Zeitschriftenartikel (5602)

Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; van de Pol, M.; Peters, A.: Rapid plastic breeding response to rain matches peak prey abundance in a tropical savanna bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (11), S. 1799 - 1811 (2019)
Hillemann, F.; Cole, E. F.; Keen, S. C.; Sheldon, B. C.; Farine, D. R.: Diurnal variation in the production of vocal information about food supports a model of social adjustment in wild songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1897), 20182740 (2019)
Hiller, T.; Rasche, A.; Brändel, S. D.; König, A.; Jeworowski, L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Cottontail, V.; Page, R. A.; Glebe, D.; Drexler, J. F. et al.; Tschapka, M.: Host biology and anthropogenic factors affect hepadnavirus infection in a neotropical bat. EcoHealth 16 (1), S. 82 - 94 (2019)
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Duets recorded in the wild reveal that interindividually coordinated motor control enables cooperative behavior. Nature Communications 10, 2577 (2019)
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Die neuronalen Grundlagen von Duettgesang – eine neurophysiologische Freilandstudie. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2019)
Hofman, M. P. G.; Hayward, M. W.; Heim, M.; Marchand, P.; Rolandsen, C. M.; Mattisson, J.; Urbano, F.; Heurich, M.; Mysterud, A.; Melzheimer, J. et al.; Morellet, N.; Voigt, U.; Allen, B. L.; Gehr, B.; Rouco, C.; Ullmann, W.; Holand, O.; Jorgensen, N. H.; Steinheim, G.; Cagnacci, F.; Kroeschel, M.; Kaczensky, P.; Buuveibaatar, B.; Payne, J. C.; Palmegiani, I.; Jerina, K.; Kjellander, P.; Johansson, Ö.; LaPoint, S. D.; Bayrakcismith, R.; Linnell, J. D. C.; Zaccaroni, M.; Jorge, M. L. S.; Oshima, J. E. F.; Songhurst, A.; Fischer, C.; Mc Bride Jr., R. T.; Thompson, J. J.; Streif, S.; Sandfort, R.; Bonenfant, C.; Drouilly, M.; Klapproth, M.; Zinner, D.; Yarnell, R.; Stronza, A.; Wilmott, L.; Meisingset, E.; Thaker, M.; Vanak, A. T.; Nicoloso, S.; Graeber, R.; Said, S.; Boudreau, M. R.; Devlin, A.; Hoogesteijn, R.; May-Junior, J. A.; Nifong, J. C.; Odden, J.; Quigley, H. B.; Tortato, F.; Parker, D. M.; Caso, A.; Perrine, J.; Tellaeche, C.; Zieba, F.; Zwijacz-Kozica, T.; Appel, C. L.; Axsom, I.; Bean, W. T.; Cristescu, B.; Périquet, S.; Teichman, K. J.; Karpanty, S.; Licoppe, A.; Menges, V.; Black, K.; Scheppers, T. L.; Schai-Braun, S. C.; Azevedo, F. C.; Lemos, F. G.; Payne, A.; Swanepoel, L. H.; Weckworth, B. V.; Berger, A.; Bertassoni, A.; McCulloch, G.; Sustr, P.; Athreya, V.; Bockmuhl, D.; Casaer, J.; Ekori, A.; Melovski, D.; Richard-Hansen, C.; van de Vyver, D.; Reyna-Hurtado, R.; Robardet, E.; Selva, N.; Sergiel, A.; Farhadinia, M. S.; Sunde, P.; Portas, R.; Ambarli, H.; Berzins, R.; Kappeler, P. M.; Mann, G. K.; Pyritz, L.; Bissett, C.; Grant, T.; Steinmetz, R.; Swedell, L.; Welch, R. J.; Armenteras, D.; Bidder, O. R.; González, T. M.; Rosenblatt, A.; Kachel, S.; Balkenhol, N.: Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLoS One 14 (5), e0216223 (2019)
Huang, Z. Y.X.; Xu, C.; van Langevelde, F.; Ma, Y.; Langendoen, T.; Mundkur, T.; Si, Y.; Tian, H.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Gilbert, M. et al.; Han, G.; Ji, X.; Prins, H. H.T.; de Boer, W. F.: Contrasting effects of host species and phylogenetic diversity on the occurrence of HPAI H5N1 in European wild birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (7), S. 1044 - 1053 (2019)
Hügel, T.; Goerlitz, H. R.: Species‐specific strategies increase unpredictability of escape flight in eared moths. Functional Ecology 33 (9), S. 1674 - 1683 (2019)
Jewell, O. J. D.; Gleiss, A. C.; Jorgensen, S. J.; Andrzejaczek, S.; Moxley, J. H.; Beatty, S. J.; Wikelski, M.; Block, B. A.; Chapple, T. K.: Cryptic habitat use of white sharks in kelp forest revealed by animal-borne video. Biology Letters 15 (4), 20190085 (2019)
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Gómez-Díaz, E.; Verhulst, S.: Developmental conditions modulate DNA methylation at the glucocorticoid receptor gene with cascading effects on expression and corticosterone levels in zebra finches. Scientific Reports 9, 15869 (2019)
Kao, A. B.; Couzin, I. D.: Modular structure within groups causes information loss but can improve decision accuracy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 374 (1774), 20180378 (2019)
Kelly, E. M.: Committed for the long haul: Do nonapeptides regulate long-term pair maintenance in zebra finches? General and Comparative Endocrinology 276, S. 86 - 92 (2019)
Kinsella, C. M.; Ruiz-Ruano, F. J.; Dion-Côté, A.-M.; Charles, A. J.; Gossmann, T. I.; Cabrero, J.; Kappei, D.; Hemmings, N.; Simons, M. J.P.; Camacho, J. P. M. et al.; Forstmeier, W.; Suh, A.: Programmed DNA elimination of germline development genes in songbirds. Nature Communications 10, 5468 (2019)
Klein, K.; Sommer, B.; Nim, H. T.; Flack, A.; Safi, K.; Nagy, M.; Feyer, S. P.; Zhang, Y.; Rehberg, K.; Gluschkow, A. et al.; Quetting, M.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Schreiber, F.: Fly with the flock: Immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 16 (153), 20180794 (2019)
Kleyheeg, E.; Fiedler, W.; Safi, K.; Waldenström, J.; Wikelski, M.; van Toor, M. L.: A comprehensive model for the quantitative estimation of seed dispersal by migratory mallards. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 40 (2019)
Kohda, M.; Hotta, T.; Takeyama, T.; Awata, S.; Tanaka, H.; Asai, J.-y.; Jordan, L. A.: If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals? PLoS Biology 17 (2), e3000021 (2019)
Kölzsch, A.; Müskens, G. J. D. M.; Szinai, P.; Moonen, S.; Glazov, P.; Kruckenberg, H.; Wikelski, M.; Nolet, B. A.: Flyway connectivity and exchange primarily driven by moult migration in geese. BMC Movement Ecology 7, 3 (2019)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Brucks, D.; Buffenoir, N.; Blanco, D. R.; Soulet, D.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Parrots do not show inequity aversion. Scientific Reports 9, 16416 (2019)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Berardi, R.; Lind, M.-A.; O'Neill, L.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Primate cognition test battery in parrots. Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 721 - 761 (2019)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Brucks, D.; Blanc, S.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Assessing African grey parrots' prosocial tendencies in a token choice paradigm. Royal Society Open Science 6 (12), 190696 (2019)
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