Zeitschriftenartikel (5877)

Lahnakoski, J. M.; Jaaskelainen, I. P.; Sams, M.; Nummenmaa, L.: Neural Mechanisms for Integrating Consecutive and Interleaved Natural Events. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 38 (7), S. 3360 - 3376 (2017)
Lewitzka, U.; Bauer, M.; Ripke, B.; Bronisch, T.; Günther, L.: Impulsivity and Saliva Cortisol in Patients with Suicide Attempt and Controls. NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY 75 (4), S. 162 - 168 (2017)
Li, J.-T.; Xie, X.-M.; Yu, J.-Y.; Sun, Y.-X.; Liao, X.-M.; Wang, X.-X.; Su, Y.-A.; Liu, Y.-J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Wang, X.-D. et al.; Si, T.-M.: Suppressed Calbindin Levels in Hippocampal Excitatory Neurons Mediate Stress-Induced Memory Loss. CELL REPORTS 21 (4), S. 891 - 900 (2017)
Linner, R. K.; Marioni, R. E.; Rietveld, C. A.; Simpkin, A. J.; Davies, N. M.; Watanabe, K.; Armstrong, N. J.; Auro, K.; Baumbach, C.; Bonder, M. J. et al.; Buchwald, J.; Fiorito, G.; Ismail, K.; Iurato, S.; Joensuu, A.; Karell, P.; Kasela, S.; Lahti, J.; Mcrae, A. F.; Mandaviya, P. R.; Seppala, I.; Wang, Y.; Baglietto, L.; Binder, E. B.; Harris, S. E.; Hodge, A. M.; Horvath, S.; Hurme, M.; Johannesson, M.; Latvala, A.; Mather, K. A.; Medland, S. E.; Metspalu, A.; Milani, L.; Milne, R. L.; Pattie, A.; Pedersen, N. L.; Peters, A.; Polidoro, S.; Raikkonen, K.; Severi, G.; Starr, J. M.; Stolk, L.; Waldenberger, M.; Eriksson, J. G.; Esko, T.; Franke, L.; Gieger, C.; Giles, G. G.; Hagg, S.; Jousilahti, P.; Kaprio, J.; Kahonen, M.; Lehtimaki, T.; Martin, N. G.; van Meurs, J. B. C.; Ollikainen, M.; Perola, M.; Posthuma, D.; Raitakari, O. T.; Sachdev, P. S.; Taskesen, E.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Vineis, P.; Wijmenga, C.; Wright, M. J.; Relton, C.; Smith, G. D.; Deary, I. J.; Koellinger, P. D.; Benjamin, D. J.: An epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of educational attainment. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 22 (12), S. 1680 - 1690 (2017)
Loeffler, A.; Trojan, J.; Zieglgänsberger, W.; Diers, M.: Visually induced analgesia during massage treatment in chronic back pain patients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN 21 (10), S. 1623 - 1631 (2017)
Lopez, J. P.; Pereira, F.; Richard-Devantoy, S.; Berlim, M.; Chachamovich, E.; Fiori, L. M.; Niola, P.; Turecki, G.; Jollant, F.: Co-Variation of Peripheral Levels of miR- 1202 and Brain Activity and Connectivity During Antidepressant Treatment. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 42 (10), S. 2043 - 2051 (2017)
Maegerlein, C.; Prothmann, S.; Lucia, K.; Zimmer, C.; Friedrich, B.; Kaesmacher, J.: Intraprocedural Thrombus Fragmentation During Interventional Stroke Treatment: A Comparison of Direct Thrombus Aspiration and Stent Retriever Thrombectomy. CARDIOVASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY 40 (7), S. 987 - 993 (2017)
Marshall, C. R.; Marshall, C. R.; Howrigan, D. P.; Merico, D.; Thiruvahindrapuram, B.; Wu, W.; Greer, D. S.; Antaki, D.; Shetty, A.; Holmans, P. A. et al.; Pinto, D.; Gujral, M.; Brandler, W. M.; Malhotra, D.; Wang, Z.; Fajarado, K. V. F.; Maile, M. S.; Ripke, S.; Agartz, I.; Albus, M.; Alexander, M.; Amin, F.; Atkins, J.; Bacanu, S. A.; Belliveau Jr., R. A.; Bergen, S. E.; Ertalan, M.; Bevilacqua, E.; Bigdeli, T. B.; Black, D. W.; Bruggeman, R.; Buccola, N. G.; Buckner, R. L.; Bulik-Sullivan, B.; Byerley, W.; Cahn, W.; Cai, G.; Cairns, M. J.; Campion, D.; Cantor, R. M.; Carr, V. J.; Carrera, N.; Catts, S. V.; Chambert, K. D.; Cheng, W.; Cloninger, C. R.; Cohen, D.; Cormican, P.; Craddock, N.; Crespo-Facorro, B.; Crowley, J. J.; Curtis, D.; Davidson, M.; Davis, K. L.; Degenhardt, F.; Del Favero, J.; DeLisi, L. E.; Dikeos, D.; Dinan, T.; Djurovic, S.; Donohoe, G.; Drapeau, E.; Duan, J.; Dudbridge, F.; Eichhammer, P.; Eriksson, J.; Escott-Price, V.; Essioux, L.; Fanous, A. H.; Farh, K.