Zeitschriftenartikel (3055)

Trelles-Sticken, E.; Loidl, J.; Scherthan, H.: Increased ploidy and KAR3 and SIR3 disruption alter the dynamics of meiotic chromosomes and telomeres. Journal of Cell Science 116 (12), S. 2431 - 2442 (2003)
Wenzel, K.; Felix, S. B.; Flachmeier, C.; Heere, P.; Schulze, W.; Grunewald, I.; Pankow, H.; Hewelt, A.; Scherneck, S.; Bauer, D. et al.; Hoehe, M. R.: Identification and characterization of KAT, a novel gene preferentially expressed in several human cancer cell lines. Biological Chemistry 384 (5), S. 763 - 775 (2003)
Stelzl, U.; Zengel, J. M.; Tovbina, M.; Walker, M.; Nierhaus, K. H.; Lindahl, L.; Patel, D. J.: RNA-structural mimicry in Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L4-dependent regulation of the S10 operon. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (30), S. 28237 - 28245 (2003)
Scarlett, D.-J. G.; McCaughan, K. K.; Wilson, D. N.; Tate, W. P.: Mapping functionally important motifs SPF and GGQ of the decoding release factor RF2 to the Escherichia coli ribosome by hydroxyl radical footprinting - Implications for macromolecular mimicry and structural changes in RF2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (17), S. 15095 - 15104 (2003)
Meyer, T.; Alber, B.; Roemer, K.; Martin, T.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Gottert, E.; Zang, K. D.; Ludolph, A. C.; Ropers, H. H.; Prudlo, J.: High rate of constitutional chromosomal rearrangements in apparently sporadic ALS. Neurology 60 (8), S. 1348 - 1350 (2003)
Greber, B.; Lehrach, H.; Himmelbauer, H.: Characterization of trimethylpsoralen as a mutagen for mouse embryonic stem cells. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 525 (1-2), S. 67 - 76 (2003)
Huber, W.; von Heydebreck, A.; Sültmann, H.; Poustka, A.; Vingron, M.: Parameter estimation for the calibration and variance stabilization of microarray data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 2 (1), S. article 3 - article 3 (2003)
Falter, C.; Lehrach, H.: Functional characterization of proteomes. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 51 (4), S. 422 - 425 (2003)
Gillemans, N.; McMorrow, T.; Tewari, R.; Wai, A. W. K.; Burgtorf, C.; Drabek, D.; Ventress, N.; Langeveld, A.; Higgs, D.; Tan-Un, K. et al.; Grosveld, F.; Philipsen, S.: Functional and comparative analysis of globin loci in pufferfish and humans. Blood 101 (7), S. 2842 - 2849 (2003)
Herr, A.; Meunier, D.; Muller, I.; Rump, A.; Fundele, R.; Ropers, H.-H.; Nuber, U. A.: Expression of mouse Tbx22 supports its role in palatogenesis and glossogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 226 (4), S. 579 - 586 (2003)
Morava, E.; Bartsch, O.; Czako, M.; Frensel, A.; Kalscheuer, V.; Karteszi, J.; Kosztolanyi, G.: Small inherited terminal duplication of 7q with hydrocephalus, cleft palate, joint contractures, and severe hypotonia. Clinical Dysmorphology 12 (2), S. 123 - 127 (2003)
Roberts, R. J.; Belfort, M.; Bestor, T.; Bhagwat, A. S.; Bickle, T. A.; Bitinaite, J.; Blumenthal, R. M.; Degtyarev, S. K.; Dryden, D. T. F.; Dybvig, K. et al.; Firman, K.; Gromova, E. S.; Gumport, R. I.; Halford, S. E.; Hattman, S.; Heitman, J.; Hornby, D. P.; Janulaitis, A.; Jeltsch, A.; Josephsen, J.; Kiss, A.; Klaenhammer, T. R.; Kobayashi, I.; Kong, H. M.; Kruger, D. H.; Lacks, S.; Marinus, M. G.; Miyahara, M.; Morgan, R. D.; Murray, N. E.; Nagaraja, V.; Piekarowicz, A.; Pingoud, A.; Raleigh, E.; Rao, D. N.; Reich, N.; Repin, V. E.; Selker, E. U.; Shaw, P.-C.; Stein, D. C.; Stoddard, B. L.; Szybalski, W.; Trautner, T. A.; Van Etten, J. L.; Vitor, J. M. B.; Wilson, G. G.; Xu, S.-Y.: A nomenclature for restriction enzymes, DNA methyltransferases, homing endonucleases and their genes. Nucleic Acids Research 31 (7), S. 1805 - 1812 (2003)
Schweiger, S.; Schneider, R.: The MID1/PP2A complex: a key to the pathogenesis of Opitz BBB/G syndrome. BioEssays 25 (4), S. 356 - 366 (2003)
Schwikowski, B.; Vingron, M.: Weighted sequence graphs: boosting iterated dynamic programming using locally suboptimal solutions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127 (1), S. 95 - 117 (2003)
Schweiger, S.; Chaoui, R.; Tennstedt, C.; Lehmann, K.; Mundlos, S.; Tinschert, S.: Antenatal onset of cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease): Case report and review. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 120A (4), S. 547 - 552 (2003)
Branson, R.; Potoczna, N.; Kral, J. G.; Lentes, K.-U.; Hoehe, M. R.; Horber, F. F.: Binge eating as a major phenotype of melanocortin 4 receptor gene mutations. New England Journal of Medicine 348 (12), S. 1096 - 1103 (2003)
Orlova, E. V.; Gowen, B.; Dröge, A.; Stiege, A.; Weise, F.; Lurz, R.; van Heel, M.; Tavares, P.: Structure of a viral DNA gatekeeper at 10 angstrom resolution by cryo-electron microscopy. EMBO Journal 22 (6), S. 1255 - 1262 (2003)
Horn, D.; Neitzel, H.; Tonnies, H.; Kalscheuer, V.; Kunze, J.; Hinkel, G. K.; Bartsch, O.: Familial MCA/MR syndrome due to inherited submicroscopic translocation t(18;21)(q22.1q21.3) with breakpoint at the Down syndrome critical region. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 117A (3), S. 236 - 244 (2003)
Nordhoff, E.; Schurenberg, M.; Thiele, G.; Luebbert, C.; Kloeppel, K.-D.; Theiss, D.; Lehrach, H.; Gobom, J.: Sample preparation protocols for MALDI-MS of peptides and oligonucleotides using prestructured sample supports. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 226 (1), S. 163 - 180 (2003)
Pfeifer, C.; Scherthan, H.; Thomsen, P. D.: Sex-specific telomere redistribution and synapsis initiation in cattle oogenesis. Developmental Biology 255 (2), S. 206 - 215 (2003)
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