Zeitschriftenartikel (5602)

Chow, P. K. Y.; Uchida, K.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Koizumi, I.: Characteristics of urban environments and novel problem-solving performance in Eurasian red squirrels. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1947), 20202832 (2021)
Cuevas, E.; Orellana‐Peñailillo, C.; Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Espindola-Hernandez, P.; Vásquez, R. A.; Quirici, V.: Influence of the haemosporidian Leucocytozoon spp. over reproductive output in a wild Neotropical passerine, the Thorn-tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda). Ibis 163 (3), S. 948 - 961 (2021)
Culina, A.; Adriaensen, F.; Bailey, L. D.; Burgess, M. D.; Charmantier, A.; Cole, E. F.; Eeva, T.; Matthysen, E.; Nater, C. R.; Sheldon, B. C. et al.; Sæther, B.; Vriend, S. J. G.; Zajkova, Z.; Adamík, P.; Aplin, L. M.; Angulo, E.; Artemyev, A.; Barba, E.; Barišić, S.; Belda, E.; Bilgin, C. C.; Bleu, J.; Both, C.; Bouwhuis, S.; Branston, C.; Broggi, J.; Burke, T.; Bushuev, A.; Camacho, C.; Campobello, D.; Canal, D.; Cantarero, A.; Caro, S. P.; Cauchoix, M.; Chaine, A.; Cichon, M.; Ćiković, D.; Cusimano, C. A.; Deimel, C.; Dhondt, A. A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dominoni, D. M.; Doutrelant, C.; Drobniak, S. M.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K. E.; Espín, S.; Farine, D. R.; Figuerola, J.; Gülbeyaz, P. K.; Grégoire, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hau, M.; Hegyi, G.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Holtmann, B.; Ilyina, T.; Isaksson, C.; Iserbyt, A.; Ivankina, E.; Kania, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Komdeur, J.; Korsten, P.; Král, M.; Krist, M.; Lambrechts, M.; Lara, C. E.; Leivits, A.; Liker, A.; Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Massemin, S.; Martínez‐Padilla, J.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Mennerat, A.; Moreno, J.; Mouchet, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nilsson, J.; Norte, A. C.; van Oers, K.; Orell, M.; Potti, J.; Quinn, J. L.; Réale, D.; Reiertsen, T. K.; Rosivall, B.; Russel, A. F.; Rytkönen, S.; Sánchez‐Virosta, P.; Santos, E. S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Senar, J. C.; Seress, G.; Slagsvold, T.; Szulkin, M.; Teplitsky, C.; Tilgar, V.; Tolstoguzov, A.; Török, J.; Valcu, M.; Vatka, E.; Verhulst, S.; Watson, H.; Yuta, T.; Zamora‐Marín, J. M.; Visser, M. E.: Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), S. 2147 - 2160 (2021)
Curk, T.; Scacco, M.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Fiedler, W.; Kemp, R.; Wolter, K.: Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Animal Biotelemetry 9, 11 (2021)
Danel, S.; Chiffard‑Carricaburu, J.; Bonadonna, F.; Nesterova, A. P.: Exclusion in the field: Wild brown skuas find hidden food in the absence of visual information. Animal Cognition 24 (4), S. 867 - 876 (2021)
Danel, S.; Rebout, N.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Osiurak, F.: Complex nests but no use of tools: An investigation of problem solving in weaverbirds (Ploceidae). Behavioural Processes 192, 104493 (2021)
Davies, T. E.; Carneiro, A. P. B.; Tarzia, M.; Wakefield, E.; Hennicke, J. C.; Frederiksen, M.; Hansen, E. S.; Campos, B.; Hazin, C.; Lascelles, B. et al.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Arnardóttir, H.; Barrett, R. T.; Biscoito, M.; Bollache, L.; Boulinier, T.; Catry, P.; Ceia, F. R.; Chastel, O.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.; Cruz-Flores, M.; Danielsen, J.; Daunt, F.; Dunn, E.; Egevang, C.; Fagundes, A. I.; Fayet, A. L.; Fort, J.; Furness, R. W.; Gilg, O.; González-Solís, J.; Granadeiro, J. P.; Grémillet, D.; Guilford, T.; Hanssen, S. A.; Harris, M. P.; Hedd, A.; Huffeldt, N. P.; Jessopp, M.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Krietsch, J.; Lang, J.; Linnebjerg, J. F.; Lorentsen, S.-H.; Madeiros, J.; Magnusdottir, E.; Mallory, M. L.; Tranquilla, L. M.; Merkel, F. R.; Militão, T.; Moe, B.; Montevecchi, W. A.; Morera-Pujol, V.; Mosbech, A.; Neves, V.; Newell, M. A.; Olsen, B.; Paiva, V. H.; Peter, H.-U.; Petersen, A.; Phillips, R. A.; Ramírez, I.; Ramos, J. A.; Ramos, R.; Ronconi, R. A.; Ryan, P. G.; Schmidt, N. M.; Sigurðsson, I. A.; Sittler, B.; Steen, H.; Stenhouse, I. J.; Strøm, H.; Systad, G. H. R.; Thompson, P.; Thórarinsson, T. L.; van Bemmelen, R. S. A.; Wanless, S.; Zino, F.; Dias, M. P.: Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters 14 (5), e12824 (2021)
