Zeitschriftenartikel (4204)

Torrese, P.; Zucca, F.; Martini, S.; Benazzi, S.; Drohobytsky, D.; Gravel‐Miguel, C.; Hodgkins, J.; Meyer, D.; Miller, C.; Peresani, M. et al.; Orr, C.; Riel‐Salvatore, J.; Strait, D. S.; Negrino, F.: Ground truth validated 3D electrical resistivity imaging of the archaeological deposits at Arma Veirana cave (northern Italy). Journal of Quaternary Science 37 (6), S. 1112 - 1132 (2022)
Vazzana, A.; Higgins, O. A.; Oxilia, G.; Lugli, F.; Silvestrini, S.; Nava, A.; Bondioli, L.; Bortolini, E.; Di Domenico, G.; Bernardini, F. et al.; Tuniz, C.; Mancini, L.; Bettuzzi, M.; Morigi, M. P.; Piperno, M.; Collina, C.; Romandini, M.; Benazzi, S.: High-accuracy methodology for the integrative restoration of archaeological teeth by using reverse engineering techniques and rapid prototyping. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 44, 103511 (2022)
Vilgalys, T. P.; Fogel, A. S.; Anderson, J. A.; Mututua, R. S.; Warutere, J. K.; Siodi, I. L.; Kim, S. Y.; Voyles, T. N.; Robinson, J. A.; Wall, J. D. et al.; Archie, E. A.; Alberts, S. C.; Tung, J.: Selection against admixture and gene regulatory divergence in a long-term primate field study. Science 377 (6606), S. 635 - 641 (2022)
Zavala, E. I.; Ayinuer-Petri, A.; Richter, J.; Nickel, B.; Vernot, B.; Meyer, M.: Quantifying and reducing cross‐contamination in single‐ and multiplex hybridization capture of ancient DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (6), S. 2196 - 2207 (2022)
Kappeler, P. M.; Huchard, E.; Baniel, A.; Canteloup, C.; Charpentier, M. J. E.; Cheng, L.; Davidian, E.; Duboscq, J.; Fichtel, C.; Hemelrijk, C. K. et al.; Höner, O. P.; Koren, L.; Micheletta, J.; Prox, L.; Saccà, T.; Seex, L.; Smit, N.; Surbeck, M.; van de Waal, E.; Girard-Buttoz, C.: Sex and dominance: How to assess and interpret intersexual dominance relationships in mammalian societies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 918773 (2022)
Mora-Bermúdez, F.; Kanis, P.; Macak, D.; Peters, J.; Naumann, R.; Xing, L.; Sarov, M.; Winkler, S.; Oegema, C. E.; Haffner, C. et al.; Wimberger, P.; Riesenberg, S.; Maricic, T.; Huttner, W. B.; Pääbo, S.: Longer metaphase and fewer chromosome segregation errors in modern human than Neanderthal brain development. Science Advances 8, eabn7702 (2022)
Amici, F.; Oña, L.; Liebal, K.: Compositionality in primate gestural communication and multicomponent signal displays. International Journal of Primatology (2022)
Guellil, M.; van Dorp, L.; Inskip, S. A.; Dittmar, J. M.; Saag, L.; Tambets, K.; Hui, R.; Rose, A.; D’Atanasio, E.; Kriiska, A. et al.; Varul, L.; Koekkelkoren, A.M.H.C.; Goldina, R. D.; Cessford, C.; Solnik, A.; Metspalu, M.; Krause, J.; Herbig, A.; Robb, J. E.; Houldcroft, C. J.; Scheib, C. L.: Ancient herpes simplex 1 genomes reveal recent viral structure in Eurasia. Science Advances 8 (30) (2022)
Neumann, G.; Skourtanioti, E.; Burri Promerová, M.; Nelson, E. A.; Michel, M.; Hiß, A. N.; McGeorge, P. J.P.; Betancourt, P. P.; Spyrou, M. A.; Krause, J. et al.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Ancient Yersinia pestis and Salmonella enterica genomes from Bronze Age Crete. Current Biology 32 (16), e8, S. 3641 - 3649 (2022)