-H.; Farrell, M. S.; Frank, J.; Franke, L.; Freedman, R.; Freimer, N. B.; Friedman, J. I.; Forstner, A. J.; Fromer, M.; Genovese, G.; Georgieva, L.; Gershon, E. S.; Giegling, I.; Giusti-Rodriguez, P.; Godard, S.; Goldstein, J. I.; Gratten, J.; de Haan, L.; Hamshere, M. L.; Hansen, M.; Hansen, T.; Haroutunian, V.; Hartmann, A. M.; Henskens, F. A.; Herms, S.; Hirschhorn, J. N.; Hoffinann, P.; Hofman, A.; Huang, H.; Ikeda, M.; Joa, I.; Kahler, A. K.; Kahn, R. S.; Kalaydjieva, L.; Karjalainen, J.; Kavanagh, D.; Keller, M. C.; Kelly, B. J.; Kennedy, J. L.; Kim, Y.; Knowles, J. A.; Konte, B.; Laurent, C.; Lee, P.; Lee, S. H.; Legge, S. E.; Lerer, B.; Levy, D. L.; Liang, K.-Y.; Lieberman, J.; Lonnqvist, J.; Loughland, C. M.; Magnusson, P. K. E.; Maher, B. S.; Maier, W.; Mallet, J.; Mattheisen, M.; Mattingsdal, M.; McCarley, R. W.; McDonald, C.; McIntosh, A. M.; Meier, S.; Meijer, C. J.; Melle, I.; Mesholam-Gately, R. I.; Metspalu, A.; Michie, P. T.; Milani, L.; Milanova, V.; Mokrab, Y.; Morris, D. W.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Murphy, K. C.; Murray, R. M.; Myin-Germeys, I.; Nenadic, I.; Nertney, D. A.; Nestadt, G.; Nicodemus, K. K.; Nisenbaum, L.; Nordin, A.; O'Callaghan, E.; O'Dushlaine, C.; Oh, S.-Y.; Olincy, A.; Olsen, L.; O'Neill, F. A.; Van Os, J.; Pantelis, C.; Papadimitriou, G. N.; Parkhomenko, E.; Pato, M. T.; Paunio, T.; Perkins, D. O.; Pers, T. H.; Pietilainen, O.; Pimm, J.; Pocklington, A. J.; Powell, J.; Price, A.; Pulver, A. E.; Purcell, S. M.; Quested, D.; Rasmussen, H. B.; Reichenberg, A.; Reimers, M. A.; Richards, A. L.; Roffman, J. L.; Roussos, P.; Ruderfer, D. M.; Salomaa, V.; Sanders, A. R.; Savitz, A.; Schall, U.; Schulze, T. G.; Schwab, S. G.; Scolnick, E. M.; Scott, R. J.; Seidman, L. J.; Shi, J.; Silverman, J. M.; Smoller, J. W.; Soderman, E.; Spencer, C. C. A.; Stahl, E. A.; Strengman, E.; Strohmaier, J.; Stroup, T. S.; Suvisaari, J.; Svrakic, D. M.; Szatkiewicz, J. P.; Thirumalai, S.; Tooney, P. A.; Veijola, J.; Visscher, P. M.; Waddington, J.; Walsh, D.; Webb, B. T.; Weiser, M.; Wildenauer, D. B.; Williams, N. M.; Williams, S.; Witt, S. H.; Wolen, A. R.; Wormley, B. K.; Wray, N. R.; Wu, J. Q.; Zai, C. C.; Adolfsson, R.; Andreassen, O. A.; Blackwood, D. H. R.; Bramon, E.; Buxbaum, J. D.; Cichon, S.; Collier, D. A.; Corvin, A.; Daly, M. J.; Darvasi, A.; Domenici, E.; Esko, T.; Gejman, P. V.; Gill, M.; Gurling, H.; Hultman, C. M.; Iwata, N.; Jablensky, A. V.; Jonsson, E. G.; Kendler, K. S.; Kirov, G.; Knight, J.; Levinson, D. F.; Li, Q. S.; McCarroll, S. A.; McQuillin, A.; Moran, J. L.; Mowry, B. J.; Nothen, M. M.; Ophoff, R. A.; Owen, M. J.; Palotie, A.; Pato, C. N.; Petryshen, T. L.; Posthuma, D.; Rietschel, M.; Riley, B. P.; Rujescu, D.; Sklar, P.; St Clair, D.; Walters, J. T. R.; Werge, T.; Siillivan, P. F.; O'Donovan, M. C.; Scherer, S. W.; Neale, B. M.; Sebat, J.: Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects. NATURE GENETICS 49 (1), S. 27 - 35 (2017)
Matosin, N.; Cruceanu, C.: Stress-Related Memory Impairments Are Modulated by the Synergistic Action of Stress Hormones: Implications for PTSD. The Journal of neuroscience 37 (16), S. 4225 - 4227 (2017)
