Zeitschriftenartikel (1301)

Stücheli, P. E.; Larsen, T.; Wehrli, B.; Schubert, C. J.: Amino acid and chlorin based degradation indicators in freshwater systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 304, S. 216 - 233 (2021)
Taylor, W. T. T.; Hart, I.; Jones, E. L.; Brenner-Coltrain, J.; Jobe, J. T.; Britt, B. B.; McDonald, H. G.; Li, Y.; Zhang, C.; Le Roux, P. et al.; Gover, C. Q. S. C.; Schiavinato, S.; Orlando, L.; Roberts, P.: Interdisciplinary analysis of the Lehi Horse: implications for early historic horse cultures of the North American West. American antiquity 86 (3), 2020.109, S. 465 - 485 (2021)
Hixon, S. W.; Douglass, K.; Godfrey, L. R.; Eccles, L.; Crowley, B. E.; Rakotozafy, L. M. A.; Clark, G.; Haberle, S.; Anderson, A.; Wright, H. T. et al.; Kennett, D. J.: Ecological Consequences of a Millennium of Introduced Dogs on Madagascar. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 689559 (2021)
Ingman, T.; Eisenmann, S.; Skourtanioti, E.; Akar, M.; Ilgner, J.; Gnecchi Ruscone, G. A.; le Roux, P.; Shafiq, R.; Neumann, G. U.; Keller, M. et al.; Freund, C.; Marzo, S.; Lucas, M.; Krause, J.; Roberts, P.; Yener, K. A.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Human mobility at Tell Atchana (Alalakh), Hatay, Turkey during the 2nd millennium BC: integration of isotopic and genomic evidence. PLoS One 16 (6), 0241883, S. e0241883 (2021)
Purnomo, G. A.; Mitchell, K. J.; O’Connor, S.; Kealy, S.; Taufik, L.; Schiller, S.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Cooper, A.; Llamas, B.; Sudoyo, H. et al.; Teixeira, J. C.; Tobler, R.: Mitogenomes reveal two major influxes of Papuan ancestry across Wallacea following the last glacial maximum and Austronesian contact. Genes 12 (7), 965 (2021)
Ren, J.; Wang, F.; Li, F.; Yang, Q.; Chen, F.; Gao, X.: Formation processes of the Banjingzi Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin. Acta anthropologica Sinica 40 (03), 0068, S. 378 - 392 (2021)
Hamilton, R.; Wolfhagen, J.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N.; Findley, D. M.; Iriarte, J.; Kaplan, J. O.; Stevenson, J.; Roberts, P.: Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-021-01474-4 (2021)
Vanwezer, N.; Breitenbach, S. F.M.; Gázquez, F.; Louys, J.; Kononov, A.; Sokol'nikov, D.; Erdenedalai, A.; Burguet-Coca, A.; Picin, A.; Cueva-Temprana, A. et al.; Sánchez-Martínez, J.; Taylor, W.; Boivin, N.; Jamsranjav, B.; Petraglia, M. D.: Archaeological and environmental cave records in the Gobi-Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Quaternary International 586, 010, S. 66 - 89 (2021)
Wibowo, M. C.; Yang, Z.; Borry, M.; Hübner, A.; Huang, K. D.; Tierney, B. T.; Zimmerman, S.; Barajas-Olmos, F.; Contreras-Cubas, C.; García-Ortiz, H. et al.; Martínez-Hernández, A.; Luber, J. M.; Kirstahler, P.; Blohm, T.; Smiley, F. E.; Arnold, R.; Ballal, S. A.; Pamp, S. J.; Russ, J.; Maixner, F.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Segata, N.; Reinhard, K.; Orozco, L.; Warinner, C.; Snow, M.; LeBlanc, S.; Kostic, A. D.: Reconstruction of ancient microbial genomes from the human gut. Nature 594 (7862), s41586-021-03532-0, S. 234 - 239 (260) (2021)
Kaboth-Bahr, S.; Gosling, W. D.; Vogelsang, R.; Bahr, A.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Asrat, A.; Cohen, A. S.; Düsing, W.; Foerster, V.; Lamb, H. F. et al.; Maslin, M. A.; Roberts, H. M.; Schäbitz, F.; Trauth, M. H.: Paleo-ENSO influence on African environments and early modern humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (23), e2018277118, S. 1 - 6 (2021)
Bortolini, E.; Pagani, L.; Oxilia, G.; Posth, C.; Fontana, F.; Badino, F.; Saupe, T.; Montinaro, F.; Margaritora, D.; Romandini, M. et al.; Lugli, F.; Papini, A.; Boggioni, M.; Perrini, N.; Oxilia, A.; Cigliano, R. A.; Barcelona, R.; Visentin, D.; Fasser, N.; Arrighi, S.; Figus, C.; Marciani, G.; Silvestrini, S.: Early Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe. Current Biology 31 (11), 2021.03.078, S. 2484 - 2493.e7 (2021)
Álvarez-Fernández, E.; Pardo, J.; F, J.; Arias, P.; Bécares, J.; Martín-Jarque, S.; Portero, R.; Teira, L.; Douka, K.: Radiocarbon dates for the late Pleistocene and Early Holocene occupations of Cova Rosa (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain). Radiocarbon 63 (3), 2021.18, S. 1053 - 1072 (2021)
Blinkhorn, J.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Petraglia, M. D.; Blockley, S.: Directional changes in Levallois core technologies between Eastern Africa, Arabia, and the Levant during MIS 5. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11465 (2021)
Ciesielska, J. A.; Stark, R. J.; Obłuski, A.; Boivin, N.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotope analysis of dietary variation among the early Christian communities of northern Sudan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37, 103016, S. 1 - 10 (2021)
Cocozza, C.; Fernandes, R.: Tooth formation age dataset for early childhood bioarchaeological and medical studies. Data in Brief 36, 107141 (2021)
Culley, C.; Janzen, A.; Brown, S.; Prendergast, M. E.; Shipton, C.; Ndiema, E.; Petraglia, M. D.; Boivin, N.; Crowther, A.: Iron Age hunting and herding in coastal eastern Africa: ZooMS identification of domesticates and wild bovids at Panga ya Saidi, Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Science 130, 105368, S. 1 - 13 (2021)
Dinnis, R.; Bessudnov, A. A.; Reynolds, N.; Khlopachev, G. A.; Sablin, M.; Sinitsyn, A.; Higham, T.; Douka, K.: The tempo of cultural change in the Kostenki Upper Paleolithic: further insights. Radiocarbon 63 (3), 2021.20, S. 785 - 803 (2021)
Fuller, D. Q.; Barron, A.; Champion, L.; Dupuy, C.; Commelin, D.; Raimbault, M.; Denham, T.: Transition from wild to domesticated Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Revealed in Ceramic Temper at three middle Holocene sites in Northern Mali. African Archaeological Review 38, s10437-021-09428-8, S. 211 - 230 (2021)
Groucutt, H. S.; Carleton, W. C.: Mass-kill hunting and Late Quaternary ecology: New insights into the ‘desert kite’ phenomenon in Arabia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37, 102995, S. 1 - 10 (2021)
Guagnin, M.; Shipton, C.; Martin, L.; Kingwell-Banham, E.; Breeze, P.; Graham, L.; Ott, F.; Stewart, M.; El-Dossary, S.; Zahrani, B. et al.; Al-Omari, A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M.: A tale of two hearth sites: Neolithic and intermittent mid to late Holocene occupations in the Jubbah oasis, northern Saudi Arabia. Archaeological Research in Asia 26, 100278, S. 1 - 20 (2021)
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