Zeitschriftenartikel (3055)

Sen, N.-E.; Arsovic, A.; Meierhofer, D.; Brodesser, S.; Oberschmidt, C.; Canet-Pons, J.; Kaya, Z.-E.; Halbach, M.-V.; Gispert, S.; Sandhoff, K. et al.; Auburger, G.: In Human and Mouse Spino-Cerebellar Tissue, Ataxin-2 Expansion Affects Ceramide-Sphingomyelin Metabolism. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019 (20), 5854 (2019)
Andergassen, D.; Smith, Z. D.; Lewandowski, J. P.; Gerhardinger, C.; Meissner, A.; Rinn, J. L.: In vivo Firre and Dxz4 deletion elucidates roles for autosomal gene regulation. eLife 8, e47214 (2019)
Ramisch, A.; Heinrich, V.; Glaser, L. V.; Fuchs, A.; Yang, X.; Benner, P.; Schöpflin, R.; Li, N.; Kinkley, S.; Römer-Hillmann, A. et al.; Longinotto, J.; Heyne, S.; Czepukojc, B.; Kessler, S. M.; Kiemer, A. K.; Cadenas, C.; Arrigoni, L.; Gasparoni, N.; Manke, T.; Pap, T.; Pospisilik, A.; Hengstler, J.; Walter, J.; Meijsing, S.; Chung, H.-R.; Vingron, M.: CRUP: a comprehensive framework to predict condition-specific regulatory units. Genome Biology: Biology for the Post-Genomic Era 20, 20:227 (2019)
Di Stefano, B.; Luo, E.-C.; Haggerty, C.; Aigner, S.; Charlton, J.; Brumbaugh, J.; Ji, F.; Rabano Jiménez, I.; Clowers, K. J.; Huebner, A. J. et al.; Clement, K.; Lipchina, I.; de Kort, M. A. C.; Anselmo, A.; Pulice, J.; Gerli, M. F. M.; Gu, H.; Gygi, S. P.; Sadreyev, R. I.; Meissner, A.; Yeo, G. W.; Hochedlinger, K.: The RNA Helicase DDX6 Controls Cellular Plasticity by Modulating P-Body Homeostasis. Cell Stem Cell 25 (5), e13, S. 622 - 638 (2019)
Brumbaugh , J.; Kim, I. S.; Ji, F.; Huebner, A. J.; Di Stefano , B.; Schwarz, B. A.; Charlton, J.; Coffey, A.; Choi, J.; Walsh, R. M. et al.; Schindler, J. W.; Anselmo, A.; Meissner, A.; Sadreyev, R. I.; Bernstein, B. E.; Hock, H.; Hochedlinger , K.: Inducible histone K-to-M mutations are dynamic tools to probe the physiological role of site-specific histone methylation in vitro and in vivo. Nature Cell Biology 21 (11), S. 1449 - 1461 (2019)
Frints, S. G. M.; Ozanturk, A.; Rodríguez Criado, G.; Grasshoff, U.; de Hoon, B.; Field, M.; Manouvrier-Hanu, S.; Hickey, S. E.; Kammoun, M.; Gripp, K. W. et al.; Bauer, C.; Schroeder, C.; Toutain, A.; Mihalic Mosher, T.; Kelly, B. J.; White, P.; Dufke, A.; Rentmeester, E.; Moon, S.; Koboldt, D. C.; van Roozendaal, K. E. P.; Hu, H.; Haas, S. A.; Ropers, H. H.; Murray, L.; Haan, E.; Shaw, M.; Carroll, R.; Friend, K.; Liebelt, J.; Hobson, L.; De Rademaeker, M.; Geraedts, J.; Fryns, J.-P.; Vermeesch, J.; Raynaud, M.; Riess, O.; Gribnau, J.; Katsanis, N.; Devriendt, K.; Bauer, P.; Gecz, J.; Golzio, C.; Gontan, C.; Kalscheuer, V. M.: Pathogenic variants in E3 ubiquitin ligase RLIM/RNF12 lead to a syndromic X-linked intellectual disability and behavior disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 24 (11), S. 1748 - 1768 (2019)
Muller, X.; Schlegel, A.; Kron, P.; Eshmuminov, D.; Würdinger, M.; Meierhofer, D.; Clavien, P.-A.; Dutkowski, P.: Novel Real-Time Prediction of Liver Graft Function During Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion Before Liver Transplantation. Annals of Surgery 270 (5), S. 783 - 790 (2019)
Ignatiou, A.; Brasilès, S.; El Sadek Fadel, M.; Bürger, J.; Mielke, T.; Topf, M.; Tavares, P.; Orlova, E. V.: Structural transitions during the scaffolding-driven assembly of a viral capsid. Nature Communications 2019 (10), 10:4840 | (2019)
