Zeitschriftenartikel (1301)

Lipson, M.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Mallick, S.; Pósa, A.; Stégmár, B.; Keerl, V.; Rohland, N.; Stewardson, K.; Ferry, M.; Michel, M. et al.; Oppenheimer, J.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Harney, E.; Nordenfelt, S.; Llamas, B.; Gusztáv Mende, B.; Köhler, K.; Oross, K.; Bondár, M.; Marton, T.; Osztás, A.; Jakucs, J.; Paluch, T.; Horváth, F.; Csengeri, P.; Koós, J.; Sebők, K.; Anders, A.; Raczky, P.; Regenye, J.; Barna, J. P.; Fábián, S.; Serlegi, G.; Toldi, Z.; Gyöngyvér Nagy, E.; Dani, J.; Molnár, E.; Pálfi, G.; Márk, L.; Melegh, B.; Bánfai, Z.; Domboróczki, L.; Fernández-Eraso, J.; Antonio Mujika-Alustiza, J.; Alonso Fernández, C.; Jiménez Echevarría, J.; Bollongino, R.; Orschiedt, J.; Schierhold, K.; Meller, H.; Cooper, A.; Burger, J.; Bánffy, E.; Alt, K. W.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Haak, W.; Reich, D.: Parallel palaeogenomic transects reveal complex genetic history of early European farmers. Nature 551 (7680), 24476, S. 368 - 372 (2017)
Szécsényi-Nagy, .; Roth, C.; Brandt, G.; Rihuete-Herrada, C.; Tejedor-Rodríguez, C.; Held, P.; García-Martínez-de-Lagrán, Í.; Magallón, H. A.; Zesch, S.; Knipper, C. et al.; Bánffy, E.; Friederich, S.; Meller, H.; Ramírez, P. B.; Bermejo, R. B.; de Behrmann, R. B.; Herrero-Corral, A. M.; Fernández, R. F.; Fernández, C. A.; Echevarria, J. J.; Rindlisbacher, L.; Oliart, C.; Fregeiro, M.-I.; Soriano, I.; Vicente, O.; Micó, R.; Lull, V.; Díaz, J. S.; Padilla, J. A. L.; de Muñoz, C. R. T.; Pérez, M. S. H.; Maestre, F. J. J.; Maurandi, J. L.; Fernández, A. A.; Lillios, K. T.; Silva, A. M.; Ramalho, M. M.; Oosterbeek, L. M.; Cunha, C.; Waterman, A. J.; Buxó, J. R.; Martínez, A.; Martínez, J. P.; Ortiz, M. H.; Mejías-García, J. C.; Espín, J. C. P.; Briones, R. C.-A.; Tomé, T.; Ballestero, E. C.; Cardoso, J. L.; Araújo, A. C.; von Lettow-Vorbeck, C. L.; Bosqued, C. B.; Mendoza, P. R.; Pujante, A.; Royo-Guillén, J. I.; Beviá, M. A. E.; Goncalves, . M. D. S.; Parreira, R.; Hernández, E. M.; Izquierdo, E. M.; Miguel, J. V. y.; García, R. M.; Calvo, V. M.; Jiménez, O. L.; Krause, J.; Pichler, S. L.; Garrido-Pena, R.; Kunst, M.; Risch, R.; Rojo-Guerra, M. A.; Haak, W.; Alt, K. W.: The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. Scientific Reports 7, 15644 (2017)
Bae, C. J.; Douka, K.; Petraglia, M. D.: Human colonization of Asia in the Late Pleistocene: An introduction to supplement 17. Current Anthropology 58 (S17), S. S373 - S382 (2017)
Bräuer, J.; Silva, K.; Schweinberger, S. R.: Communicating canine and human emotions: Commentary on Kujala on Canine Emotions. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling 14, 7 (2017)
Yao, H.-B.; Tang, S.; Yao, X.; Yeh, H.; Zhang, W.; Xie, Z.; Du, Q.; Ma, L.; Wei, S.; Gong, X. et al.; Zhang, Z.; Li, Q.; Xu, B.; Zhang, H.-Q.; Chen, G.; Wang, C.-C.: The genetic admixture in Tibetan-Yi Corridor. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164 (3), S. 522 - 532 (2017)
Haspelmath, M.; Karjus, A.: Explaining asymmetries in number marking: Singulatives, pluratives, and usage frequency. Linguistics 55 (6), S. 1213 - 1235 (2017)
