Zeitschriftenartikel (5877)

Matosin, N.; Halldorsdottir, T.; Binder, E. B.: Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning Gene by Environment Interactions in Psychiatric Disorders: The FKBP5 Model. SI 83 (10), S. 821 - 830 (2018)
Mehta, D.; Bruenig, D.; Lawford, B.; Harvey, W.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Morris, C. P.; Jovanovic, T.; Young, R. M.; Binder, E. B.; Voisey, J.: Accelerated DNA methylation aging and increased resilience in veterans: The biological cost for soldiering on. NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 8, S. 112 - 119 (2018)
Miche, M.; Hofer, P. D.; Voss, C.; Meyer, A. H.; Gloster, A. T.; Beesdo-Baum, K.; Lieb, R.: Mental disorders and the risk for the subsequent first suicide attempt: results of a community study on adolescents and young adults. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY 27 (7), S. 839 - 848 (2018)
Mikoteit, T.; Brand, S.; Perren, S.; von Wyl, A.; von Klitzing, K.; Kurath, J.; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.; Hatzinger, M.: Visually detected non-rapid eye movement stage 2 sleep spindle density at age five years predicted prosocial behavior positively and hyperactivity scores negatively at age nine years. SLEEP MEDICINE 48, S. 101 - 106 (2018)
Molina-Romero, M.; Gomez, P. A.; Sperl, J. I.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.; Jones, D. K.; Menzel, M. I.; Menze, B. H.: A diffusion model-free framework with echo time dependence for free-water elimination and brain tissue microstructure characterization. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE 80 (5), S. 2155 - 2172 (2018)
Muehleisen, T. W.; Reinbold, C. S.; Forstner, A. J.; Abramova, L. I.; Alda, M.; Babadjanova, G.; Bauer, M.; Brennan, P.; Chuchalin, A.; Cruceanu, C. et al.; Czerski, P. M.; Degenhardt, F.; Fischer, S. B.; Fullerton, J. M.; Gordon, S. D.; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M.; Grof, P.; Hauser, J.; Hautzinger, M.; Herms, S.; Hoffmann, P.; Kammerer-Ciernioch, J.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Kogevinas, M.; Krasnova, V.; Lacour, A.; Laprise, C.; Leber, M.; Lissowska, J.; Lucae, S.; Maaser, A.; Maier, W.; Martin, N. G.; Mattheisen, M.; Mayoral, F.; McKay, J. D.; Medland, S. E.; Mitchell, P. B.; Moebus, S.; Montgomery, G. W.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Oruc, L.; Pantelejeva, G.; Pfennig, A.; Pojskic, L.; Polonikov, A.; Reif, A.; Rivas, F.; Rouleau, G. A.; Schenk, L. M.; Schofield, P. R.; Schwarz, M.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N.; Tiganov, A. S.; Treutlein, J.; Turecki, G.; Vedder, H.; Witt, S. H.; Schulze, T. G.; Rietschel, M.; Noethen, M. M.; Cichon, S.: Gene set enrichment analysis and expression pattern exploration implicate an involvement of neurodevelopmental processes in bipolar disorder. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 228, S. 20 - 25 (2018)
Mueller, N.; Campbell, S.; Nonaka, M.; Rost, T. M.; Pipa, G.; Konrad, B. N.; Steiger, A.; Czisch, M.; Fernandez, G.; Dresler, M. et al.; Genzel, L.: 2D:4D and spatial abilities: From rats to humans. NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY 151, S. 85 - 87 (2018)
Müller, N. C. J.; Konrad, B. N.; Kohn, N.; Munoz-Lopez, M.; Czisch, M.; Fernandez, G.; Dresler, M.: Hippocampal-caudate nucleus interactions support exceptional memory performance. BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 223 (3), S. 1379 - 1389 (2018)
Naik, R. R.; Sotnikov, S. V.; Diepold, R. P.; Iurato, S.; Markt, P. O.; Bultmann, A.; Brehm, N.; Mattheus, T.; Lutz, B.; Erhardt, A. et al.; Binder, E. B.; Schmidt, U.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Czibere, L.: Polymorphism in Tmem132d regulates expression and anxiety-related behavior through binding of RNA polymerase II complex. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 8, 1 (2018)
