Zeitschriftenartikel (2877)

Nadolny, J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Rizzo, J. R.; Karska, A.; Rasmussen, J.; Sollerman, J.; Hjorth, J.; Rossi, A.; Solar, M.; Wróblewski, R. et al.; Leśniewska, A.: Main Sequence to Starburst Transitioning Galaxies: Gamma-Ray Burst Hosts at z 2. \apj 952 (2), 125, S. 125 (2023)
Pan, Z.; Lu, J.-G.; Jiang, P.; Han, J.-L.; Chen, H.-L.; Han, Z.-W.; Liu, K.; Qian, L.; Xu, R.-X.; Zhang, B. et al.; Luo, J.-T.; Yan, Z.; Yang, Z.-L.; Zhou, D.-J.; Wang, P.-F.; Wang, C.; Li, M.-H.; Zhu, M.: A binary pulsar in a 53-minute orbit. \nat 620 (7976), S. 961 - 964 (2023)
Perucho, M.; López-Miralles, J.; Gizani, N. A.B.; Martí, J. M.; Boccardi, B.: On the large scale morphology of Hercules A: destabilized hot jets? \mnras 523 (3), S. 3583 - 3594 (2023)
Plavin, A.-V.; Kovalev, Y.-Y.; Kovalev, Y. A.; Troitsky, S.-V.: Growing evidence for high-energy neutrinos originating in radio blazars. \mnras 523 (2), S. 1799 - 1808 (2023)
Ricci, C.; Chang, C.-S.; Kawamuro, T.; Privon, G. C.; Mushotzky, R.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Laor, A.; Koss, M. J.; Smith, K. L.; Gupta, K. K. et al.; Dimopoulos, G.; Aalto, S.; Ros, E.: A Tight Correlation between Millimeter and X-Ray Emission in Accreting Massive Black Holes from <100 mas Resolution ALMA Observations. \apjl 952 (2), L28, S. L28 (2023)
Savolainen, T.; Giovannini, G.; Kovalev, Y.-Y.; Perucho, M.; Anderson, J.-M.; Bruni, G.; Edwards, P.-G.; Fuentes, A.; Giroletti, M.; Gómez, J.-L. et al.; Hada, K.; Lee, S. -.; Lisakov, M.-M.; Lobanov, A.-P.; López-Miralles, J.; Orienti, M.; Petrov, L.; Plavin, A.-V.; Sohn, B.-W.; Sokolovsky, K.-V.; Voitsik, P.-A.; Zensus, J.-A.: RadioAstron discovery of a mini-cocoon around the restarted parsec-scale jet in 3C 84. \aap 676, A114, S. A114 (2023)
Siudek, M.; Lisiecki, K.; Krywult, J.; Donevski, D.; Haines, C.-P.; Karska, A.; Malek, K.; Moutard, T.; Pollo, A.: Environments of red nuggets at z 0.7 from the VIPERS survey. \mnras 523 (3), S. 4294 - 4308 (2023)
Zhou, J.-W.; Wyrowski, F.; Neupane, S.; Urquhart, J.-S.; Evans, N.-J.; Vázquez-Semadeni, E.; Menten, K.-M.; Gong, Y.; Liu, T.: High-resolution APEX/LAsMA 12CO and 13CO (3-2) observation of the G333 giant molecular cloud complex. I. Evidence for gravitational acceleration in hub-filament systems. \aap 676, A69, S. A69 (2023)
Zhu, F.-Y.; Wang, J.; Yan, Y.; Zhu, Q.-F.; Li, J.: Origins of the shocks in high-mass starless clump candidates. \mnras 523 (2), S. 2770 - 2787 (2023)
Zobnina, D.-I.; Aller, H.-D.; Aller, M.-F.; Homan, D.-C.; Kovalev, Y.-Y.; Lister, M.-L.; Pashchenko, I.-N.; Pushkarev, A.-B.; Savolainen, T.: MOJAVE - XXI. Decade-long linear polarization variability in AGN jets at parsec scales. \mnras 523 (3), S. 3615 - 3628 (2023)
Abdul Halim, A.; Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; and 368 more, i.; Biermann, P.L.: Search for Ultra-high-energy Photons from Gravitational Wave Sources with the Pierre Auger Observatory. \apj 952 (1), 91, S. 91 (2023)
Benáček, J.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.; Jessner, A.: Linear acceleration emission of pulsar relativistic streaming instability and interacting plasma bunches. \aap 675, A42, S. A42 (2023)
