Zeitschriftenartikel (1301)

Hanot, P.; Gerber, S.; Guintard, C.; Herrel, A.; Verslype, L.; Cornette, R.: Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric. Journal of Archaeological Science 121, 105200, S. 1 - 12 (2020)
Hernández-Hernández, O.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Barquera, R.; Warinner, C. G.; López-Gil, C.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; la Cruz, F. d. R. R.-d.; Méndez-Mani, P. et al.; de Pavón-Vargas, M. l. Á.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Oaxaca, Mexico: Oaxaca city and rural Oaxaca. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 553 - 556 (2020)
Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Rodríguez-Munguía, T. J.; Barquera, R.; Adalid-Sáinz, C.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Pacheco-Ubaldo, H.; González-Medina, L.; Lona-Sánchez, A.; Bravo-Acevedo, A. et al.; Aquino-Rubio, G.; González-Martínez, M. d. R.; Delgado-Aguirre, H.; Escareño-Montiel, N.; Jaramillo-Rodríguez, Y.; Salgado-Adame, A.; la Cruz, F. J.-d.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from San Luis Potosí, Mexico: San Luis Potosí City and rural San Luis Potosí. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 522 - 524 (2020)
Lara-Riegos, J.; Barquera, R.; Castillo-Chávez, O. d.; Medina-Escobedo, C. E.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Ponnandai-Shanmugavel, K. S.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Zúñiga, J. et al.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Yucatán, Mexico: Mérida and rural Yucatán. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 569 - 572 (2020)
Lombao, D.; Rabuñal, J.; Cueva-Temprana, A.; Mosquera, M.; Morales, J.: A new approach to measure reduction intensity on cores and tools on cobbles: the Volumetric Reconstruction Method. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (9), 222 (2020), S. 1 - 16 (2020)
Martínez-Álvarez, J. C.; Barquera Lozano, R. J.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Clayton, S.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Immel, A.; Benítez-Arvizu, G.; Arrazola-García, M. A.; Juárez-Barreto, V. et al.; Vega-Martínez, M. d. R.; Juárez-Nicolás, F.; Escutia-González, A. B.; Martínez-Bezies, V.; García-Álvarez, R.; Salgado-Galicia, N.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Querétaro, Mexico: Querétaro city and rural Querétaro. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 522 - 524 (2020)
Medina-Escobedo, C. E.; Barquera, R.; Ponnandai-Shanmugavel, K. S.; Lara-Riegos, J.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J. et al.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Quintana Roo, Mexico: Cancún and rural Quintana Roo. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 573 - 575 (2020)
Ortega-Yáñez, A.; Barquera, R.; Curiel-Giles, L.; Martínez-Álvarez, J. C.; Macías-Medrano, R. M.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Immel, A. et al.; Vega-Martínez, M. d. R.; Benítez-Arvizu, G.; Arrazola-García, M. A.; Arriaga-Perea, A. J.; Juárez-Cortés, E. D.; Juárez-Barreto, V.; Salgado-Galicia, N.; Novelo-Garza, B.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Morelos, Mexico: Cuernavaca and rural Morelos. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 557 - 559 (2020)
Pacheco-Ubaldo, H.; Adalid-Sáinz, C.; Barquera, R.; Clayton, S.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Delgado-Aguirre, H.; González-Medina, L.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Escareño-Montiel, N.; Morán-Martínez, J. et al.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Lona-Sánchez, A.; González-Martínez, M. d. R.; Jaramillo-Rodríguez, Y.; Salgado-Adame, A.; la Cruz, F. J.-d.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in three populations from Chihuahua, Mexico: Chihuahua City, Ciudad Juárez and rural Chihuahua. Human Immunology 81 (9), 2019.05.014, S. 485 - 488 (2020)
