Zeitschriftenartikel (3055)

Geigenberger, P.; Regierer, B.; Lytovchenko, A.; Leisse, A.; Schauer, N.; Springer, F.; Kossmann, J.; Fernie, A. R.: Heterologous expression of a ketohexokinase in potato plants leads to inhibited rates of photosynthesis, severe growth retardation and abnormal leaf development. Planta 218 (4), S. 569 - 578 (2004)
Hartmann, N.; Scherthan, H.: Characterization of ancestral chromosome fusion points in the Indian muntjac deer. Chromosoma 112 (5), S. 213 - 220 (2004)
Liebe, B.; Alsheimer, M.; Höög, C.; Benavente, R.; Scherthan, H.: Telomere attachment, meiotic chromosome condensation, pairing, and bouquet stage duration are modified in spermatocytes lacking axial elements. Molecular Biology of the Cell: the Official Publication of the American Society for Cell Biology 15 (2), S. 827 - 837 (2004)
Scheich, C.; Niesen, F. H.; Seckler, R.; Büssow, K.: An automated in vitro protein folding screen applied to a human dynactin subunit. Protein Science 13 (2), S. 370 - 380 (2004)
Schwabe, G. C.; Trepczik, B.; Süring, K.; Brieske, N.; Tucker, A. S.; Sharpe, P. T.; Minami, Y.; Mundlos, S.: Ror2 knockout mouse as a model for the developmental pathology of autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome. Developmental Dynamics 229 (2), S. 400 - 410 (2004)
Schwabe, G. C.; Türkmen, S.; Leschik, G.; Palanduz, S.; Stöver, B.; Goecke, T. O.; Mundlos, S.: Brachydactyly type C caused by a homozygous missense mutation in the prodomain of CDMP1. American Journal of Medical Genetics 124A (4), S. 356 - 363 (2004)
Tsend-Ayush, E.; Grützner, F.; Yue, Y.; Grossmann, B.; Hänsel, U.; Sudbrak, R.; Haaf, T.: Plasticity of human chromosome 3 during primate evolution. Genomics 83 (2), S. 193 - 202 (2004)
Weiss-Schneeweiss, H.; Riha, K.; Jang, C. G.; Puizina, J.; Scherthan, H.; Schweizer, D.: Chromosome termini of the monocot plant Othocallis siberica are maintained by telomerase, which specifically synthesizes vertebrate-type telomere sequences. The Plant Journal 37 (4), S. 484 - 493 (2004)
Brockmann, C.; Leitner, D.; Labudde, D.; Diehl, A.; Sievert, V.; Buessow, K.; Kühne, R.; Oschkinat, H.: The solution structure of the SODD BAG domain reveals additional electrostatic interactions in the HSP70 complexes of SODD subfamily BAG domains. FEBS Letters 558 (1-3), S. 101 - 106 (2004)
Coward, K.; Owen, H.; Poustka, A. J.; Hibbitt, O.; Tunwell, R.; Kubota, H.; Swann, K.; Parrington, J.: Cloning of a novel phospholipase C-delta isoform from Pacific purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) gametes and its expression during early embryonic development. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 313 (4), S. 894 - 901 (2004)
Manjasetty, B. A.; Delbrueck, H.; Pham, D.-T.; Mueller, U.; Fieber-Erdmann, M.; Scheich, C.; Sievert, V.; Buessow, K.; Niesen, F. H.; Weihofen, W. et al.; Loll, B.; Saenger, W.; Heinemann, U.: Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein hp14.5. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 54 (4), S. 797 - 800 (2004)
Pils, B.; Schultz, J.: Evolution of the multifunctional protein tyrosine phosphatase family. Molecular Biology and Evolution: MBE 21 (4), S. 625 - 631 (2004)
Zatkova, A.; Ullmann, R.; Rouillard, J. M.; Lamb, B. J.; Kuick, R.; Hanash, S. M.; Schnittger, S.; Schoch, C.; Fonatsch, C.; Wimmer, K.: Distinct sequences on 11q13.5 and 11q23-24 are frequently coamplified with MLL in complexly organized 11q amplicons in AML/MDS patients. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 39 (4), S. 263 - 276 (2004)
Kleefstra, T.; Yntema, H. G.; Oudakker, A. R.; Banning, M. J. G.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Chelly, J.; Moraine, C.; Ropers, H.-H.; Fryns, J.-P.; Janssen, I. M. J. et al.; Sistermans, E. A.; Nillesen, W. N.; de Vries, L. B. A.; Hamel, B. C. J.; van Bokhoven, H.: Zinc finger 81 (ZNF81) mutations associated with X-linked mental retardation. Journal of Medical Genetics 41 (5), S. 394 - 399 (2004)
Dinos, G.; Wilson, D. N.; Teraoka, Y.; Szaflarski, W.; Fucini, P.; Kalpaxis, D.; Nierhaus, K. H.: Dissecting the ribosomal inhibition mechanisms of edeine and pactamycin: the universally conserved residues G693 and C795 regulate P-site RNA binding. Molecular Cell 13 (1), S. 113 - 124 (2004)
Midro, A. T.; Panasiuk, B.; Tümer, Z.; Stankiewicz, P.; Silahtaroglu, A.; Lupski, J. R.; Zemanova, Z.; Stasiewicz-Jarocka, B.; Hubert, E.; Tarasów, E. et al.; Famulski, W.; Zadrona-Tolwinska, B.; Wasilewska, E.; Kirchhoff, M.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Michalova, K.; Tommerup, N.: Interstitial deletion 9q22.32-q33.2 associated with additional familial translocation t(9;17)(q34.11;p11.2) in a patient with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome and features of Nail-patella syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 135A (3), S. 179 - 191 (2004)
Zechner, U.; Shi, W.; Hemberger, M.; Himmelbauer, H.; Otto, S.; Orth, A.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Fischer, U.; Elango, R.; Reis, A. et al.; Vogel, W.; Ropers, H.-H.; Rüschendorf, F.; Fundele, R.: Divergent genetic and epigenetic post-zygotic isolation mechanisms in Mus and Peromyscus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (2), S. 453 - 460 (2004)
Angenendt, P.: Generierung multiplexer Protein Mikroarrays. Bioforum 2004 (1-2), S. 23 - 26 (2004)
Feilner, T.; Kreutzberger, J.; Niemann, B.; Kramer, A.; Possling, A.; Seitz, H.; Kersten, B.: Proteomic studies using microarrays. Current Proteomics 1 (4), S. 283 - 295 (2004)
Foerster, J.; Nolte, I.; Schweiger, S.; Ehlert, C.; Bruinenberg, M.; Spaar, K.; van der Steege, G.; Mulder, M.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Moser, B. et al.; Kijas, Z.; Seeman, P.; Ständer, M.; Sterry, W.; te Meerman, G.: Evaluation of the IRF-2 gene as a candidate for PSORS3. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 122 (1), S. 61 - 64 (2004)
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