Borlaff, A. S.; Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Beck, R.; Clark, S. E.; Ntormousi, E.; Tassis, K.; Martin-Alvarez, S.; Tahani, M.; Dale, D. A.; del Moral-Castro, I. et al.; Roman-Duval, J.; Marcum, P. M.; Beckman, J. E.; Subramanian, K.; Eftekharzadeh, S.; Proudfit, L.: Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (SALSA Legacy Program). V. First Results on the Magnetic Field Orientation of Galaxies. \apj 952 (1), 4, S. 4 (2023)
Britzen, S.; Zajaček, M.; Fendt, C.; Kun, E.; Jaron, F.; Sillanpää, A.; Eckart, A.; Gopal-Krishna: Precession-induced Variability in AGN Jets and OJ 287. \apj 951 (2), 106, S. 106 (2023)
Cameron, A.-D.; Bailes, M.; Balakrishnan, V.; Champion, D.-J.; Freire, P.C.C.; Kramer, M.; Wex, N.; Johnston, S.; Lyne, A.-G.; Stappers, B.-W. et al.; McLaughlin, M.-A.; Pol, N.; Wahl, H.; Ng, C.; Possenti, A.; Ridolfi, A.: News and views regarding PSR J1757-1854, a highly-relativistic binary pulsar. The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories, S. 3774 - 3784 (2023)
Dullo, B.-T.; Knapen, J.-H.; Beswick, R.-J.; Baldi, R.-D.; Williams, D.R.A.; McHardy, I.-M.; Gallagher, J.-S.; Aalto, S.; Argo, M.-K.; Gil de Paz, A. et al.; Klöckner, H.-R.; Marcaide, J.-M.; Mundell, C.-G.; Mutie, I.-M.; Saikia, P.: LeMMINGs. V. Nuclear activity and bulge properties: A detailed multi-component decomposition of e-MERLIN Palomar galaxies with HST. \aap 675, A105, S. A105 (2023)
Dullo, B.-T.; Knapen, J.-H.; Beswick, R.-J.; Baldi, R.-D.; Williams, D.~.~.; McHardy, I.-M.; Green, D.-A.; Gil de Paz, A.; Aalto, S.; Alberdi, A. et al.; Argo, M.-K.; Klöckner, H. -.; Mutie, I.-M.; Saikia, D.-J.; Saikia, P.; Stevens, I.-R.: LeMMINGs. VI. Connecting nuclear activity to bulge properties of active and inactive galaxies: radio scaling relations and galaxy environment. \mnras 522 (3), S. 3412 - 3438 (2023)
Huang, K. -.; Viti, S.; Holdship, J.; Mangum, J.-G.; Martín, S.; Harada, N.; Muller, S.; Sakamoto, K.; Tanaka, K.; Yoshimura, Y. et al.; Herrero-Illana, R.; Meier, D.-S.; Behrens, E.; van der Werf, P.-P.; Henkel, C.; García-Burillo, S.; Rivilla, V.-M.; Emig, K.-L.; Colzi, L.; Humire, P.-K.; Aladro, R.; Bouvier, M.: Reconstructing the shock history in the CMZ of NGC 253 with ALCHEMI. \aap 675, A151, S. A151 (2023)
Hunt, L.-K.; Belfiore, F.; Lelli, F.; Draine, B.-T.; Marasco, A.; García-Burillo, S.; Venturi, G.; Combes, F.; Weiß, A.; Henkel, C. et al.; Menten, K.-M.; Annibali, F.; Casasola, V.; Cignoni, M.; McLeod, A.; Tosi, M.; Beltrán, M.; Concas, A.; Cresci, G.; Ginolfi, M.; Kumari, N.; Mannucci, F.: Gas, dust, and the CO-to-molecular gas conversion factor in low-metallicity starbursts. \aap 675, A64, S. A64 (2023)
Hunter, T. R.; Indebetouw, R.; Brogan, C. L.; Berry, K.; Chang, C.-S.; Francke, H.; Geers, V. C.; Gómez, L.; Hibbard, J. E.; Humphreys, E. M. et al.; Kent, B. R.; Kepley, A. A.; Kunneriath, D.; Lipnicky, A.; Loomis, R. A.; Mason, B. S.; Masters, J. S.; Maud, L. T.; Muders, D.; Sabater, J.; Sugimoto, K.; Szűcs, L.; Vasiliev, E.; Videla, L.; Villard, E.; Williams, S. J.; Xue, R.; Yoon, I.: The ALMA Interferometric Pipeline Heuristics. \pasp 135 (1049), 074501, S. 074501 (2023)
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