Zeitschriftenartikel (484)

Zempel, H.; Mandelkow, E.-M.: Tracking Tau in neurons: How to grow, fix, and stain primary neurons for the investigation of Tau in all developmental stages. Tau Protein - Methods and Protocols, S. 327 - 334 (2017)
Bassu, M.; Holik, P.; Schmitz, S.; Steltenkamp, S.; Burg, T. P.: Continuous high throughput nanofluidic separation through tangential-flow vertical nanoslit arrays. Lab on a Chip 16 (23), S. 4546 - 4553 (2016)
Landau, I. D.; Egger, R.; Dercksen, V. J.; Oberlaender, M.; Sompolinsky, H.: The Impact of structural heterogeneity on excitation-inhibition balance in cortical networks. Neuron 92 (5), S. 1106 - 1121 (2016)
Johnson, S. F.; Cruz, C.; Greifenberg, A. K.; Dust, S.; Stover, D. G.; Chi, D.; Primack, B.; Cao, S.; Bernhardy, A. J.; Coulson, R. et al.; Lazaro, J.-B.; Kochupurakkal, B.; Sun, H.; Unitt, C.; Moreau, L. A.; Sarosiek, K. A.; Scaltriti, M.; Juric, D.; Baselga, J.; Richardson, A. L.; Rodig, S. J.; D'Andrea, A. D.; Balmana, J.; Johnson, N.; Geyer, M.; Serra, V.; Lim, E.; Shapiro, G. I.: CDK12 Inhibition Reverses De Novo and Acquired PARP Inhibitor Resistance in BRCA Wild-Type and Mutated Models of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cell Reports 17 (9), S. 2367 - 2381 (2016)
Wallace, D. J.; Kerr, J. N. D.: Behavioral neuroscience: who’s afraid of the C57BL/6 Mouse? Current Biology 26 (22), S. R1188 - R1189 (2016)
Schneider, S.; Balbach, M.; Jikeli, J.; Fietz, D.; Nettersheim, D.; Jostes, S.; Schmidt, R.; Kressin, M.; Bergmann, M.; Wachten, D. et al.; Steger, K.; Schorle, H.: Re-visiting the Protamine-2 locus: deletion, but not haploinsufficiency, renders male mice infertile. Scientific Reports 6, 36764 (2016)
Gompper, G.; Bechinger, C.; Herminghaus, S.; Isele-Holder, R. E.; Kaupp, U. B.; Löwen, H.; Stark, H.; Winkler, R. G.: Microswimmers - from single particle motion to collective behavior. European Physical Journal - Special Topics 225, S. 2061 - 2064 (2016)
Kaupp, U. B.; Alvarez, L.: Sperm as microswimmers – navigation and sensing at the physical limit. The European physical journal. Special topics 225, S. 2119 - 2139 (2016)
Zhang, T.; Kwiatkowski, N.; Olson, C. M.; Dixon-Clarke, S. E.; Abraham, B. J.; Greifenberg , A. K.; Ficarro, S. B.; Elkins, J. M.; Liang, Y.; Hannett, N. M. et al.; Manz, T.; Hao, M.; Bartkowiak, B.; Greenleaf, A. L.; Marrto, J. A.; Geyer, M.; Bullock, A. N.; Young , R. A.; Gray, N. S.: Covalent targeting of remote cysteine residues to develop CDK12 and CDK13 inhibitors. Nature Chemical Biology 12, S. 876 - 884 (2016)
Dennissen, F. J. A.; Anglada-Huguet, M.; Sydow, A.; Mandelkow, E.; Mandelkow, E.-M.: Adenosine A1 receptor antagonist rolofylline alleviates axonopathy caused by human Tau delta K280. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (41), S. 11597 - 11602 (2016)
Voß, B.; Seifert, R.; Kaupp, U. B.; Grubmüller, H.: A quantitative model for cAMP binding to the binding Domain of MloK1. Biophysical Journal 111, S. 1668 - 1678 (2016)
Lawatscheck, C.; Pickhardt, M.; Wieczorek, S.; Grafmüller, A.; Mandelkow, E.; Börner, H. G.: Generalizing the Concept of Specific Compound Formulation Additives towards Non-Fluorescent Drugs: A Solubilization Study on Potential Anti-Alzheimer-Active Small-Molecule Compounds. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 55 (30), S. 8752 - 8756 (2016)
Anglada-Huguet, M.; Giralt, A.; Rue, L.; Alberch, J.; Xifro, X.: Loss of striatal 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (Rsk) is a key factor for motor, synaptic and transcription dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease 1862 (7), S. 1255 - 1266 (2016)
Hagelueken, G.; Hoffmenn, J.; Schubert, E.; Duthie, F. G.; Florin, N.; Konrad, L.; Imhof, D.; Behrmann, E.; Morgner, N.; Schiemann, O.: Studies on the X-Ray and solution structure of FeoB from escherichia coli BL21. Biophysical Journal 110 (12), S. 2642 - 2650 (2016)
Kerzhner, M.; Abdullin, D.; Wiecek, J.; Matsuoka, H.; Hagelueken, G.; Schiermann, O.; Famulok, M.: Post-synthetic Spin-Labeling of RNA through Click Chemistry for PELDOR Measurements. Chemistry – A European Journal 22, S. 12113 - 12121 (2016)
Björkgren, I.; Alvarez, L.; Blank, N.; Balbach, M.; Turunen, H.; Laajala, T. D.; Toivanen, J.; Krutskikh, A.; Wahlberg, N.; Huhtaniemi, I. et al.; Poutanen, M.; Wachten, D.; Sipilä, P.: Targeted inactivation of the mouse epididymal beta-defensin 41 alters sperm flagellar beat pattern and zona pellucida binding. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 427, S. 143 - 154 (2016)
Pir, G. J.; Choudhary, B.; Mandelkow, E.; Mandelkow, E.-M.: Tau mutant A152T, a risk factor for FTD/PSP, induces neuronal dysfunction and reduced lifespan independently of aggregation in a C. elegans Tauopathy model. Molecular Neurodegeneration 11, 33 (2016)
Valero, J.; Lohmann, F.; Keppner, D.; Famulok, M.: Single-Stranded Tile Stoppers for Interlocked DNA Architectures. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 17, S. 1146 - 1149 (2016)
Tschentscher, J.; Hochheim, S.; Brüning, H.; Brune, K.; Voit, K.-M.; Imlau, M.: Optical riblet sensor: beam parameter requirements for the probing laser source. Sensors 16 (4), 458 (2016)
Akoury, E.; Mukrasch, M.; Biernat, J.; Tepper, K.; Ozenne, V.; Mandelkow, E.; Blackledge, M.; Zweckstetter, M.: Remodeling of the conformational ensemble of the repeat domain of tau by an aggregation enhancer. Protein Science 24, S. 1010 - 1020 (2016)
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