Abu‑Toamih Atamni, H. J.; Kontogianni, G.; Binenbaum, I.; Mott, R.; Himmelbauer, H.; Lehrach, H.; Chatziioannou, A.; Iraqi, F. A.: Hepatic gene expression variations in response to high-fat diet-induced impaired glucose tolerance using RNAseq analysis in collaborative cross mouse population. Mammalian Genome 30 (9-10), S. 260 - 275 (2019)
Ni, Y.; Hagras, M. A.; Konstantopoulou, V.; Mayr, J. A.; Stuchebrukhov , A. A.; Meierhofer, D.: Mutations in NDUFS1 Cause Metabolic Reprogramming and Disruption of the Electron Transfer. Cells 8 (10), E1149 (2019)
Li, H.; Kaiser, T. K.; Borschiwer, M.; Bohnenberger, H.; Reichardt, S. D.; Luhder, F.; Walter, L.; Dressel, R.; Meijsing, S.; Reichardt, H. M.: Glucocorticoid resistance of allogeneic T cells alters the gene expression profile in the inflamed small intestine of mice suffering from acute graft-versus-host disease. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 195, 105485 (2019)
Tsankov, A. M.; Wadsworth, M. H.; Akopian, V.; Charlton, J.; Allon, S. J.; Arczewska, A. A.; Mead, B. E.; Drake, R. S.; Smith, Z. D.; Mikkelsen, T. S. et al.; Shalek, A. K.; Meissner, A.: Loss of DNA methyltransferase activity in primed human ES cells triggers increased cell-cell variability and transcriptional repression. Development 2019, 146 (2019)
Alahmad, A.; Paffrath, V.; Clima, R.; Busch, J. F.; Rabien, A.; Kilic, E.; Villegas, S.; Timmermann, B.; Attimonelli, M.; Jung, K. et al.; Meierhofer, D.: Papillary Renal Cell Carcinomas Rewire Glutathione Metabolism and Are Deficient in Both Anabolic Glucose Synthesis and Oxidative Phosphorylation. Cancers 11 (9), 1298 (2019)
Heller, D.; Vingron, M.: SVIM: Structural Variant Identification using Mapped Long Reads. Bioinformatics 35 (17), S. 2907 - 2915 (2019)
Segal, J.; Mülleder, M.; Krüger, A.; Adler, T.; Scholze-Wittler, M.; Becker, L.; Calzada-Wack, J.; Garrett, L.; Hölter, S. M.; Rathkolb, B. et al.; Rozman, J.; Racz, I.; Fischer, R.; Busch, D. H.; Neff, F.; Klingenspor, M.; Klopstock, T.; Grüning, N.-M.; Michel, S.; Lukaszewska-McGreal, B.; Voigt, I.; Hartmann, L.; Timmermann, B.; Lehrach, H.; Wolf, E.; Wurst, W.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Fuchs, H.; de Angelis, M. H.; Schrewe, H.; Yuneva, M.; Ralser, M.: Low catalytic activity is insufficient to induce disease pathology in triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) deficiency. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 22 (5), S. 839 - 849 (2019)
Schade, S.; Ogilvie, L. A.; Kessler, T.; Schütte, M.; Wierling, C.; Lange, B. M.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.: A data- and model-drivenapproach for cancer treatment. Der Onkologe 25 (Suppl. 2), S. S132 - S137 (2019)
Guo, J.; Bertalan, G.; Meierhofer, D.; Klein, C.; Schreyer, S.; Steiner, B.; Wang, S.; Vieira da Silva, R.; Infante-Duarte, C.; Koch, S. et al.; Boehm-Sturm, P.; Braun, J.; Sack, I.: Brain maturation is associated with increasing tissue stiffness and decreasing tissue fluidity. Acta Biomaterialia, pii: S1742-7061(19)30592-6 (2019)
Bose, D.; Neumann, A.; Timmermann, B.; Meinke, S.; Heyd, F.: Differential Interleukin-2 Transcription Kinetics Render Mouse but Not Human T Cells Vulnerable to Splicing Inhibition Early after Activation. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 39 (16), e00035-19 (2019)
Meierhofer, D.: Acylcarnitine profiling by low-resolution LC-MS. PLoS One 14 (8), e0221342 (2019)
Kopp, W.; Vingron, M.: DNA Motif Match Statistics Without Poisson Approximation. Journal of Computational Biology 26 (8), S. 846 - 865 (2019)
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