Zeitschriftenartikel (3055)

Angenendt, P.; Nyarsik, L.; Szaflarski, W.; Glökler, J.; Nierhaus, K. H.; Lehrach, H.; Cahill, D. J.; Lueking, A.: Cell-free protein expression and functional assay in nanowell chip format. Analytical Chemistry 76 (7), S. 1844 - 1849 (2004)
Gerisch, B.; Antebi, A.: Hormonal signals produced by DAF-9/cytochrome P450 regulate C. elegans dauer diapause in response to environmental cues. Development 131 (8), S. 1765 - 1776 (2004)
Gibbs, R. A. ....; Himmelbauer, H.; Lehrach, H. ....; Collins, F.: Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428 (6982), S. 493 - 521 (2004)
Harms, J. M.; Schlünzen, F.; Fucini, P.; Bartels, H.; Yonath, A.: Alterations at the peptidyl transferase centre of the ribosome induced by the synergistic action of the streptogramins dalfopristin and quinupristin. BMC Biology 2, S. 4 - 4 (2004)
Hurt, P.; Walter, L.; Sudbrak, R.; Klages, S.; Mueller, I.; Shiina, T.; Inoko, H.; Lehrach, H.; Guenther, E.; Reinhardt, R. et al.; Himmelbauer, H.: The genomic sequence and comparative analysis of the rat major histocompatibility complex. Genome Research 14 (4), S. 631 - 639 (2004)
Krzywinski, M.; Wallis, J.; Goesele, C.; Bosdet, I.; Chiu, R.; Graves, T.; Hummel, O.; Layman, D.; Mathewson, C.; Wye, N. et al.; Zhu, B.; Albracht, D.; Asano, J.; Barber, S.; Brown-John, M.; Chan, S.; Chand, S.; Cloutier, A.; Davito, J.; Fjell, C.; Gaige, T.; Ganten, D.; Girn, N.; Guggenheimer, K.; Himmelbauer, H.; Kreitler, T.; Leach, S.; Lee, D.; Lehrach, H.; Mayo, M.; Mead, K.; Olson, T.; Pandoh, P.; Prabhu, A.-L.; Shin, H.; Tänzer, S.; Thompson, J.; Tsai, M.; Walker, J.; Yang, G.; Sekhon, M.; Hillier, L.; Zimdahl, H.; Marziali, A.; Osoegawa, K.; Zhao, S.; Siddiqui, A.; de Jong, P. J.; Warren, W.; Mardis, E.; McPherson, J. D.; Wilson, R.; Huebner, N.; Jones, S.; Marra, M.; Schein, J.: Integrated and sequence-ordered BAC and YAC-based physical maps for the rat genome. Genome Research 14 (4), S. 766 - 779 (2004)
Krzywinski, M.; Wallis, J.; Goesele, C.; Bosdet, I.; Chiu, R.; Graves, T.; Hummel, O.; Layman, D.; Mathewson, C.; Wye, N. et al.; Zhu, B.; Albracht, D.; Asano, J.; Barber, S.; Brown-John, M.; Chan, S.; Chand, S.; Cloutier, A.; Davito, J.; Fjell, C.; Gaige, T.; Ganten, D.; Girn, N.; Guggenheimer, K.; Himmelbauer, H.; Kreitler, T.; Leach, S.; Lee, D.; Lehrach, H.; Mayo, M.; Mead, K.; Olson, T.; Pandoh, P.; Prabhu, A.-L.; Shin, H.; Tanzer, S.; Thompson, J.; Tsai, M.; Walker, J.; Yang, G.; Sekhon, M.; Hillier, L.; Zimdahl, H.; Marziali, A.; Osoegawa, K.; Zhao, S.; Siddiqui, A.; de Jong, P. J.; Warren, W.; Mardis, E.; McPherson, J. D.; Wilson, R.; Huebner, N.; Jones, S.; Marra, M.; Schein, J.: Integrated and sequence-ordered BAC and YAC-based physical maps for the rat genome. Genome Research 14 (4), S. 766 - 779 (2004)
Schwabe, G. C.; Mundlos, S.: Genetics of congenital hand anomalies. Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie 36 (2-3), S. 85 - 97 (2004)
von Heydebreck, A.; Gunawan, B.; Füzesi, L.: Maximum likelihood estimation of oncogenetic tree models. Biostatistics 5 (4), S. 545 - 556 (2004)