Tomasello, M.: The coordination of attention and action in great apes and humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377 (1859), 20210093 (2022)
Li, L.; Reeves, J. S.; Lin, S. C.; Tennie, C.; McPherron, S. P.: Quantifying knapping actions: A method for measuring the angle of blow on flakes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (8), 156 (2022)
Hilton, C. B.; Moser, C. J.; Bertolo, M.; Lee-Rubin, H.; Amir, D.; Bainbridge, C. M.; Simson, J.; Knox, D.; Glowacki, L.; Alemu, E. et al.; Galbarczyk, A.; Jasienska, G.; Ross, C. T.; Neff, M. B.; Martin, A.; Cirelli, L. K.; Trehub, S. E.; Song, J.; Kim, M.; Schachner, A.; Vardy, T. A.; Atkinson, Q. D.; Salenius, A.; Andelin, J.; Antfolk, J.; Madhivanan, P.; Siddaiah, A.; Placek, C. D.; Salali, G. D.; Keestra, S.; Singh, M.; Collins, S. A.; Patton, J. Q.; Scaff, C.; Stieglitz, J.; Cutipa, S. C.; Moya, C.; Sagar, R. R.; Anyawire, M.; Mabulla, A.; Wood, B. M.; Krasnow, M. M.; Mehr, S. A.: Acoustic regularities in infant-directed speech and song across cultures. Nature Human Behaviour (2022)
Peyrégne, S.; Kelso, J.; Peter, B. M.; Pääbo, S.: The evolutionary history of human spindle genes includes back-and-forth gene flow with Neandertals. eLife 11, e75464 (2022)
Pop, C.; Wilson, L.; Browne, C. L.: Evaluating landscape knowledge and lithic resource selection at the French Middle Paleolithic site of the Bau de l'Aubesier. Journal of Human Evolution 166, 103152 (2022)
Brid, N.; List, J.-M.; Messineo, C.: Patrones léxicos compartidos en el dominio etnobiológico de las lenguas del Chaco: Análisis preliminar de patrones léxicos compartidos en el dominio etnobiológico. [The languages of the Gran Chaco from the perspective of lexical semantics: Preliminary analysis of shared lexical structures in the ethnobotanical domain]. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 22, e022005 (2022)
Redhead, D.; Minocher, R.; Deffner, D.: Towards a computational network theory of social groups. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, e120, S. 46 - 48 (2022)
Snyder, W. D.; Reeves, J. S.; Tennie, C.: Early knapping techniques do not necessitate cultural transmission. Science Advances 8, eabo2894 (2022)
Jänig, S. *.; Kücklich, M. *.; Kulik, L.; Zetzsche, M.; Weiß, B. M. ǂ.; Widdig, A. ǂ.: Olfactory inspection of female reproductive states in chimpanzees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 884661 (2022)
Haeggström, S.; Ingelman-Sundberg, M.; Pääbo, S.; Zeberg, H.: The clinically relevant CYP2C8*3 and CYP2C9*2 haplotype is inherited from Neandertals. The Pharmacogenomics Journal 22, S. 247 - 249 (2022)
Oskolkov, N.; Santel, M.; Parikh, H. M.; Ekström, O.; Camp, J. G.; Miyamoto-Mikami, E.; Ström, K.; Mir, B. A.; Kryvokhyzha, D.; Lehtovirta, M. et al.; Kobayashi, H.; Kakigi, R.; Naito, H.; Eriksson, K.-F.; Nystedt, B.; Fuku, N.; Treutlein, B.; Pääbo, S.; Hansson, O.: High-throughput muscle fiber typing from RNA sequencing data. Skeletal Muscle 12, 16 (2022)
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