Zeitschriftenartikel (5877)

Hoffmann, A.; Spengler, D.: Chromatin Remodeler CHD8 in Autism and Brain Development. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 10 (2), 366 (2021)
Hofmann, C.; Sander, A.; Wang, X. X.; Buerge, M.; Jungwirth, B.; Borgstedt, L.; Kreuzer, M.; Kopp, C.; Schorpp, K.; Hadian, K. et al.; Wotjak, C. T.; Ebert, T.; Ruitenberg, M.; Parsons, C. G.; Rammes, G.: Inhalational Anesthetics Do Not Deteriorate Amyloid-beta-Derived Pathophysiology in Alzheimer's Disease: Investigations on the Molecular, Neuronal, and Behavioral Level. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 84 (3), S. 1193 - 1218 (2021)
Hogh, S.; Hegaard, H. K.; Renault, K. M.; Cvetanovska, E.; Kjaerbye-Thygesen, A.; Juul, A.; Borgsted, C.; Bjertrup, A. J.; Miskowiak, K. W.; Vaever, M. S. et al.; Stenbaek, D. S.; Dam, V. H.; Binder, E.; Ozenne, B.; Mehta, D.; Frokjaer, V. G.: Short-term oestrogen as a strategy to prevent postpartum depression in high-risk women: protocol for the double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled MAMA clinical trial. BMJ OPEN 11 (12), e052922 (2021)
Irmscher, S.; Zipfel, S. L. H.; Halder, L. D.; Ivanov, L.; Gonzalez-Delgado, A.; Waldeyer, C.; Seiffert, M.; Brunner, F. J.; von der Heide, M.; Loeschmann, I. et al.; Wulf, S.; Czamara, D.; Papac-Milicevic, N.; Strauss, O.; Lorkowski, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Holers V, M.; Banda, N. K.; Zeller, T.; Binder, E. B.; Binder, C. J.; Wiech, T.; Zipfel, P. F.; Skerka, C.: Factor H-related protein 1 (FHR-1) is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 (1), 22511 (2021)
Javaheripour, N.; Li, M.; Chand, T.; Krug, A.; Kircher, T.; Dannlowski, U.; Nenadic, I.; Hamilton, J. P.; Sacchet, M. D.; Gotlib, I. H. et al.; Walter, H.; Frodl, T.; Grimm, S.; Harrison, B. J.; Wolf, C. R.; Olbrich, S.; van Wingen, G.; Pezawas, L.; Parker, G.; Hyett, M. P.; Saemann, P. G.; Hahn, T.; Steinstraeter, O.; Jansen, A.; Yuksel, D.; Kaempe, R.; Davey, C. G.; Meyer, B.; Bartova, L.; Croy, I.; Walter, M.; Wagner, G.: Altered resting-state functional connectome in major depressive disorder: a mega-analysis from the PsyMRI consortium. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 11 (1), 511 (2021)
Jia, T.; Chu, C.; Liu, Y.; van Dongen, J.; Papastergios, E.; Armstrong, N. J.; Bastin, M. E.; Carrillo Roa, T.; den Braber, A.; Harris, M. et al.; Jansen, R.; Liu, J.; Luciano, M.; Ori, A. P. S.; Santianez, R. R.; Ruggeri, B.; Sarkisyan, D.; Shin, J.; Sungeun, K.; Gutierrez, D. T.; van't Ent, D.; Ames, D.; Artiges, E.; Bakalkin, G.; Banaschewski, T.; Bokde, A. L. W.; Brodaty, H.; Bromberg, U.; Brouwer, R.; Buchel, C.; Quinlan, E. B.; Cahn, W.; de Zubicaray I, G.; Ehrlich, S.; Ekstrom, T. J.; Flor, H.; Frohner, J. H.; Frouin, V.; Garavan, H.; Gowland, P.; Heinz, A.; Hoare, J.; Ittermann, B.; Jahanshad, N.; Jiang, J.; Kwok, J. B.; Martin, N. G.; Martinot, J.-L.; Mather, K. A.; McMahon, K. L.; McRae, A. F.; Nees, F.; Orfanos, D. P.; Paus, T.; Poustka, L.; Samann, P. G.; Schofield, P. R.; Smolka, M. N.; Stein, D. J.; Strike, L. T.; Teeuw, J.; Thalamuthu, A.; Trollor, J.; Walter, H.; Wardlaw, J. M.; Wen, W.; Whelan, R.; Apostolova, L. G.; Binder, E. B.; Boomsma I, D.; Calhoun, V.; Crespo-Facorro, B.; Deary, I. J.; Pol, H. H.; Ophoff, R. A.; Pausova, Z.; Sachdev, P. S.; Saykin, A.; Wright, M. J.; Thompson, P. M.; Schumann, G.; Desrivieres, S.: Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of blood DNA methylation and its association with subcortical volumes: findings from the ENIGMA Epigenetics Working Group. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 26 (8), S. 3884 - 3895 (2021)
