Zeitschriftenartikel (1335)

Maxhuni, Q.; Karatas, A.; Fiedler, W.: Census and spatial distribution of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) population in Kosovo in 2017 and 2018. Ornis Hungarica 31 (2), S. 29 - 48 (2023)
McLester, E.; Fruth, B.: Golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus chrysogaster) exhibit a larger home range and longer travel distances than those of bonobos (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, Democratic Republic of the Congo. American Journal of Primatology 85 (6), e23486 (2023)
Merchant, D.; Lathrop, R. G.; Santos, C. D.; Paludo, D.; Niles, L.; Smith, J. A. M.; Feigin, S.; Dey, A.: Distribution modeling and gap analysis of shorebird conservation in northern Brazil. Remote Sensing 15 (2), 452 (2023)
Minasandra, P.; Jensen, F. H.; Gersick, A. S.; Holekamp, K. E.; Strauss, E. D.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.: Accelerometer-based predictions of behaviour elucidate factors affecting the daily activity patterns of spotted hyenas. Royal Society Open Science 10 (11), 230750 (2023)
Montgomery, T. M.; Lehmann, K. D. S.; Gregg, S.; Keyser, K.; McTigue, L. E.; Beehner, J. C.; Holekamp, K. E.: Determinants of hyena participation in risky collective action. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2011), 20231390 (2023)
Mörchen, J.; Luhn, F.; Wassmer, O.; Kunz, J. A.; Kulik, L.; van Noordwijk, M. A.; van Schaik, C. P.; Rianti, P.; Atmoko, S. S. U.; Widdig, A. et al.; Schuppli, C.: Migrant orangutan males use social learning to adapt to new habitat after dispersal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1158887 (2023)
Morelle, K.; Barasona, J. A.; Bosch, J.; Heine, G.; Daim, A.; Arnold, J.; Bauch, T.; Kosowska, A.; Cadenas-Fernandez, E.; Aviles, M. M. et al.; Zuniga Dan; Wikelski, M.; Vizcaino-Sanchez, J. M.; Safi, K.: Accelerometer-based detection of African swine fever infection in wild boar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2005), 20231396 (2023)
Morera-Pujol, V.; Mostert, P. S.; Murphy, K. J.; Burkitt, T.; Coad, B.; McMahon, B. J.; Nieuwenhuis, M.; Morelle, K.; Ward, A. I.; Ciuti, S.: Bayesian species distribution models integrate presence-only and presence-absence data to predict deer distribution and relative abundance. Ecography 2023 (2), e06451 (2023)
Naguib, M. M.; Eriksson, P.; Jax, E.; Wille, M.; Lindskog, C.; Brojer, C.; Krambrich, J.; Waldenstrom, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Larson, G. et al.; Lundkvist, A.; Olsen, B.; Jarhult, J. D.; Ellstrom, P.: A comparison of host responses to infection with wild-type avian influenza viruses in chickens and tufted ducks. Microbiology Spectrum (2023)
Nagy, M.; Naik, H.; Kano, F.; Carlson, N. V.; Koblitz, J. C.; Wikelski, M.; Couzin, I. D.: SMART-BARN: Scalable multimodal arena for real-time tracking behavior of animals in large numbers. Science Advances 9 (35), eadf8068 (2023)
Naik, H.; Chan, A. H. H.; Yang, J.; Delacoux, M.; Couzin, I. D.; Kano, F.; Nagy, M.: 3D-POP - An automated annotation approach to facilitate markerless 2D-3D tracking of freely moving birds with marker-based motion capture. 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), S. 21274 - 21284 (2023)
Neubauer, L. C.; Davidson, J. D.; Wild, B.; Dormagen, D. M.; Landgraf, T.; Couzin, I. D.; Smith, M. L.: Honey bee drones are synchronously hyperactive inside the nest. Animal Behaviour 203, S. 207 - 223 (2023)
Nilsson, J.; Eriksson, P.; Naguib, M. M.; Jax, E.; Sihlbom, C.; Olsson, B. M.; Lundkvist, Å.; Olsen, B.; Järhult, J. D.; Larson, G. et al.; Ellström, P.: Expression of influenza A virus glycan receptor candidates in mallard, chicken, and tufted duck. Glycobiology 34 (3), cwad098 (2023)
Nolasco, I.; Singh, S.; Morfi, V.; Lostanlen, V.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Vidaña-Vila, E.; Gill, L.; Pamula, H.; Whitehead, H.; Kiskin, I. et al.; Jensen, F. H.; Morford, J.; Emmerson, M. G.; Versace, E.; Grout, E.; Liu, H. H.; Ghani, B.; Stowell, D.: Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples. Ecological Informatics 77, 102258 (2023)
Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; de Grissac, S.; Anderson, D. J.; Cole, N. C.; Fell, A.; Gremillet, D.; Lempidakis, E.; Lerma, M.; McKee, J. L. et al.; Pichegru, L.; Provost, P.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ryan, P. G.; Santos, C. D.; Schoombie, S.; Tatayah, V.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 33 (6), S. 1179 - 1184 (2023)
O'Mara, M. T.: Tracking bats around wind turbines. Current Biology 33 (4), S. R136 - R138 (2023)
O'Mara, M. T.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Greater spear-nosed bats commute long distances alone, rest together, but forage apart. Animal Behaviour 204, S. 37 - 48 (2023)
Oelze, V. M.; O'Neal, I.; Wittig, R. M.; Kupczik, K.; Schulz-Kornas, E.; Hohmann, G.: A skew in poo: Biases in primate fecal isotope analysis and recommendations for standardized sample preparation. American Journal of Primatology 85 (1), e23436 (2023)
Ogino, M.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Aplin, L. M.; Farine, D. R.: Group-level differences in social network structure remain repeatable after accounting for environmental drivers. Royal Society Open Science 10 (7), 230340 (2023)
Ogino, M.; Strauss, E. D.; Farine, D. R.: Challenges of mismatching timescales in longitudinal studies of collective behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 378 (1874), 20220064 (2023)
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