Zeitschriftenartikel (11911)

Verscharen, D.; Wicks, R. T.; Alexandrova, O.; Bruno, R.; Burgess, D.; Chen, C. H. K.; D'Amicis, R.; De Keyser, J.; Wit, T. D. d.; Franci, L. et al.; He, J.; Henri, P.; Kasahara, S.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Klein, K. G.; Lavraud, B.; Maruca, B. A.; Maksimovic, M.; Plaschke, F.; Poedts, S.; Reynolds, C. S.; Roberts, O.; Sahraoui, F.; Saito, S.; Salem, C. S.; Saur, J.; Servidio, S.; Stawarz, J. E.; Stverak, S.; Told, D.: A Case for Electron-Astrophysics. Experimental Astronomy 54, S. 473 - 519 (2022)
Vincenzi, P.; Solano, E. R.; Delabie, E.; Bourdelle, C.; Snoep, G.; Baciero, A.; Birkenmeier, G.; Carvalho, P.; Cavedon, M.; Chernyshova, M. et al.; Citrin, J.; Fontdecaba, J. M.; Hillesheim, J. C.; Huber, A.; Maggi, C.; Menmuir, S.; Parra, F. I.; Contributors, J.: Power balance analysis at the L-H transition in JET-ILW NBI-heated deuterium plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 124004 (2022)
Vnuchenko, A.; Lettry, J.; Mochalskyy, S.; Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U.; Revel, A.; Minea, T.: Simulation of Beam Formation in the CERN Negative Ion Source for the Linac4 Accelerator. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2244, 012042 (2022)
Wagner, F.: Conclusions – with personal reflections. EPJ Web of Conferences 268, 00017 (2022)
Wagner, M.; Mayer, M.; Toussaint, U. v.; Mutzke, A.: Simulation of the evolution of rough surfaces by sputtering using the binary collision approximation. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 177 (9-10), S. 1019 - 1032 (2022)
Wang, E.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Drews, P.; Gradic, D.; Jakubowski, M.; Kornejew, P.; Kremeyer, T.; Killer, C. et al.; Liang, Y.; Neubauer, O.; Pandey, A.; Rudischhauser, L.; Sereda, S.; Schlisio, G.; Xu, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Radiation characteristics of detached divertor plasmas in W7-X. Nuclear Materials and Energy 33, 101283 (2022)
Wang, J.; Hatano, Y.; Toyama, T.; Suzudo, T.; Hinoki, T.; Alimov, V. K.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.: Suppression of vacancy formation and hydrogen isotope retention in irradiated tungsten by addition of chromium. Journal of Nuclear Materials 559, 153449 (2022)
Wang, N.; Liang, Y.; Ding, Y.; Chen, Z.; Chen, Z.; Yang, Z.; Xia, D.; Zheng, W.; Yan, W.; Li, D. et al.; Jiang, Z.; Wang, L.; Rao, B.; Hu, Q.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.; Chen, X.; Xu, X.; Xu, T.; Xie, X.; Huang, Z.; Mao, F.; Han, D.; Li, J.; Wang, T.; Liu, L.; Tong, R.; Lin, Z.; Wei, Y.; Cai, N.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, W.; Zhang, X.; Shi, P.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, P.; Liu, M.; Ma, S.; Yang, Y.; Li, C.; Gao, L.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, M.; Yu, K.; Hu, X.; Yu, Q.; Gentle, K. W.; Pan, Y.; J-TEXT Team: Advances in physics and applications of 3D magnetic perturbations on the J-TEXT tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 62, 042016 (2022)
Wang, X.; Briguglio, S.; Di Troia, C.; Falessi, M.; Fogaccia, G.; Fusco, V.; Vlad, G.; Zonca, F.: Analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of a chirping-frequency Alfvén mode in a tokamak equilibrium. Physics of Plasmas 29, 032512 (2022)
Weidl, M. S.; Bohdan, A.; Morris, P. J.; Pohl, M.: Electron-beam instabilities in the foreshock of high-Mach-number oblique shocks. Proceedings of Science 395, 479 (2022)
Wendler, D.; Dux, R.; Fischer, R.; Griener, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Birkenmeier, G.; Stroth, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Collisional radiative model for the evaluation of the thermal helium beam diagnostic at ASDEX upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 045004 (2022)
Wenzel, U.; Schlisio, G.; Drewelow, P.; Krychowiak, M.; König, R.; Pedersen, T. S.; Bozhenkov, S.; Haak, V.; Kharwandikar, A. K.; Lazerson, S. et al.; Naujoks, D.; Perseo, V.; Winters, V.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Gas exhaust in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator during the first divertor operation. Nuclear Fusion 62, 096016 (2022)