Singh, U.; Fohn, L. E.; Wakayama, T.; Ohgane, J.; Steinhoff, C.; Lipkowitz, B.; Schulz, R.; Orth, A.; Ropers, H.-H.; Behringer, R. R. et al.; Tanaka, S.; Shiota, K.; Yanagimachi, R.; Nuber, U. A.; Fundele, R.: Different molecular mechanisms underlie placental overgrowth phenotypes caused by interspecies hybridization, cloning, and Esx1 mutation. Developmental Dynamics 230 (1), S. 149 - 164 (2004)
Winter, J.; Lehmann, T.; Krauß, S.; Trockenbacher, A.; Kijas, Z.; Foerster, J.; Suckow, V.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Kulozik, A.; Kalscheuer, V. M. et al.; Schneider, R.; Schweiger, S.: Regulation of the MID1 protein function is fine-tuned by a complex pattern of alternative splicing. Human Genetics 114 (6), S. 541 - 552 (2004)
Winter, J.; Lehmann, T.; Krauß, S.; Trockenbacher, A.; Kijas, Z.; Foerster, J.; Suckow, V.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Kulozik, A.; Kalscheuer, V. M. et al.; Schneider, R.; Schweiger, S.: Regulation of the MID1 protein function is fine-tuned by a complex pattern of alternative splicing. Human Genetics 114 (6), S. 541 - 552 (2004)
Antebi, A.: Tipping the balance toward longevity. Developmental Cell 6 (3), S. 315 - 316 (2004)
Chang, T. H.-T.; Primig, M.; Hadchouel, J.; Tajbakhsh, S.; Rocancourt, D.; Fernandez, A.; Kappler, R.; Scherthan, H.; Buckingham, M.: An enhancer directs differential expression of the linked Mrf4 and Myf5 myogenic regulatory genes in the mouse. Developmental Biology 269 (2), S. 595 - 608 (2004)
Theendakara, V.; Tromp, G.; Kuivaniem, H.; White, P. S.; Panchal, S.; Cox, J.; Winters, R. S.; Riebeling, P.; Tost, F.; Hoeltzenbein, M. et al.; Tervo, T. M.; Henn, W.; Denniger, E.; Krause, M.; Koksal, M.; Kargi, S.; Ugurbas, S. H.; Latvala, T.; Shearman, A. M.; Weiss, J. S.: Fine mapping of the Schnyder's crystalline corneal dystrophy locus. Human Genetics 114 (6), S. 594 - 600 (2004)
Kontou, M.; Will, R. D.; Adelfalk, C.; Wittig, R.; Poustka, A.; Hirsch-Kauffmann, M.; Schweiger, M.: Thioredoxin, a regulator of gene expression. Oncogene 23 (12), S. 2146 - 2152 (2004)
Nuber, U. A.; Tinschert, S.; Mundlos, S.; Hauber, I.: Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria: Familial case and ultrastructural skin investigation. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 125A (3), S. 261 - 266 (2004)
Nuber, U. A.; Tinschert, S.; Mundlos, S.; Hauber, I.: Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria: Familial case and ultrastructural skin investigation. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 125A (3), S. 261 - 266 (2004)
Nuber, U. A.; Tinschert, S.; Mundlos, S.; Hausser, I.: Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria: Familial case and ultrastructural skin investigation. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 125A (3), S. 261 - 266 (2004)
Alsheimer, M.; Liebe, B.; Sewell, L.; Stewart, C. L.; Scherthan, H.; Benavente, R.: Disruption of spermatogenesis in mice lacking A-type lamins. Journal of Cell Science 117 (7), S. 1173 - 1178 (2004)
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