Delhey, K.; Dale, J.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Migratory birds are lighter coloured. Current Biology 31 (23), S. R1511 - R1512 (2021)
Diddens, J.; Coussement, L.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Majumdar, G.; Steyaert, S.; ter Haar, S. M.; Galle, J.; de Meester, E.; de Keulenaer, S.; van Criekinge, W. et al.; Cornil, C. A.; Balthazart, J.; van der Linden, A.; de Meyer, T.; Berghe, W. V.: DNA methylation regulates transcription factor specific neurodevelopmental but not sexually dimorphic gene expression dynamics in zebra finch telencephalon. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9, 583555 (2021)
Elderbrock, E. K.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Sex steroids modulate circadian behavioral rhythms in captive animals, but does this matter in the wild? Hormones and Behavior 128, 104900 (2021)
Emmel, E. S.; Rivera, S.; Cabrera, F.; Blake, S.; Deem, S. L.: Field anesthesia and gonadal morphology of immature Western Santa Cruz tortoises (Chelonoidis porteri). Journal of zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (4), S. 848 - 855 (2021)
Evens, R.; Jacot, A.; Artois, T.; Ulenaers, E.; Neyens, T.; Rappaz, L.; Theux, C.; Pradervand, J.-N.: Improved ecological insights commission new conservation targets for a crepuscular bird species. Animal Conservation 24 (3), S. 457 - 469 (2021)
Fan, M.; Hall, M. L.; Roast, M.; Peters, A.; Delhey, K.: Variability, heritability and condition-dependence of the multidimensional male colour phenotype in a passerine bird. Heredity 127 (3), S. 300 - 311 (2021)
Feeney, W. E.; Bertucci, F.; Gairin, E.; Siu, G.; Waqalevu, V.; Antoine, M.; Lison de Loma, T.; Planes, S.; Galzin, R.; Lecchini, D.: Long term relationship between farming damselfish, predators, competitors and benthic habitat on coral reefs of Moorea Island. Scientific Reports 11, 14548 (2021)
Forstmeier, W.; Wang, D.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Fitness costs of female choosiness are low in a socially monogamous songbird. PLoS Biology 19 (11), e3001257 (2021)
Francis, C. D.; Wilkins, M. R.: Testing the strength and direction of selection on vocal frequency using metabolic scaling theory. Ecosphere 12 (9), e03733 (2021)
Frasnelli, E.; Robert, T.; Chow, P. K. Y.; Scales, B.; Gibson, S.; Manning, N.; Philippides, A. O.; Collett, T. S.; de Ibarra, N. H.: Small and large bumblebees invest differently when learning about flowers. Current Biology 31 (5), S. 1058 - 1064 (2021)
Frawley, A. E.; DeMoranville, K. J.; Carbeck, K. M.; Trost, L.; Bryła, A.; Dzialo, M.; Sadowska, E. T.; Bauchinger, U.; Pierce, B. J.; McWilliams, S. R.: Season, anthocyanin supplementation, and flight training have mixed effects on the antioxidant system of migratory European Starlings. Ornithology 138 (3), ukab023 (2021)
Frawley, A. E.; DeMoranville, K. J.; Carbeck, K. M.; Trost, L.; Bryła, A.; Działo, M.; Sadowska, E. T.; Bauchinger, U.; Pierce, B. J.; McWilliams, S. R.: Flight training and dietary antioxidants have mixed effects on the oxidative status of multiple tissues in a female migratory songbird. The Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (21), jeb243158 (2021)
Gessara, I.; Dittrich, F.; Hertel, M.; Hildebrand, S.; Pfeifer, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; McGrew, M.; Gahr, M.: Highly efficient genome modification of cultured primordial germ cells with lentiviral vectors to generate transgenic songbirds. Stem Cell Reports 16 (4), S. 784 - 796 (2021)
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