Kalman, J. L.; Loohuis, L. M. O.; Vreeker, A.; McQuillin, A.; Stahl, E. A.; Ruderfer, D.; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M.; Panagiotaropoulou, G.; Ripke, S.; Bigdeli, T. B. et al.; Stein, F.; Meller, T.; Meinert, S.; Pelin, H.; Streit, F.; Papiol, S.; Adams, M. J.; Adolfsson, R.; Adorjan, K.; Agartz, I.; Aminoff, S. R.; Anderson-Schmidt, H.; Andreassen, O. A.; Ardau, R.; Aubry, J.-M.; Balaban, C.; Bass, N.; Baune, B. T.; Bellivier, F.; Benabarre, A.; Bengesser, S.; Berrettini, W. H.; Boks, M. P.; Bromet, E. J.; Brosch, K.; Budde, M.; Byerley, W.; Cervantes, P.; Chillotti, C.; Cichon, S.; Clark, S. R.; Comes, A. L.; Corvin, A.; Coryell, W.; Craddock, N.; Craig, D. W.; Croarkin, P. E.; Cruceanu, C.; Czerski, P. M.; Dalkner, N.; Dannlowski, U.; Degenhardt, F.; Del Zompo, M.; DePaulo, J. R.; Djurovic, S.; Edenberg, H. J.; Al Eissa, M.; Elvsashagen, T.; Etain, B.; Fanous, A. H.; Fellendorf, F.; Fiorentino, A.; Forstner, A. J.; Frye, M. A.; Fullerton, J. M.; Gade, K.; Garnham, J.; Gershon, E.; Gill, M.; Goes, F. S.; Gordon-Smith, K.; Grof, P.; Guzman-Parra, J.; Hahn, T.; Hasler, R.; Heilbronner, M.; Heilbronner, U.; Jamain, S.; Jimenez, E.; Jones, I.; Jones, L.; Jonsson, L.; Kahn, R. S.; Kelsoe, J. R.; Kennedy, J. L.; Kircher, T.; Kirov, G.; Kittel-Schneider, S.; Klohn-Saghatolislam, F.; Knowles, J. A.; Kranz, T. M.; Lagerberg, T. V.; Landen, M.; Lawson, W. B.; Leboyer, M.; Li, Q. S.; Maj, M.; Malaspina, D.; Manchia, M.; Mayoral, F.; McElroy, S. L.; McInnis, M. G.; McIntosh, A. M.; Medeiros, H.; Melle, I.; Milanova, V.; Mitchell, P. B.; Monteleone, P.; Monteleone, A. M.; Nothen, M. M.; Novak, T.; Nurnberger I, J.; O'Brien, N.; O'Connell, K. S.; O'Donovan, C.; O'Donovan, M. C.; Opel, N.; Ortiz, A.; Owen, M. J.; Palsson, E.; Pato, C.; Pato, M. T.; Pawlak, J.; Pfarr, J.-K.; Pisanu, C.; Potash, J. B.; Rapaport, M. H.; Reich-Erkelenz, D.; Reif, A.; Reininghaus, E.; Repple, J.; Richard-Lepouriel, H.; Rietschel, M.; Ringwald, K.; Roberts, G.; Rouleau, G.; Schaupp, S.; Scheftner, W. A.; Schmitt, S.; Schofield, P. R.; Schubert, K. O.; Schulte, E. C.; Schweizer, B.; Senner, F.; Severino, G.; Sharp, S.; Slaney, C.; Smeland, O. B.; Sobell, J. L.; Squassina, A.; Stopkova, P.; Strauss, J.; Tortorella, A.; Turecki, G.; Twarowska-Hauser, J.; Veldic, M.; Vieta, E.; Vincent, J. B.; Xu, W.; Zai, C. C.; Zandi, P. P.; Di Florio, A.; Smoller, J. W.; Biernacka, J. M.; McMahon, F. J.; Alda, M.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Koutsouleris, N.; Falkai, P.; Freimer, N. B.; Andlauer, T. F. M.; Schulze, T. G.; Ophoff, R. A.: Characterisation of age and polarity at onset in bipolar disorder. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 219 (6), PII S0007125021001021, S. 659 - 669 (2021)
Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L.; Vinogradov, S.; Wenzel, J.; Fisher, M.; Haas, S. S.; Betz, L.; Penzel, N.; Nagarajan, S.; Koutsouleris, N.; Subramaniam, K.: Multivariate pattern analysis of brain structure predicts functional outcome after auditory-based cognitive training interventions. NPJ SCHIZOPHRENIA 7 (1), 40 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Czamara, D.; Rost, N.; Moser, S.; Schmoll, V.; Trastulla, L.; Stochl, J.; Lucae, S.; Binder, E. B.; Khandaker, G. M. et al.; Arloth, J.: Polygenic risk for immuno-metabolic markers and specific depressive symptoms: A multi-sample network analysis study. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 95, S. 256 - 268 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Dantzer, R.; Khandaker, G. M.: Interleukin-6 as potential mediator of long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms of COVID-19. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 131, 105295 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Adapting the randomised controlled trial (RCT) for precision medicine: introducing the nested-precision RCT (npRCT). TRIALS 22 (1), 13 (2021)