Greenhill, S. J.; Wu, C.-H.; Hua, X.; Dunn, M.; Levinson, S. C.; Gray, R. D.: Evolutionary dynamics of language systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (42), S. E8822 - E8829 (2017)
Clark, A.; King, C. L.; Buckley, H. R.; Collins, C. J.; Dhavale, N.; Elliott, G. E.; Gosling, A.; Halcrow, S. E.; Ivory, B.; Matisoo-Smith, E. et al.; McDonald, K. S.; Stantis, C.; Tromp, M.; Ward, S.; West, K.: Biological anthropology in the Indo-Pacific region: New approaches to age-old questions. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 41, S. 78 - 94 (2017)
Capriles, J. M.; Albarracin-Jordan, J.; Bird, D. W.; Goldstein, S. T.; Jarpa, G. M.; Maldonado, S. C.; Santoro, C. M.: Mobility, subsistence, and technological strategies of early Holocene hunter-gatherers in the Bolivian Altiplano. Quaternary International 473 (Part B), S. 190 - 205 (2017)
Hill, N. W.; List, J.-M.: Challenges of annotation and analysis in computer-assisted language comparison: A case study on Burmish languages. Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting 3 (1), S. 47 - 76 (2017)
Yang, S.-X.; Petraglia, M. D.; Hou, Y.-M.; Yue, J.-P.; Deng, C.-L.; Zhu, R.-X.: The lithic assemblages of Donggutuo, Nihewan basin: Knapping skills of early pleistocene hominins in North China. PLoS One 12 (9), e0185101 (2017)
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Ali, A. K.; Haji, O.; Crowther, A.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Characterising marine mollusc exploitation in the eastern African Iron Age: Archaeomalacological evidence from Unguja Ukuu and Fukuchani, Zanzibar. Quaternary International 471, Part A, S. 66 - 80 (2017)
Hermann, A.: Stone adzes production in Tupua’i (Austral islands, French Polynesia): Specialisation in a changing chiefdom of Central Eastern Polynesia. Journal of Lithic Studies 4 (2) (2017)
Lampe, M.; Bräuer, J.; Kaminski, J.; Virányi, Z.: The effects of domestication and ontogeny on cognition in dogs and wolves. Scientific Reports 7, 11690 (2017)
Picin, A.: Technological adaptation and the emergence of Levallois in Central Europe: new insight from the Markkleeberg and Zwochau open-air sites in Germany. Journal of Quaternary Science 33 (3), S. 300 - 312 (2017)
Uomini, N.; Lawson, R.: Effects of handedness and viewpoint on the imitation of origami-making. Symmetry 9 (9), 182 (2017)
Knipper, C.; Mittnik, A.; Massy, K.; Kociumaka, C.; Kucukkalipci, I.; Maus, M.; Wittenborn, F.; Metz, S. E.; Staskiewicz, A.; Krause, J. et al.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Female exogamy and gene pool diversification at the transition from the final neolithic to the early Bronze Age in central Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (38), S. 10083 - 10088 (2017)
Blasi, D. E.; Michaelis, S.; Haspelmath, M.: Grammars are robustly transmitted even during the emergence of creole languages. Nature Human Behaviour 1, S. 723 - 729 (2017)
Drennan, R. D.; Peterson, C. E.; Lu, X.; Li, T.: Hongshan households and communities in Neolithic northeastern China. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47, S. 50 - 71 (2017)
Luef, E. M.; Maat, A. T.; Pika, S.: Vocal similarity in long-distance and short-distance vocalizations in raven pairs (Corvus corax) in captivity. Behavioural Processes 142, S. 1 - 7 (2017)
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