Zeitschriftenartikel (11914)

Alcuson, J. A.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Plunk, G. G.; Helander, P.; Wilms, F.; Turkin, Y.; Stechow, A. v.; Grulke, O.: Suppression of electrostatic micro-instabilities in maximum-J stellarators. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 035005 (2020)
Arkhipov, A.; Mackel, F.; Haas, G.; Koll, J.; Meister, H.; Seyvet, F.; Terron, S.; Andrew, P.: Mechanical Stability of Filaments for ITER Diagnostic Pressure Gauges Relating to Creep and Fatigue. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 (6), S. 1661 - 1665 (2020)
Arredondo, R.; Balden, M.; Mutzke, A.; Toussaint, U. v.; Elgeti, S.; Höschen, T.; Schlueter, K.; Mayer, M.; Oberkofler, M.; Jacob, W.: Impact of surface enrichment and morphology on sputtering of EUROFER by deuterium. Nuclear Materials and Energy 23, 100749 (2020)
Artigues, V.; Kormann, K.; Rampp, M.; Reuter, K.: Evaluation of performance portability frameworks for the implementation of a particle‐in‐cell code. Concurrency and Computing: Practice and Experience 32 (11), e5640 (2020)
Artola, F. J.; Lackner, K.; Huijsmans, G. T. A.; Hoelzl, M.; Nardon, E.; Loarte, A.: Understanding the reduction of the edge safety factor during hot VDEs and fast edge cooling events. Physics of Plasmas 27, 032501 (2020)
Bader, A.; Faber, B. J.; Schmitt, J. C.; Anderson, D. T.; Drevlak, M.; Duff, J. M.; Frerichs, H.; Hegna, C. C.; Kruger, T. G.; Landreman, M. et al.; McKinney, I. J.; Singh, L.; Schroeder, J. M.; Terry, P. W.; Ware, A. S.: Advancing the physics basis for quasi-helically symmetric stellarators. Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (5), 905860506 (2020)
Baek, S. G.; Biswas, B.; Bonoli, P. T.; Brunner, D.; Faust, I. C.; Hubbard, A. E.; Hughes, J. W.; LaBombard, B.; Mumgaard, R. T.; Porkolab, M. et al.; Shiraiwa, S.; Wallace, G. M.; Wukitch, S. J.: Role of the edge and scrape-off layer plasma in lower hybrid current drive experiment on Alcator C-Mod. AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 030006 (2020)
Balden, M.; Elgeti, S.; Morgan, T. W.; Brezinsek, S.; De Temmerman, G.: Scanning electron microscopy analyses of an ITER plasma-facing unit mockup exposed to extreme ion fluences in Magnum-PSI. Physica Scripta 2020 (T171), 014026 (2020)
Baldzuhn, J.; Damm, H.; Beidler, C. D.; McCarthy , K.; Panadero, N.; Biedermann, C.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Dinklage, A.; Brunner, K. J.; Fuchert, G. et al.; Kazakov, Y.; Beurskens, M.; Dibon, M.; Geiger, J.; Grulke, O.; Höfel, U.; Klinger, T.; Köchl, F.; Knauer, J.; Kocsis, G.; Kornejew, P.; Lang, P. T.; Langenberg, A.; Laqua, H.; Pablant, N. A.; Pasch, E.; Pedersen, T. S.; Ploeckl, B.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schlisio, G.; Scott, E. R.; Stange, T.; Stechow, A. v.; Szepesi, T.; Turkin, Y.; Wagner, F.; Winters, V.; Wurden, G. A.; Zhang, D.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Enhanced energy confinement after series of pellets in Wendelstein 7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 055012 (2020)
Banon Navarro, A.; Merlo, G.; Plunk, G. G.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Stechow, A. v.; Di Siena, A.; Maurer, M.; Hindenlang, F.; Wilms, F.; Jenko, F.: Global gyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence in the magnetic configuration space of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 105005 (2020)
Barbarino, M.; Leonard, A.; Asakura, N. N.; Jakubowski, M.; Kobayashi, M.; Lipschutz, B.; Neu, R.; Wang, L.; Wischmeier, M.: Summary of the 3rd IAEA technical meeting on divertor concepts. Nuclear Fusion 60, 097001 (2020)
Barbarino, M.; Behler, K. C.: Summary of the 12th IAEA technical meeting on control, data acquisition and remote participation for fusion research. Nuclear Fusion 60, 017002 (2020)
Barbui, T.; Krychowiak, M.; Schmitz, O.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Flom, E.; Fuchert, G.; Killer, C.; König, R.; Jakubowski, M.; Munoz Burgos, J. M. et al.; Pasch, E.; Scott, E. R.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Measurements of plasma parameters in the divertor island of Wendelstein 7-X through line-ratio spectroscopy on helium. Nuclear Fusion 60, 106014 (2020)
Bardoczi, L.; Sung, C.; Banon Navarro, A.; Rhodes, T. L.; Carter, T. A.; Jenko, F.: Interaction of magnetic islands with turbulent electron temperature fluctuations in DIII-D and in GENE nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 025020 (2020)
Behler, K. C.; Eixenberger, H.; Kurzan, B.; Lohs, A.; Lüddecke, K.; Maraschek, M.; Merkel, R.; Raupp, G.; Sellmair, G.; Sieglin, B. et al.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Recent diagnostic developments at ASDEX Upgrade with the FPGA implemented Serial I/O System "SIO2" and "Pipe2" DAQ periphery. Fusion Engineering and Design 159, 111873 (2020)
Ben Yaala, M.; Scherrer, D.-F.; Saeedi, A.; Moser, L.; Soni, K.; Steiner, R.; De Temmerman, G.; Oberkofler, M.; Marot, L.; Meyer, E.: Plasma-activated catalytic formation of ammonia from N2–H2: influence of temperature and noble gas addition. Nuclear Fusion 60, 016026 (2020)
Biancalani, A.; Bottino, A.; Lauber, P.; Mishchenko, A.; Vannini, F.: Effect of the electron redistribution on the nonlinear saturation of Alfvén eigenmodes and the excitation of zonal flows. Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (3), 825860301 (2020)
Biber, H.; Szabo, P. S.; Jäggi, N.; Wallner, M.; Stadlmayr, R.; Moro, M. V.; Nenning, A.; Mutzke, A.; Mezger, K.; Lammer, H. et al.; Primetzhofer, D.; Fleig, J.; Galli, A.; Wurz, P.; Aumayr, F.: Solar wind Helium ion interaction with Mg and Fe rich pyroxene as Mercury surface analogue. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 480, S. 10 - 15 (2020)
Bilato, R.; Angioni, C.; Birkenmeier, G.; Ryter, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Heuristic model for the power threshold of the L-H transition. Nuclear Fusion 60, 124003 (2020)
Bobkov, V.; Bilato, R.; Faugel, H.; Fünfgelder, H.; Kazakov, Y. O.; Mantsinen, M.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Ochoukov, R.; Pütterich, T.; Suarez Lopez, G. et al.; Tierens, W.; Zhang, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Improved operating space of the ICRF system in ASDEX upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 040005 (2020)
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