Beitrag in Sammelwerk (541)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Schlegel, S.: A ‘basket of goods approach’ as an alternative to strict legal distinctions between migrants and refugees. In: Flucht und Asyl: internationale und österreichische Perspektiven (Hg. Bauböck, R.; Reinprecht, C.; Sievers , W.). Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Wien (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Dean, K.: Incorporating historical GIS in fieldwork on Chinese culture and religion. In: Fieldwork in modern Chinese history: a research guide, S. 144 - 158 (Hg. DuBois, T. D.; Kiely, J.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Hudson, A.; Elkins, Z.: The constitutional referendum in historical perspective. In: Comparative constitution making, S. 142 - 164 (Hg. Landau, D.; Lerner, H.). Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Binaisa, N.: Lagos: negotiating urban mobilities in an age of mobile telephony. In: Mobilités, circulations et frontières: Migrations, mobilités et développement en Afrique Tome 1, Bd. 1, S. 137 - 151 (Hg. Mendy, A. F.; Eyebiy , E. P.). Daraja Press (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Tayob, S.: Molecular Halal: producing, debating, and evading Halal certification in South Africa. In: Insatiable appetite: food as cultural signifier in the Middle East and beyond (Hg. Dmitriev, K.; Hauser, J.; Orfali, B.). Brill, Leiden (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Simone, A.: Relational economies. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia on Urban and Regional Studies (Hg. Orum, A. M.). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ahmad, I.: Introduction: democracy and the algebra of warfare-welfare. In: The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election, S. 1 - 54 (Hg. Ahmad, I.; Kanungo, P.). Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ahmad, I.: Democracy as rumour: media, religion, and the 2014 Indian elections. In: The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election, S. 55 - 90 (Hg. Ahmad, I.; Kanungo, P.). Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ahmad, I.: Unity in diversity: democracy and manifestos in the 2014 Indian elections. In: The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election, S. 309 - 333 (Hg. Ahmad, I.; Kanungo, P.). Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ahmad, I.: Foreword: On writing history. In: Mediating Islam and modernity: Sir Sayyid, Iqbal and Azad, S. vi - xiii. Viva Books, New Delhi (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Arnaut, K.; Meeus, B.; Heur, B. v.: Migration and the infrastructural politics of urban arrival. In: Arrival infrastructures: migration and urban social mobilities, S. 1 - 32 (Hg. Meeus, B.; Arnaut, K.; Heur, B. v.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Baykara-Krumme, H.: Migration und Familie. In: Handbuch Migrationssoziologie (Hg. Röder, A.; Zifonun, D.). Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Carabelli, G.: Edible memories: Habsburg imperial cities and their sustained coffee-culture. In: Kosmos Kaffee, S. 58 - 62 (Hg. Jahreis, M.; Möllers, N.). Deutsches Museum, München (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Chan, F. H.-H.: Claiming ordinary space in the "cosmopolitan grid": the case of Singapore. In: The new companion to urban design, S. 110 - 121 (Hg. Banerjee, T.; Loukaitou-Sideris, A.). Routledge, London (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Cheng, Y.: “Sing to the Lord a new song”: The development and influence of Minnan hymns. In: Protestantism in Xiamen: Then and Now, S. 165 - 192 (Hg. White, C.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Chiu, T.-L.: The roles of secular states in the development of contemporary Chinese Buddhism: A cross-strait perspective on Buddhist Nunneries. In: The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia, S. 165 - 189 (Hg. van der Veer, P.; Dean, K.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
de Vries, B.: Are civic integration tests justifiable? A three-step test. In: The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy, S. 407 - 421 (Hg. Lever, A.; Poama, A.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Dean, K.: Spirit mediums and secular / religious divides in Singapore. In: The Secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia, S. 51 - 81 (Hg. van der Veer, P.; Dean, K.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cha (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Dean, K.: Whose orders? Chinese popular God temple networks and the rise of Chinese Mahayana Buddhist monasteries in Southeast Asia. In: Buddhist and Islamic orders in southern Asia: comparative perspectives, S. 99 - 124 (Hg. Feener, R. M.; Blackburn, A. M.). University of Hawaiʻi Press, Honolulu (2019)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Dean, K.: Historical GIS and the study of Southeast China and the Southeast Asian Chinese diapora. In: Historical GIS in Chinese studies (Hg. Wu, J.). University of Indiana Press, Indianapolis (angenommen)
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