Review Article (63)

Review Article
Gačanin, J.; Synatschke, C. V.; Weil, T.: Biomedical Applications of DNA-Based Hydrogels. Advanced Functional Materials 30 (4), 1906253 (2020)
Review Article
Xu, X.; Winterwerber, P.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Wu, Y.: DNA-Programmed Chemical Synthesis of Polymers and Inorganic Nanomaterials. Topics in Current Chemistry 378 (2), 31 (2020)
Review Article
Kuan, S. L.; Bergamini, F. R. G.; Weil, T.: Functional protein nanostructures: a chemical toolbox. Chemical Society Reviews 47 (24), S. 9069 - 9105 (2018)
Review Article
Kuan, S. L.; Wang, T.; Weil, T.: Site-Selective Disulfide Modification of Proteins: Expanding Diversity beyond the Proteome. Chemistry – A European Journal 22 (48), S. 17112 - 17129 (2016)
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