Kaul, D.; Schwab, S. G.; Mechawar, N.; Matosin, N.: How stress physically re-shapes the brain: Impact on brain cell shapes, numbers and connections in psychiatric disorders. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 124, S. 193 - 215 (2021)
Kellner, M.; Yassouridis, A.; Waheed, S.; Gorski, D.; Kaehler, J.; Wiedemann, K.: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as an endogenous anxiolytic in patients with heart failure?-No replication of previous results showing an inverse association of anxiety and plasma ANP parameters. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH 148, 110560 (2021)
Klein, A. S.; Dolensek, N.; Weiand, C.; Gogolla, N.: Fear balance is maintained by bodily feedback to the insular cortex in mice. SCIENCE 374 (6570), S. 1010 - 1015 (2021)
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Klionsky, D.; Abdel-Aziz, A.; Abdelfatah, S.; Rein, T.; Brand-Saberi, B.; Dong, X. C.; Kenchappa, C. S.; Li, Z.; Lin, Y.; Oshima, S. et al.; Rong, Y.; Sluimer, J. C.; Stallings, C. L.; Tong, C.-K.; 2285 other, a.: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). AUTOPHAGY 17 (1), S. 1 - 382 (2021)
Koert, A.; Ploeger, A.; Bockting, C. L. H.; Schmidt, M. V.; Lucassen, P. J.; Schrantee, A.; Mul, J. D.: The social instability stress paradigm in rat and mouse: A systematic review of protocols, limitations, and recommendations. NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 15, 100410 (2021)
Kolos, J. M.; Pomplun, S.; Jung, S.; Riess, B.; Purder, P. L.; Voll, A. M.; Merz, S.; Gnatzy, M.; Geiger, T. M.; Quist-Lokken, I. et al.; Jatzlau, J.; Knaus, P.; Holien, T.; Bracher, A.; Meyners, C.; Czodrowski, P.; Krewald, V.; Hausch, F.: Picomolar FKBP inhibitors enabled by a single water-displacing methyl group in bicyclic [4.3.1] aza-amides. Chemical Science 12 (44), S. 14758 - 14765 (2021)
Kopf-Beck, J.; Fietz, J.: Moving toward a process-oriented perspective in the personalized treatment of depression. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 271 (3), S. 413 - 415 (2021)
Koutsouleris, N.; Dwyer, D. B.; Degenhardt, F.; Maj, C.; Urquijo-Castro, M. F.; Sanfelici, R.; Popovic, D.; Oeztuerk, O.; Haas, S. S.; Weiske, J. et al.; Ruef, A.; Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L.; Antonucci, L. A.; Neufang, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, C.; Ruhrmann, S.; Penzel, N.; Kambeitz, J.; Haidl, T. K.; Rosen, M.; Chisholm, K.; Riecher-Rossler, A.; Egloff, L.; Schmidt, A.; Andreou, C.; Hietala, J.; Schirmer, T.; Romer, G.; Walger, P.; Franscini, M.; Traber-Walker, N.; Schimmelmann, B. G.; Fluckiger, R.; Michel, C.; Rossler, W.; Borisov, O.; Krawitz, P. M.; Heekeren, K.; Buechler, R.; Pantelis, C.; Falkai, P.; Salokangas, R. K. R.; Lencer, R.; Bertolino, A.; Borgwardt, S.; Noethen, M.; Brambilla, P.; Wood, S. J.; Upthegrove, R.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Theodoridou, A.; Meisenzahl, E.: Multimodal Machine Learning Workflows for Prediction of Psychosis in Patients With Clinical High-Risk Syndromes and Recent-Onset Depression. JAMA PSYCHIATRY 78 (2), S. 195 - 209 (2021)
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