Matosin, N.; Green, M. J.; Newell, K. A.; Fernandez-Enright, F.: Effects of GRASP variation on memory in psychiatrically healthy individuals and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenics. GENE REPORTS 6, S. 121 - 127 (2017)
McIlwrick, S.; Pohl, T.; Chen, A.; Touma, C.: Late-Onset Cognitive Impairments after Early-Life Stress Are Shaped by Inherited Differences in Stress Reactivity. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 11, 9 (2017)
Mehta, D.; Bruenig, D.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Lawford, B.; Harvey, W.; Morris, C. P.; Smith, A. K.; Binder, E. B.; Young, R. M.; Voisey, J.: Genomewide DNA methylation analysis in combat veterans reveals a novel locus for PTSD. ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 136 (5), S. 493 - 505 (2017)
Metzger, M. W.; Walser, S. M.; Aprile-Garcia, F.; Dedic, N.; Chen, A.; Holsboer, F.; Arzt, E.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Genetically dissecting P2rx7 expression within the central nervous system using conditional humanized mice. PURINERGIC SIGNALLING 13 (2), S. 153 - 170 (2017)
Metzger, M. W.; Walser, S. M.; Dedic, N.; Aprile-Garcia, F.; Jakubcakova, V.; Adamczyk, M.; Webb, K. J.; Uhr, M.; Refojo, D.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.; Friess, E.; Steiger, A.; Kimura, M.; Chen, A.; Holsboer, F.; Arzt, E.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Heterozygosity for the Mood Disorder-Associated Variant Gln460Arg Alters P2X7 Receptor Function and Sleep Quality. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 37 (48), S. 11688 - 11700 (2017)
Micale, V.; Stepan, J.; Jurik, A.; Pamplona, F. A.; Marsch, R.; Drago, F.; Eder, M.; Wotjak, C. T.: Extinction of avoidance behavior by safety learning depends on endocannabinoid signaling in the hippocampus. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 90, S. 46 - 59 (2017)
Morin, A. M.; Gatev, E.; McEwen, L. M.; MacIsaac, J. L.; Lin, D. T. S.; Koen, N.; Czamara, D.; Raikkonen, K.; Zar, H. J.; Koenen, K. et al.; Stein, D. J.; Kobor, M. S.; Jones, M. J.: Maternal blood contamination of collected cord blood can be identified using DNA methylation at three CpGs. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 9, 75 (2017)
Oberwelland, E.; Schilbach, L.; Barisic, I.; Krall, S. C.; Vogeley, K.; Fink, G. R.; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.; Konrad, K.; Schulte-Ruether, M.: Young adolescents with autism show abnormal joint attention network: A gaze contingent fMRI study. NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL 14, S. 112 - 121 (2017)
Park, D. I.; Dournes, C.; Sillaber, I.; Ising, M.; Asara, J. M.; Webhofer, C.; Filiou, M. D.; Mueller, M. B.; Turck, C. W.: Delineation of molecular pathway activities of the chronic antidepressant treatment response suggests important roles for glutamatergic and ubiquitin-proteasome systems. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 7, e1078 (2017)
Patel, S.; Hill, M. N.; Cheer, J. F.; Wotjak, C. T.; Holmes, A.: The endocannabinoid system as a target for novel anxiolytic drugs. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 76, S. 56 - 66 (2017)
Pawlowski, M. A.; Gazea, M.; Wollweber, B.; Dresler, M.; Holsboer, F.; Keck, M. E.; Steiger, A.; Adamczyk, M.; Mikoteit, T.: Heart rate variability and cordance in rapid eye movement sleep as biomarkers of depression and treatment response. Journal of psychiatric research 92, S. 64 - 73 (2017)
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