Nummenmaa, L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Glerean, E.: Sharing the social world via intersubject neural synchronisation. CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHOLOGY 24, S. 7 - 14 (2018)
O'Connell, C. P.; Goldstein-Piekarski, A. N.; Nemeroff, C. B.; Schatzberg, A. F.; Debattista, C.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Binder, E. B.; Dunlop, B. W.; Craighead, W. E.; Mayberg, H. S. et al.; Williams, L. M.: Antidepressant Outcomes Predicted by Genetic Variation in Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Binding Protein. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 175 (3), S. 251 - 261 (2018)
O'Neill, A. C.; Kyrousi, C.; Einsiedler, M.; Burtscher, I.; Drukker, M.; Markie, D. M.; Kirk, E. P.; Goetz, M.; Robertson, S. P.; Cappello, S.: Mob2 Insufficiency Disrupts Neuronal Migration in the Developing Cortex. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 12, 57 (2018)
O'Neill, A. C.; Kyrousi, C.; Klaus, J.; Leventer, R. J.; Kirk, E. P.; Fry, A.; Pilz, D. T.; Morgan, T.; Jenkins, Z. A.; Drukker, M. et al.; Berkovic, S. F.; Scheffer, I. E.; Guerrini, R.; Markie, D. M.; Goetz, M.; Cappello, S.; Robertson, S. P.: A Primate-Specific Isoform of PLEKHG6 Regulates Neurogenesis and Neuronal Migration. CELL REPORTS 25 (10), S. 2729 - 2741 e6 (2018)
Pape, J. C.; Carrillo Roa, T.; Rothbaum, B. O.; Nemeroff, C. B.; Czamara, D.; Zannas, A. S.; Iosifescu, D.; Mathew, S. J.; Neylan, T. C.; Mayberg, H. S. et al.; Dunlop, B. W.; Binder, E. B.: DNA methylation levels are associated with CRF1 receptor antagonist treatment outcome in women with post-traumatic stress disorder. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 10, 136 (2018)
Pardo, M.; Kuperman, Y.; Levin, L.; Rudich, A.; Haim, Y.; Schauer, J. J.; Chen, A.; Rudich, Y.: Exposure to air pollution interacts with obesogenic nutrition to induce tissue-specific response patterns. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 239, S. 532 - 543 (2018)
Park, D. I.; Stambuk, J.; Razdorov, G.; Pucic-Bakovic, M.; Martins-de-Souza, D.; Lauc, G.; Turck, C. W.: Blood plasma/IgG N-glycome biosignatures associated with major depressive disorder symptom severity and the antidepressant response. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8, 179 (2018)
Parpart, H.; Krankenhagen, M.; Albantakis, L.; Henco, L.; Friess, E.; Schilbach, L.: Schematherapie-informiertes, soziales Interaktionstraining: Interventionsansatz für Erwachsene mit hochfunktionalem Autismus. PSYCHOTHERAPEUT 63 (3), S. 235 - 242 (2018)
Peisker, C. B.; Schueller, T.; Peters, J.; Wagner, B. J.; Schilbach, L.; Mueller, U. J.; Visser-Vandewalle, V.; Kuhn, J.: Nucleus Accumbens Deep Brain Stimulation in Patients with Substance Use Disorders and Delay Discounting. BRAIN SCIENCES 8 (2), 21 (2018)
Perez-Rivas, L. G.; Theodoropoulou, M.; Puar, T. H.; Fazel, J.; Stieg, M. R.; Ferrau, F.; Assie, G.; Gadelha, M. R.; Deutschbein, T.; Fragoso, M. C. et al.; Kusters, B.; Saeger, W.; Honegger, J.; Buchfelder, M.; Korbonits, M.; Bertherat, J.; Stalla, G. K.; Hermus, A. R.; Beuschlein, F.; Reincke, M.: Somatic USP8 mutations are frequent events in corticotroph tumor progression causing Nelson's tumor. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 178 (1), S. 57 - 63 (2018)
Pillai, A. G.; Arp, M.; Velzing, E.; Lesuis, S. L.; Schmidt, M. V.; Holsboer, F.; Joels, M.; Krugers, H. J.: Early life stress determines the effects of glucocorticoids and stress on hippocampal function: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence respectively. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 133, S. 307 - 318 (2018)
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