Pantoja-Torres, J. A.; Barquera, R.; Ballesteros-Romero, M.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Montiel-Hernández, G. D.; Clayton, S.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L. I.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Goné-Vázquez, I. et al.; Escobedo-Ruíz, A.; García-Arias, V. E.; Arellano-Prado, F. P.; Rodríguez-López, M. E.; de Sánchez-Fernández, M. G. J.; Sandoval-Sandoval, M. J.; Gómez-Navarro, B.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in three populations from Guanajuato, Mexico: Guanajuato City, León and rural Guanajuato. Human Immunology 81 (9), 2019.06.002, S. 510 - 512 (2020)
Patalano, R.; Zech, J.; Roberts, P.: Leaf wax lipid extraction for archaeological applications. Current Protocols in Plant Biology 5 (3), e20114, S. 1 - 38 (2020)
Peyrégne, S.; Prüfer, K.: Present-Day DNA Contamination in Ancient DNA Datasets. Bioessays 42 (9), 2000081 (2020)
Rodríguez-Munguía, T. J.; Barquera, R.; Adalid-Sáinz, C.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Aquino-Rubio, G.; González-Martínez, M. d. R.; Pacheco-Ubaldo, H.; González-Medina, L. et al.; Lona-Sánchez, A.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Delgado-Aguirre, H.; Escareño-Montiel, N.; Jaramillo-Rodríguez, Y.; Salgado-Adame, A.; la Cruz, F. J.-d.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Tamaulipas, Mexico: Ciudad Victoria and rural Tamaulipas. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 525 - 527 (2020)
Solís-Martínez, R.; Barquera, R.; Ponnendai-Shanmugavel, K. S.; Vega-Martínez, M. d. R.; Vázquez-Castillo, T. V.; Arrieta-Bolaños, E.; Clayton, S.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Bravo-Acevedo, A.; Immel, A. et al.; Salgado-Galicia, N.; Zúñiga, J.; Yunis, E. J.; Bekker-Méndez, C.; Granados, J.: Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Tabasco, Mexico: Villahermosa and rural Tabasco. Human Immunology 81 (9), S. 560 - 562 (2020)
Ren, J.; Li, F.; Chen, F.; Gao, X.: 石制品废片尺寸分布的实验研究:以泥河湾盆地大田洼区域燧石原料为例. 人类学学报 39 (3), S. 379 - 391 (2020)
Neukamm, J.; Pfrengle, S.; Molak, M.; Seitz, A.; Francken, M.; Eppenberger, P.; Avanzi, C.; Reiter, E.; Urban, C.; Welte, B. et al.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Teßmann, B.; Herbig, A.; Harvati, K.; Nieselt, K.; Krause, J.; Schuenemann, V. J.: 2000-year-old pathogen genomes reconstructed from metagenomic analysis of Egyptian mummified individuals. BMC Biology 18 (1), 108 (2020)
Yang, Q.; Zhou, X.; Spengler III, R. N.; Zhao, K.; Liu, J.; Bao, Y.; Jia, P. W.; Li, X.: Prehistoric agriculture and social structure in the southwestern Tarim Basin: multiproxy analyses at Wupaer. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14235, S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Grove, M.; Blinkhorn, J.: Neural networks differentiate between Middle and Later Stone Age lithic assemblages in eastern Africa. PLoS One 15 (8), e0237528, S. 1 - 27 (2020)
Shaver, J. H.; Power, E. A.; Purzycki, B. G.; Watts, J.; Sear, R.; Shenk, M. K.; Sosis, R.; Bulbulia, J. A.: Church attendance and alloparenting: an analysis of fertility, social support and child development among English mothers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 375 (1805), 20190428 (2020)
Majander, K.; Pfrengle, S.; Kocher, A.; Neukamm, J.; du Plessis, L.; Pla-Díaz, M.; Arora, N.; Akgül, G.; Salo, K.; Schats, R. et al.; Inskip, S.; Oinonen, M.; Valk, H.; Malve, M.; Kriiska, A.; Onkamo, P.; González-Candelas, F.; Kühnert, D.; Krause, J.; Schuenemann, V. J.: Ancient bacterial genomes reveal a high diversity of Treponema pallidum Strains in early Modern Europe. Current Biology 30 (19), 2020.07.058, S. 3788 - 3803.e10 (2020)
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