Wielunska, B.; Plocinski, T.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Mayer, M.; Jacob, W.; Ciupinski, L.: Dislocation structure of tungsten irradiated by medium to high-mass ions. Nuclear Fusion 62, 096003 (2022)
Wieschollek, F.; Hoelzl, M.; Nardon, E.; JOREK Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: On the role of preexisting MHD activity for the plasma response to massive deuterium injection. Physics of Plasmas 29, 032509 (2022)
Willensdorfer, M.; Plank, U.; Brida, D.; Cavedon, M.; Conway, G. D.; Ryan, D. A.; Suttrop, W.; Buchholz, R.; Dunne, M.; Fischer, R. et al.; Griener, M.; Hobirk, J.; Kasilov, S.; Kirk, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Pütterich, T.; Tardini, G.; Yu, Q.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Dependence of the L-H power threshold on the alignment of external non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade. Physics of Plasmas 29, 032506 (2022)
Wimmer, C.; Briefi, S.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Harder, N. d.; Hurlbatt, A.; Mimo, A.; Nocentini, R.; Orozco, G.; Fantz, U.: Overview of recent and upcoming activities at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2244, 012051 (2022)
Wüst, E.; Dittmar, T.; Kawan, C.; Romazanov, J.; Brezinsek, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectroscopy: A novel tool to characterise the distribution of 13C and 12C on graphite after 13CH4 tracer injection in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Materials and Energy 33, 101287 (2022)
Yashin, A.; Teplova, N.; Zadvitskiy, G.; Ponomarenko, A.: Modelling of Backscattering off Filaments Using the Code IPF-FD3D for the Interpretation of Doppler Backscattering Data. Sensors 22 (23), 9441 (2022)
Yordanov, D.; Wünderlich, D.; Wimmer, C.; Fantz, U.: On the effect of biased surfaces in the vicinity of the large extraction area of the ELISE test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2244, 012050 (2022)
Yoshida, M.; Giruzzi, G.; Aiba, N.; Artaud, J. F.; Ayllon-Guerola, J.; Balbinot, L.; Beeke, O.; Belonohy, E.; Bettini, P.; Bin, W. et al.; Bierwage, A.; Bolzonella, T.; Bonotto, M.; Boulbe, C.; Buermans, J.; Chernyshova, M.; Coda, S.; Coelho, R.; Davis, S.; Day, C.; De Tommasi, G.; Dibon, M.; Ejiri, A.; Falchetto, G.; Fassina, A.; Faugeras, B.; Figini, L.; Fukumoto, M.; Futatani, S.; Galazka, K.; Garcia, J.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Garzotti, L.; Giacomelli, L.; Giudicotti, L.; Hall, S.; Hayashi, N.; Hoa, C.; Honda, M.; Hoshino, K.; Iafrati, M.; Iantchenko, A.; Ide, S.; Iio, S.; Imazawa, R.; Inoue, S.; Isayama, A.; Joffrin, E.; Kamiya, K.; Ko, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kobayashi, T.; Kocsis, G.; Kovacsik, A.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Lacroix, B.; Lang, P.; Lauber, P.; Louzguiti, A.; Luna, E. d. l.; Marchiori, G.; Mattei, M.; Matsuyama, A.; Mazzi, S.; Mele, A.; Michel, F.; Miyata, Y.; Morales, J.; Moreau, P.; Moro, A.; Nakano, T.; Nakata, M.; Narita, E.; Neu, R.; Nicollet, S.; Nocente, M.; Nowak, S.; Orsitto, F. P.; Ostuni, V.; Ohtani, Y.; Oyama, N.; Pasqualotto, R.; Pegourie, B.; Perelli, E.; Pigatto, L.; Piccinni, C.; Pironti, A.; Platania, P.; Ploeckl, B.; Ricci, D.; Roussel, P.; Rubino, G.; Sano, R.; Särkimäki, K.; Shinohara, K.; Soare, S.; Sozzi, C.; Sumida, S.; Suzuki, T.; Suzuki, Y.; Szabolics, T.; Szepesi, T.; Takase, Y.; Takech, M.; Tamura, N.; Tanaka, K.; Tanaka, H.; Tardocchi, M.; Terakado, A.; Tojo, H.; Tokuzawa, T.; Torre, A.; Tsujii, N.; Tsutsui, H.; Ueda, Y.; Urano, H.; Valisa, M.; Vallar, M.; Vega, J.; Villone, F.; Wakatsuki, T.; Wauters, T.; Wischmeier, M.; Yamoto, S.; Zani, L.: Plasma physics and control studies planned in JT-60SA for ITER and DEMO operations and risk mitigation. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 054004 (2022)
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