. Reading Research Quarterly 57 (3), S. 831 - 845 (2022)
Dreisoerner, A.; Junker, N.; Schlotz, W.; Heimrich, J.; Bloemeke, S.; Ditzen, B.; van Dick, R.: Self-soothing touch and being hugged reduce cortisol responses to stress: A randomized controlled trial on stress, physical touch, and social identity. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 157, 110847 (2022)
Hansen, N. C.; Wald-Fuhrmann, M.; Davidson, J. W.: Editorial: Social convergence in times of spatial distancing: The role of music during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 910101 (2022)
Fokin, D.; Blohm, S.; Riekhakainen, E.: Reading Russian poetry: An expert–novice study. Journal of Eye Movement Research 13 (3) (2022)
Scharinger, M.; Knoop, C. A.; Wagner, V.; Menninghaus, W.: Neural processing of poems and songs is based on melodic properties. NeuroImage 257, 119310 (2022)
Tschense, M.; Wallot, S.: Using measures of reading time regularity (RTR) to quantify eye movement dynamics, and how they are shaped by linguistic information. Journal of Vision 22 (6) (2022)
Anglada-Tort, M.; Schofield, K.; Trahan, T.; Müllensiefen, D.: I’ve heard that brand before: The role of music recognition on consumer choice. International Journal of Advertising 41 (8), S. 1567 - 1587 (2022)
Auksztulewicz , R.; Garrido, M. I.; Malmierca, M. S.; Tavano, A.; Todd, J.; Winkler, I.: Editorial: Sensing the world through predictions and errors. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 899529 (2022)
Beaty, R. E.; Frieler, K.; Norgaard, M.; Merseal, H. M.; MacDonald, M. C.; Weiss, D. J.: Expert musical improvisations contain sequencing biases seen in language production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (4), S. 912 - 920 (2022)
Cohen, D. E.: Melodia and the “Disposition of the Soul”: G. C. Monteverdi’s “Platonic” Defense of the Seconda Pratica. The journal of musicology 39 (2), S. 179 - 208 (2022)
Kim, S.-G.; Overat, T.; Sedley, W.; Kumar, S.; Teki, S.; Kikuchi, Y.; Patterson, R.; D.Griffiths, T.: MEG correlates of temporal regularity relevant to pitch perception in human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 249, 118879 (2022)
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